


劳绩,成绩,与“过”相对:~勋。~绩。论~行赏。徒劳无~。~德无量(liàng )。~成不居(立了功而不把功劳归于自己)。成就,成效:成~。~能。~亏一篑。事半~倍。急~近利。物理学上指用力使物体移动的工作,等于力乘移动的距离:~率。本领,……





汉语拼音:gōng lì








  1. 功劳;功业。

    《商君书·错法》:“故人君者先便请謁而后功力,则爵行而兵弱矣。”《史记·留侯世家论》:“ 高祖 离困者数矣,而 留侯 常有功力焉,岂可谓非天乎?”《汉书·晁错传》:“臣闻 秦 始并天下之时,其主不及 三王 ,而臣不及其佐,然功力不迟者,何也?地形便,山川利,财用足,民利战。”

  2. 功效。

    汉 王充 《论衡·效力》:“案诸为人用之物,须人用之,功力乃立。” 唐 白居易 《卯时酒》诗:“佛法讚醍醐,仙方夸沆瀣。未如卯时酒,神速功力倍。” 宋 周密 《齐东野语·山獭治箭毒》:“﹝山獭﹞能解箭毒,中箭者研其骨少许,傅之立消,一枚直金一两。或得杀死者,功力劣。”

  3. 指雇工。


  4. 指作事所费的时间和力量。

    南朝 宋 鲍照 《谢假启》:“臣居家之治,上漏下湿,暑雨将降,有惧崩压,比欲完葺,私寡功力。” 宋 苏轼 《录进单锷吴中水利书》:“昔 治平 中提刑 元积中 开运河,尝开见函管,但见函管之中皆泥沙,以谓功力甚大,非可易復,遂已。”

  5. 指在技艺或学术上的造诣。

    清 赵翼 《瓯北诗话·查初白诗》:“要其功力之深, 香山 、 放翁 后一人而已。” 臧克家 《老舍永在》:“﹝ 老舍 ﹞旧诗写得很好,有才情,也有功力。”



  1. n.
  2. efficacy

  1. 武术功力锦标赛

    Wushu effect championship

  2. 这种药得功力真是大。

    This medicine has a very strong effect.

  3. 这种药的功力真是大。

    This medicine has a very strong effect.

  4. 这种药的功力真是大。

    This medicine has a very strong effect.

  5. 勤练能增强自身功力。

    Practice frequently, it can strengthen your Kungfu.

  6. 同时,防守功力也保佑着火箭。

    Meanwhile, defense has bailed out the Rockets.

  7. 仍有很大功力的旧发动机

    An old engine that still has lots of kick.

  8. 她的画有功力, 但布局欠佳。

    Her drawing is competent, but her composition is poor.

  9. 她认为那作者的功力不怎样。

    She doesn't think much of that writer's ability.

  10. 浅谈武举制与武术功力大赛

    On the Military Officer Choosing Institution and Wushu Kungfu Competition

  11. 话剧演员需要有深厚的台词功力。

    Stage actors should have superb skills for delivering lines.

  12. 话剧演员需要有深厚的台词功力。

    Stage actors should have superb skills for delivering lines.

  13. 然而赛佛写作技巧纯熟,功力炉火纯青。

    But Ms. Seiffert has the lightest of touches.

  14. 我让你们充分发挥自己的文学功力。

    When I said, develop your literary skills.

  15. 现在,你能欣赏他们的匠心功力了。

    Now you will be better able to appreciate their mastery.

  16. 当然,灌水功力都是有点水平啦。

    We are all from Add Water Family.

  17. 这幅画笔势苍老遒劲,显出画家功力深厚。

    The brushstrokes in this painting exhibit force and vigour characteristic of a master.

  18. 他父亲的半身铜像展现出非凡的艺术功力。

    A bronze bust of his father shows real ability.

  19. 他父亲的半身铜像展现出非凡的艺术功力。

    A bronze bust of his father shows real ability.

  20. 功力深厚, 技巧娴熟或有个人风格的音乐师

    a musician with masterly ability, technique, or personal style

  21. 这尊泥塑看起来风格古拙, 可见制作者的功力。

    The primitive and crude form of this clay sculpture shows its maker's remarkable skills.

  22. 这尊泥塑看起来风格古拙, 可见制作者得功力。

    The primitive and crude form of this clay sculpture shows its maker's remarkable skills.

  23. 这尊泥塑看起来风格古拙,可见制作者的功力。

    The primitive and crude form of this clay sculpture shows its maker's remarkable skills.

  24. 不过,他的专业校考成绩达到615分,功力不浅。

    However,his professional school test scores reach 615 points,skill greatly.

  25. 你最近的作品差了,我希望你能保持你的艺术功力。

    Your recent work's been bad; I hope you're not losing your touch.

  26. 张宝胜推说是现场气氛不好,影响功力发挥。

    Zheng Baosheng complained that the atmosphere there was not suitable for him to perform properly.

  27. 油耗低,功力大,二次补气装置低排放,超值发动机。

    Oil Consumption low skill big two vital installations low emissions, excellent engine.

  28. 演奏能手功力深厚, 技巧娴熟或有个人风格的音乐师

    A musician with masterly ability, technique, or personal style.

  29. 舞蹈形象鲜明、动作流畅、结构凝炼,于简洁中见功力。

    The dance had distinct characters, smooth movements and concise structure.

  30. 这篇文章文笔显得有些蹇涩,可见作者的功力尚浅。

    The essay doesn't reads smoothly, which reveals that the author is far from being skilled in writing.


  1. 问:功力拼音怎么拼?功力的读音是什么?功力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:功力的读音是gōnglì,功力翻译成英文是 Effectiveness




拼音:gōng lì释义:①功效②功夫和力量,多指在技艺或学术上的造诣:书法很有功力探源:(1)指功劳。《史记·留侯世家传赞》:“高祖离困者数矣,而留侯常有功力焉。”(2)指功效。白居易《卯时酒》诗:“神速功力倍。”(3)同“工力”。基本

解释:1. [merits;efficacy]∶功业;功劳功力未见于国者,则不可授以重禄。——《管子·立政》2. [force and skill,esp. in regard to training]∶在技艺或学术上的造诣;功夫和力量