




建筑物的出入口,又指安装在出入口能开关的装置:~儿。~口。开~见山。形状或作用像门的东西:电~。途径,诀窍:~径。~道儿。旧时指封建家族或家族的一支,现亦指一般的家庭:~第。~风。~婿。长(zhǎng )~长子。事物的分类:分~别类。宗教的……



汉语拼音:lěng mén







  1. 原指赌博时很少有人下注的一门。现比喻很少有人注意的,不时兴的工作、买卖等。

    吴玉章 《辛亥革命·南京临时政府》:“和议一成,总统府秘书处就要取消。因此,开始很红的秘书处,现在变成了冷门。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第三部十九:“一般冷门货售出,暴利也不错, 张科长 那边多一点,前后有两亿光景。” 白危 《被围困的农庄主席》:“所以今天我又特为这件事拐到供销社办交涉,他们总算看全 张部长 的面子,给咱们订了一个收购冷门货和副产品的合同。”



  1. "But make no mistake that this film is so obscure that it might not make a return of your capital, " he reminds fund raisers.


  2. The media talked a lot about Xavi and Iniesta being favourites, and all that talk had left me a little bit out of the polls.


  3. More obscure findings can fare worse: Germs, quarks, black holes, and continental drift were all once considered laughable .


  4. Greece's triumph3 was one of the most surprising upsets in the history of football.


  5. If you can't have sumptuous play at a World Cup you at least need underdog valour and surprising outcomes to discuss in the pub.


  6. Dimensionality reduction techniques applied to the item space tend to have the same effect by eliminating low-frequency items.


  7. In the first round, he nearly knocked off Roger Federer in what would have ranked among the greatest upsets in Grand Slam history.


  8. Both of them, they think, were unpopular and easy to pass.


  9. After all, Jay is not the only conspicuous exclusion this year.


  1. 冷门当选者

    unknown elected nominee.

  2. 肌肉只是个冷门!

    Muscle is a backwater!

  3. 吉姆是决赛中的冷门。

    Jim is a dark horse in the final.

  4. 英国文学研究中的冷门

    the byways of English literature

  5. 本项目的最大冷门

    biggest surprise in the event

  6. 冷门类目自由额方案

    Cold Category Free Quota Scheme

  7. 冷门撞车获奥斯卡奖

    Crash of Oscar upsets joins short list

  8. 我弟弟选了个冷门专业。

    My brother has chosen an unusual speciality.

  9. 我弟弟选了个冷门专业。

    My brother has chosen an unusual speciality.

  10. 对一匹冷门的马下赌注

    To back the wrong horse

  11. 现在我们还要再爆个冷门吗

    And now we're gonna throw this gasoline on the fire as well?

  12. 他们把旅馆建在最冷门的地方。

    They have built hotels in the most unlikely places.

  13. 冷门学科一个次要的或神秘的学科领域

    A secondary or arcane field of study.

  14. 一个无获胜希望的人爆了冷门。

    An outsider emerged as the winner.

  15. 一个无获胜希望的人爆了冷门。

    An outsider emerged as the winner.

  16. 这次比赛她获得冠军, 爆了个大冷门。

    She sprang a surprise by winning the tournament.

  17. 那将不爆任何冷门地成为故事的结局。

    That would be the end of the story were it not for an odd detail.

  18. 获胜得马是一匹完全不起眼儿得冷门马。

    The winning horse was a rank outsider.

  19. 爆冷门呼声很高的选手被击败的比赛或竞争

    A game or contest in which the favorite is defeated.

  20. 我的研究集中于儿童文学中的一些冷门领域。

    My research focuses on the byways of children's literature.

  21. 第43届世乒赛开赛至令最大冷门是什么

    What has been the biggest upset so far as the 43 rd World Table Tennis Championships going

  22. 碰到冷门材料, 利用信息网络及时帮助联系解决。

    If they encounter the rarity materials, we can contact and solve the problem in time by the information network.

  23. 第43届世乒赛开赛至今最大得冷门是 什么

    What has been the biggest upset so far as the 43 Table Tennis Championships going

  24. 第43届世乒赛开赛至今最大的冷门是 什么

    What has been the biggest upset so far as the 43 Table Tennis Championships going

  25. 在上次联赛中我们的女子足球对爆了冷门。

    Our girls' football team was a dark horse in the last League Match.

  26. 比赛中,这个名不见经传新手爆出了冷门,获得了冠军。

    In the contest, this barely known new hand came to as the sleeper, and won the championship.

  27. 比赛中,这个名不见经传新手爆出了冷门,获得了冠军。

    In the contest, this barely known new hand came to as the sleeper, and won the championship.

  28. 家里人认为这是比较冷门的院校,可能会好考。

    Both of them, they think, were unpopular and easy to pass.

  29. 请问大家知道哪些比较冷门却很值得一看的电影?

    Roger Eberts take on the old great movies.

  30. 毕竟, 今年周杰伦不是唯一一个最显眼的冷门。

    if there are conspicuous stains , use steel wool ball or fine sandpaper to rub the surface gently.


  1. 问:冷门拼音怎么拼?冷门的读音是什么?冷门翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冷门的读音是lěngmén,冷门翻译成英文是 unpopular speciality {或} specialty; outsid...

  2. 问:冷门货拼音怎么拼?冷门货的读音是什么?冷门货翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冷门货的读音是lěngménhuò,冷门货翻译成英文是 Outdated or goods in little demand, also called a...

  3. 问:冷门股票拼音怎么拼?冷门股票的读音是什么?冷门股票翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冷门股票的读音是lěng mén gǔ piào,冷门股票翻译成英文是 low-price issues




拼音:lěng mén 辨析: 冷门(produce an unexpected winner; a dark horse bobbing up)是相对与热门来说的,冷门就是不受关注,爆冷就是有出人意料的结果。 这个词最早出现在赌场中,最早,人们押筹码,会选择最有潜力的,这样,形成很多人去押热门。而相对应的无人问津的不被看好的就是冷门。 如果冷门最终得到了胜利,那就是爆冷门。比如,巴西足球队打中国足球队,中国队胜肯定是冷门,但是如果真的胜了巴西队,那就是爆冷门了。