如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
在斗争或竞赛中打败对方或事业达到预定目的:~利。得~。~券(指胜利的把握)。~负。无往不~。超过,占优势:~似。优~。以少~多。优美的:~地。~景。~境。~迹。~状(胜景)。古代妇女的饰物:花~。彩~。能承担,能承受(旧读shēng ):~……
汉语拼音:huò shèng
When the referee awarded the title to the winner, the crowd, who disagreed with him, gave him the Bronx cheer .
当裁判把锦标授予获胜者时,与裁判持不同意见的群众对他发出嘲弄的嘘嘘声。Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.
让我获胜,如果我不能获胜,让我勇敢地去尝试。It was not a great result because we did not win and I think we could have done a bit better.
比赛结果不算好,因为我们没有获胜,而且我想我们本可以做的更好一些。There was one notable exception: Supposedly Mani the Parakeet had a sterling record before the final, when he picked the Netherlands.
只有一个值得注意的例外:假设鹦鹉“曼尼”预测荷兰会获胜,而它在世界杯决赛前有着绝佳的纪录。Irish Foreign Minister Martin said he is confident that Mitchell can prevail in his Middle East task as well.
爱尔兰外长马丁表示,他相信,米切尔一定也能够在中东任务中获胜。She said there was no decision on whether the winner of the November 4 election will attend.
她说,还没有决定11月4号总统选举的获胜者是否出席这次峰会。My teachers and classmates looked at me with new eyes until I prevail against the competitions and get excellent grades in tests.
但后来,当我一次次在比赛中获胜并且考试不断取得优异成绩的时候,老师和同学不得不对我刮目相看。Kalashnikov's design won a state competition in 1947 (thus the name AK-47) and went into mass production two years later.
卡拉什尼科夫中士的设计构思在1947年官方竞争中获胜(Ak-47从此问世),两年后开始大规模生产。O'REILLY: OK. But there's big money here, you know, for the winners of these programs.