







汉语拼音:gù wǒ







  1. 旧我;过去的我。

    宋 陈著 《贺新郎·次韵戴时芳》词:“谁料腥埃妨阔步,孤瘦依然故我。” 郁达夫 《别戴某》诗:“但愿他年再见时,我非故我汝非汝。”



  1. This framework is only valid in so far as Think the I think, namely, that I argue the cogito with the Other.


  2. I will now dare to define the Cartesian I think as participating, in its striving towards certainty, in a sort of abortion.


  3. Since this claim was filed two months after their arrival at your port, we regret that it cannot be accepted.


  4. We are having some trouble in receiving payment, so we want to ask if we could defer payment until the end of the month.


  5. of the pivot-point, the change-line that you stand on the brink of, and that everyone is approaching.


  6. Contract stipulate loading inspection final accordingly ourselves irresponsible.


  7. and goes on: 'nor, when one says, I think, therefore I am or exist, does he deduce existence from thought by means of a syllogism'.


  8. Could it choose to meditate or to contemplate: "I think, therefore I am" ?


  9. So I'm looking optimistically at our opportunities for creating a true blue perspective for this beautiful planet.


  1. 我怀疑故我在

    I doubt and I exist

  2. 我实干,故我在。

    I work, therefore I am.

  3. 存在主义我屎故我在。

    Existentialism I shit therefore I am.

  4. 是我摇动事物,故我在。

    is I shake things up, therefore I am.

  5. 多年以后, 故我未变。

    Though many years have passed, nothing has changed in me.

  6. 多年以后,故我未变。

    Though many years have passed, nothing has changed in me.

  7. 多年以后,故我未变。

    Though many years have passed , nothing has changed in me .

  8. 迪卡儿我大便故我在。

    Descartes I shit, therefore I am.

  9. 故我爱高举十字宝架。

    So I'll cherish the old rugged cross.

  10. 笛卡尔说,我思,故我在。

    Descartes said, I thought, so I exist.

  11. 她建议改为,我感觉,故我自由。

    She suggested, I feel, therefore I am free.

  12. 为此之故我不想让你走。

    It's for this reason that I don't want you to go.

  13. 故我面临的遭遇,不论大小的难处。

    So as I face tomorrow with its problems large and small.

  14. 故我要高举起主让世人看见。

    So lift it high in the sky let the whole world know.

  15. 有时有胜于无,存在胜于消失,我存在,故我快乐。

    Sometimes there are better than nothing, there is better than disappear, I exist, therefore I am happy.

  16. 由于目前的工作缺乏发展机会,故我打算离开。

    The reason fro leaving my present employment is that I see no chances for further advancement.

  17. 想到故我今我同为一人并不使我难为情。

    To think that once I was the same man did not embarrass me.

  18. 或者像我的朋友笛卡尔描述的那样,我思,故我在。

    Or as my friend Descartes might put it, we think, therefore we are.

  19. 我受难, 故我存在浅谈刘恒小说苦难叙事的意义

    I Have Suffered Calamities, So I Could ExistOn the Importance of Suffering Narrate of Liu Hengs Novel

  20. 故我惩罚了他们,你看看否认正道者的结局是怎样的!

    So We exacted retribution from them now see what was the end of those who rejected !

  21. 我碰见野花的种子荚,它是如此整齐对称,故我必须拍下它。

    I came upon this seed pod of a wild flower. It was so symmetrical that I must take a picture of it.

  22. 故我欲战,敌虽高垒深沟,不得不与我战者,攻其所必救也。

    If we wish to fight, the enemy can be forced to an engagement even though he be sheltered Behind a high rampart and a deep ditch. All we need do is attack some other place that he will be obliged to relieve.

  23. 我思我故在

    I think, therefore I exist.

  24. 你别跟我故作强硬。我知道你连只苍蝇都舍杀。

    Don't you act so tough with me. I know you couldn't hurt a fly.

  25. 你别跟我故作强硬。我知道你连只是苍蝇都舍不得杀。

    Don't you act so tough with me. I know you couldn't hurt a fly.

  26. 以下6本书挑战我的人生观,颠覆我故有严苛的理念。

    Here are the6 books that challenged my perspectives and wiped of my stringent notions.

  27. 你很快会再往那边去吗?我故作不知地问道。

    Any chance you'd be heading out that way again, soon?'I asked innocently.

  28. 亚基帕王啊,我故此没有违背那从天上来的异象,

    Therefore, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision

  29. 亚基帕王阿,我故此没有违背那从天上来的异象。

    So then, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the vision from heaven.

  30. 是故,我将爱,视为生命赐予我最好得礼物。

    Therefore, I as life gave me the best gift.


  1. 问:故我拼音怎么拼?故我的读音是什么?故我翻译成英文是什么?

    答:故我的读音是gùwǒ,故我翻译成英文是 A former self; one's old self.




拼音:gùwǒ 基本解释 [my old self] 自己仍象从前一样。又称“故吾” 虽忘乎故吾,吾有不忘者存。——《庄子·田子方》 依然故我 详细解释 旧我;过去的我。 宋 陈著《贺新郎·次韵戴时芳》词:“谁料腥埃妨阔步,孤瘦依然故我。” 郁达夫 《别戴某》诗:“但愿他年再见时,我非故我汝非汝。” 近义词 故乡、家乡 反义词 异乡、他乡