




1. 粹 [cuì]粹 [cuì]纯一,不杂:纯~。~白。~而不杂。精华:国~(一国文化的精华)。文~。精~。古同“萃”,齐全,集聚。……



汉语拼音:nà cuì






  1. 德语Nationalsozialistische(Partei)的缩写Nazi的音译。第一次世界大战后兴起的 德国 国家社会党,是以 希特勒 为首的最反动的法西斯主义政党。



  1. Student Charlotte Szymanowski said the project helped her gain a fuller understanding of the human costs of the Nazi era.


  2. and there was at least one expedition by the Nazi military to exploit that belief for strategic advantage during the war.


  3. On his way home, Berger said, he had to walk pass a phalanx of Nazi officers who beat him at will.


  4. He seems to think that, since the murder of millions isn't funny, there is nothing to laugh at about the Nazis.


  5. Hanfstaengl took the Nazi party leader aside and told him that if Churchill saw him now, his failure to appear would be seen as an insult.


  6. In just a few days in 1941, the Nazis shot more Jews in the east than they had inmates in all their concentration camps.


  7. Why did it take Ambassador Dodd and his daughter so long to see the Nazi government for the ruthless regime it was?


  8. Sgt. Semenov jumped on a Nazi who was trying to shoot, wrought the submachinegun out and knocked the German off with the weapon's butt.


  9. But it was more than heroism that kept Britain out of Nazi captivity.


  1. 纳粹集中营

    a Nazi concentration camp.

  2. 他谴责纳粹。

    He denounced the nazis.

  3. 纳粹警世录

    BBC The Nazis A Warning From History.

  4. 北约还是纳粹?

    NATO or NAZI?

  5. 纳粹入侵荷兰

    The Nazis invaded The Netherlands.

  6. 纳粹党的崛起

    the rise of the Nazis.

  7. 纳粹党突击队员

    storm trooper

  8. 纳粹屠犹影视

    Film and Video of Nazi Massacre Jew.

  9. 那就是那个纳粹?

    That's the nazi?

  10. 纳粹统治的暴行

    the tyrannies of Nazi rule

  11. 纳粹的集会, 报纸。

    a Nazi meeting, newspaper

  12. 犹太人受纳粹迫害。

    Jews were persecuted by the Nazis.

  13. 你不是新的纳粹

    Oh, you are not the new nazi.

  14. 他是个纳粹战犯。

    He was a Nazi war criminal.

  15. 纳粹德国文学史

    German Literature under National Socialism

  16. 那个纳粹?我也一样。

    The nazi? Me too.

  17. 纳粹主义的复活

    a rebirth of Nazism

  18. 对纳粹的武装抵抗

    armed resistance against the Nazis

  19. 追踪纳粹德国科学家

    The Hunt For Hitlers Scientists

  20. 纳粹时代的心理历史

    The psychohistory of the Nazi era.

  21. 肃清纳粹主义或纳粹影响

    to denazify Nazism or Nazi influences

  22. 像你这样的纳粹走狗

    A nazi stooge like you

  23. 占领波兰的纳粹军队

    the Nazi occupiers of Poland

  24. 纳粹运动与德国青年

    Nazi Movement and German youth

  25. 纳粹分子专会干这个。

    Nazis are expert at that.

  26. 你归那个纳粹?我也是。

    You got the nazi? So did I.

  27. 从纳粹形态中解放出来。

    free from Nazi ideology.

  28. 你是否被迫成为纳粹党?

    Were you forced to become a member of the Nazi party?

  29. 纳粹以强权统治这个国家。

    Nazi ruled the nation with an iron fist.

  30. 纳粹分子用枪托毒打他们。

    The Nazis worked them over with gun butts.


  1. 问:纳粹拼音怎么拼?纳粹的读音是什么?纳粹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纳粹的读音是nàcuì,纳粹翻译成英文是 Nazi

  2. 问:纳粹党拼音怎么拼?纳粹党的读音是什么?纳粹党翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纳粹党的读音是,纳粹党翻译成英文是 Nazi Party

  3. 问:纳粹主义拼音怎么拼?纳粹主义的读音是什么?纳粹主义翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纳粹主义的读音是,纳粹主义翻译成英文是 Nazism

  4. 问:纳粹分子拼音怎么拼?纳粹分子的读音是什么?纳粹分子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纳粹分子的读音是nà cuì fèn zǐ,纳粹分子翻译成英文是 Nazi

  5. 问:纳粹德国拼音怎么拼?纳粹德国的读音是什么?纳粹德国翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纳粹德国的读音是,纳粹德国翻译成英文是 Nazi Germany

  6. 问:纳粹追凶拼音怎么拼?纳粹追凶的读音是什么?纳粹追凶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纳粹追凶的读音是,纳粹追凶翻译成英文是 Apt Pupil

  7. 问:纳粹集中营拼音怎么拼?纳粹集中营的读音是什么?纳粹集中营翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纳粹集中营的读音是,纳粹集中营翻译成英文是 Nazi concentration camps

  8. 问:纳粹人体实验拼音怎么拼?纳粹人体实验的读音是什么?纳粹人体实验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纳粹人体实验的读音是,纳粹人体实验翻译成英文是 Nazi human experimentation

  9. 问:纳粹德国空军拼音怎么拼?纳粹德国空军的读音是什么?纳粹德国空军翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纳粹德国空军的读音是,纳粹德国空军翻译成英文是 Luftwaffe

  10. 问:纳粹德国陆军拼音怎么拼?纳粹德国陆军的读音是什么?纳粹德国陆军翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纳粹德国陆军的读音是,纳粹德国陆军翻译成英文是 German Army

  11. 问:纳粹秘密警察拼音怎么拼?纳粹秘密警察的读音是什么?纳粹秘密警察翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纳粹秘密警察的读音是,纳粹秘密警察翻译成英文是 gestapo

  12. 问:纳粹集中营臂章拼音怎么拼?纳粹集中营臂章的读音是什么?纳粹集中营臂章翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纳粹集中营臂章的读音是,纳粹集中营臂章翻译成英文是 Identification in Nazi camps

  13. 问:纳粹德国禁烟运动拼音怎么拼?纳粹德国禁烟运动的读音是什么?纳粹德国禁烟运动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纳粹德国禁烟运动的读音是,纳粹德国禁烟运动翻译成英文是 Anti tobacco movement in Nazi Germany

  14. 问:纳粹大屠杀中的儿童拼音怎么拼?纳粹大屠杀中的儿童的读音是什么?纳粹大屠杀中的儿童翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纳粹大屠杀中的儿童的读音是,纳粹大屠杀中的儿童翻译成英文是 History of children in the Holocaust


