


在斗争或竞赛中打败对方或事业达到预定目的:~利。得~。~券(指胜利的把握)。~负。无往不~。超过,占优势:~似。优~。以少~多。优美的:~地。~景。~境。~迹。~状(胜景)。古代妇女的饰物:花~。彩~。能承担,能承受(旧读shēng ):~……





汉语拼音:shèng zhàng








  1. 获得胜利的战役或斗争。

    清 黄辅辰 《戴经堂日钞》:“ 咸丰 三年癸丑二月十二日:入署后,闻 南京 有胜仗,未确。” 茅盾 《子夜》十七:“ 老赵 是想学 拿破仑 ,打了一个胜仗,就提出外交公文来了。”



  1. Most of the rebels acquitted themselves nicely, and even though the group was slaughtered, Vargas considers it a moral victory.


  2. His chocolate triumph is not the result of a snap buccaneering move, but follows decades of immersing himself in the cocoa business.


  3. Had Napoleon at that same moment thought of his infantry, he would have won the battle. This forgetfulness was his great and fatal mistake.


  4. "To win battles . . . you beat the soul . . . of the enemy man" (George S. Patton).


  5. In all, it was a disastrous defeat for the Persians, and possibly one of Alexander's finest victories.


  6. For two years it was there that we had received all the news of battles, of victories and defeats.


  7. To see victory as something good is to take pleasure in killing people.


  8. The calm ground to a life decisive battle, prepares for full, will have a successful battle in the next year college entrance examination.


  9. Watching the unspeakable carnage, you wonder how any of the soldiers could possibly have survived the battle, let alone triumphed.


  1. 我军打了胜仗。

    Our army bore off the palm in the battle.

  2. 他们将会打胜仗。

    They will win the battle.

  3. 我们打了胜仗,对吗

    and we win, okay?

  4. 士兵打胜仗, 将军得荣誉。

    Soldier win battle and generals get the credit.

  5. 兵士打胜仗, 将军将荣誉。

    Soldiers win battles and generals get the credit.

  6. 较强得军队打了胜仗。

    The stronger army gained the battle.

  7. 较强的军队打了胜仗。

    The stronger army gained the battle.

  8. 这样的球队能打胜仗吗?

    Can such team hit victory?

  9. 头炮打响, 等于半个胜仗

    The first Blow is half the Battle

  10. 打胜仗不仅仅靠人多。

    Superior numbers are not always enough in a battle.

  11. 打胜仗不仅仅靠人多。

    Superior numbers are not always enough in a battle.

  12. 什么胜仗, 是多头方面造谣。

    All this talk about a victory by the Central Army is just a rumour put about by the bulls.

  13. 打胜仗是我力争上游的方式。

    I advance myself only through victory.

  14. 我们明天会打个大胜仗。

    We will win a great victory tomorrow.

  15. 他们拼命抵抗, 终于打了胜仗。

    They resisted desperately and won the battle.

  16. 第二年打了好几场胜仗。

    The next year there were many victories.

  17. 最近军队打了好几次胜仗。

    The army has had quite a few successes recently.

  18. 北方一定曾经打过几次胜仗。

    Surely the North must have won a few battles.

  19. 启禀将军,我们又打了个胜仗。

    General, we've achieved another victory.

  20. 我们在普选票数方面打了胜仗。

    We are winning the popular vote.

  21. 我们的军队在陆地上打了胜仗。

    Our armies have triumphed on land.

  22. 我们向北推进,打了几个胜仗。

    We pushed northward, gained several victories over the enemy.

  23. 没有被检阅过的部队总是打胜仗。

    No inspectionready unit ever passed combat.

  24. 这位打了胜仗的将军凯旋而归。

    The victorious general made a triumphant return.

  25. 我们伟大的士兵们又一次打胜仗了。

    Another triumph for our magnificent men in arms.

  26. 希腊人向北推进,打了几次胜仗。

    The Greeks pushed northward, gained several victories over the enemy.

  27. 由于采取了这些措施, 打了一个大胜仗。

    These measures resulted in a great victory.

  28. 这只是第五天得事, 35天后才打胜仗。

    This was the fifth day, sir, the battle went on for35 more.

  29. 这只是第五天的事,35天后才打胜仗。

    This was the fifth day, sir, the battle went on for35 more.

  30. 这么多船不能用, 我们怎能打胜仗呢

    With so many ships out of commission, how can we win this war


  1. 问:胜仗拼音怎么拼?胜仗的读音是什么?胜仗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胜仗的读音是shèngzhàng,胜仗翻译成英文是 victorious battle




【读音】shèng zhàng


【出处】清·黄辅辰《戴经堂日钞》:“ 咸丰三年癸丑二月十二日:入署后,闻南京有胜仗,未确。”

【示例】茅盾《子夜》十七:“ 老赵是想学拿破仑,打了一个胜仗,就提出外交公文来了。”