







汉语拼音:kǎo wèn







  1. 拷打审问。

    《魏书·高祖孝文帝纪下》:“自今月至明年孟夏,不听拷问罪人。” 唐 谷神子 《博异志·郑洁》:“但云磨勘文案未毕,所言受罪亦不见其餘,但拷问秤决而已。” 清 李渔 《怜香伴·拷婢》:“今日退朝无事,不免把 留春 拷问一番,叫院子唤 留春 出来。” 杜鹏程 《保卫延安》第八章:“敌人一直把老太太拷问到天黑才罢手。”



  1. It's just too bad Salinger was just as tortured by it as you might've thought, or he woulda added to his own.


  2. What's a musician to do when he finds out that his music may have been used to torture people?


  3. It is often elucidated that the prisoner died from cruel torture in prison. The traditional viewpoint isn't consistent with related records.


  4. Ms Sorzabal alleged that she had been tortured while she was being held by Spanish Civil Guard officers.


  5. Fearing that the witness might be tortured and "disappeared, " CICIG agents fled with him into one of the hotel's rooms.


  6. There have been a few honourable exceptions in the upper chamber, notably John McCain's interventions on the use of torture.


  7. Through a mirror in the wall Christine watched her lover in the torture room. Behind her Erik stood, with his hands on her arms.


  8. In questions where freedom is involved it is not necessary to seek for the truth by the torture of those whose status is in dispute.


  9. It was perfectly possible that before he was shot the whole drama of his arrest and interrogation would be enacted all over again.


  1. 以拷问逼供

    extort a confession from a person by torture.

  2. 拷问者之影

    The Shadow of the Torturer, Gene Wolfe.

  3. 她受到了拷问。

    She has been third degreed.

  4. 他们拷问了她。

    They put her to the torture.

  5. 非常残忍的拷问

    atrocious torture

  6. 拷问者目露凶光。

    The torturer had a cruel glitter in his eyes.

  7. 拷问过程中知道疼了?

    Got hurt during the torture?

  8. 安吉洛不会拷问你的

    Angelo's not gonna grill you.

  9. 一拷问你就会招的!

    You will not hold up well under torture!

  10. 一拷问你就会招的!

    You will not hold up well under torture!

  11. 侵略者捕捉, 拷问和杀害。

    The invaders captured, tortured, and murdered.

  12. 那么,你拷问完我了吗

    Now.you done grilling me?

  13. 那么,你拷问完我了吗?

    Now. you done grilling me?

  14. 那么,你拷问完我了吗?

    Now. you done grilling me?

  15. 不,我拷问你因为我疯了。

    No, I tortured you because I was mad.

  16. 他被严加拷问,直到他承认为止。

    He was grilled until he confessed.

  17. 你是说想要拷问这个人?

    You're talking about torturing this man?

  18. 秘密警察拷问他以获取情报。

    The secret police tortured him to obtain information.

  19. 逼供需要不人道的拷问方法。

    It required unnatural torturing to extract a confession.

  20. 逼供需要不人道的拷问方法。

    It required unnatural torturing to extract a confession.

  21. 审计拷问四大资产管理公司

    Audit badgering the biggest four assests management corporations

  22. 侦探拷问犯人直到他承认为止。

    The detectives grilled the prisoner until he confessed.

  23. 在他们杀了你以前, 和拷问你以前。

    Before they kiII you, they torture you.

  24. 查佩尔和约翰逊在拷问他。

    Chappelle and Johnson are questioning him.

  25. 以前用挤压拇指来拷问的刑具。

    Formerly used to torture by squeezing the thumbs.

  26. 老爸,停止你的拷问吧,好吗

    Dad, put away the waterboard, okay?

  27. 你能别再对我严刑拷问吗?

    Would you stop giving me the third degree?

  28. 在拷问她之前,会考虑再三的。

    I would think twice about who you're willing to invasively interrogate.

  29. 大多数文明的国家不会拷问犯人。

    Most of the civilized nations do not torture prisoners.

  30. 若你不照办,我就只有拷问你了。

    I am to torture you if you don't do it.


  1. 问:拷问拼音怎么拼?拷问的读音是什么?拷问翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拷问的读音是kǎowèn,拷问翻译成英文是 to torture somebody during interrogation...





【拼音】kǎo wèn

【基本解释】 [torture sb. during interrogation;give sb.the third degree] 拷打审问,泛指用刑逼供