




1. 令 [líng]2. 令 [lǐng]3. 令 [lìng]令 [líng]〔~狐〕a.古地名,在今山西省临猗县一带;b.复姓。令 [lǐng]量词,印刷用的原张平版纸五百张为一令。令 [lìng]上级对下级的指示:命~。法~。朝(z……



汉语拼音:fǎ lìng





一般指国家机关在 职务范围内规定的带有规范性、法律性的个别文书。与法律不同。1982年《中华人民共和国宪法》已删 去“法令”一词。



  1. 法律、政令等的总称。

    《老子》:“法令滋彰,盗贼多有。”《南史·循吏传·郭祖深》:“伏愿去贪浊,进廉平,明法令,严刑罚,禁奢侈,薄赋敛,则天下幸甚。”《古今小说·明悟禅师赶五戒》:“﹝ 唐太祖 ﹞承 隋 天下,建都 陕西 长安 ,法令一新。” 徐迟 《火中的凤凰》十二:“这条法令已由 华北 人民政府通令了各行署省府及 天津 海关。”

  2. 即时令。指按季节制定的政令。


  3. 法令纹。相术家指从鼻翼经口角的两条纵理纹。




  1. A few days later, she testified before a legislative subcommittee in favor of a bill requiring drug testing of high school athletes.

  2. The judges decided it had been committed three months earlier than previously reckoned and was thus covered by a statute of limitations.

  3. Bottom line, love him or hate him, we all have to live under them at least for a while.

  4. The measure, signed on 27 September, forbids tobacco products in prisons and youth correctional facilities. Violators are subject to a fine.

  5. It was passed unanimously by the Las Vegas City Council as part of a bill making it a misdemeanor to go to the bathroom in public.

  6. "It gives the population the idea that happiness can be brought about by an act of the national Congress, " he said.

  7. We come to facilitate all this and to ensure that this next step happens at the moment specified by Lord Surea and Heaven's sacred decrees.

  8. The sad state of city schools has never been plainer, thanks to testing required by No Child Left Behind, George Bush's 2002 education law.

  9. The way we heard it framed was that people feel increasingly that Chinese society has no moral compass.


  1. 抗噪音法令

    an antinoise ordinance.

  2. 1944年教育法令

    the 1944 Education Act

  3. 政府颁布法令。

    The government promulgates a decree.

  4. 废除一项法令

    abrogate a law

  5. 褫夺公权法令

    act of attainder

  6. 颁布一项法令

    To issue a decree.

  7. 颁布法令说明词

    enacting words

  8. 国会法令废止权

    conflict on tariff

  9. 将会生效的法令

    a prospective statute

  10. 罗马元老院的法令

    senatus consultum

  11. 禁止售酒的法令

    a law prohibiting the sale of alcohol

  12. 这条法令值得注意。

    This provision is notable.

  13. 明文颁布一项法令

    proclaim a law in explicit terms

  14. 这一法令早已废止。

    This decree has long been annulled.

  15. 新法令明日起生效。

    The new law takes effect from tomorrow.

  16. 新法令明日起实行。

    The new law takes effect from tomorrow.

  17. 禁止输入黄金法令

    gold import embargo

  18. 废除一项旧法令

    to abrogate an old law

  19. 法令禁止穿著吊带。

    An ordinance prohibits the wearing of suspenders.

  20. 工作时间有法令限制。

    Working hours are limited by statute.

  21. 禁止出售火器的法令。

    a prohibition against the sale of firearms

  22. 禁止出售火器得法令。

    a prohibition against the sale of firearms

  23. 这项法令今已取消。

    This law has been abrogated.

  24. 你违反了法令第12条

    You have been identified as violating Ordinance 12.

  25. 对该法令的轻微违犯。

    A minor contravention of the Act.

  26. 施行贸易壁垒的政府法令。

    a government order imposing a trade barrier.

  27. 你违反了法令第12条。

    You have been identified as violating Ordinance 12.

  28. 法令滋彰, 盗贼多有

    the more laws and regulations, the more thieves and robbers

  29. 任意发布的命令或法令

    An arbitrary order or decree.

  30. 撤消法令, 判决, 裁决等。

    reverse a decree, judgement, verdict, etc


  1. 问:法令拼音怎么拼?法令的读音是什么?法令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:法令的读音是fǎlìng,法令翻译成英文是 decree

  2. 问:法令的拼音怎么拼?法令的的读音是什么?法令的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:法令的的读音是fǎlìngde,法令的翻译成英文是 statutory

  3. 问:法令集拼音怎么拼?法令集的读音是什么?法令集翻译成英文是什么?

    答:法令集的读音是,法令集翻译成英文是 capitulary

  4. 问:法令全书拼音怎么拼?法令全书的读音是什么?法令全书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:法令全书的读音是fǎlìngquánshū,法令全书翻译成英文是 statutory rolls book

  5. 问:法令性的拼音怎么拼?法令性的的读音是什么?法令性的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:法令性的的读音是,法令性的翻译成英文是 decretive

  6. 问:法令霉素拼音怎么拼?法令霉素的读音是什么?法令霉素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:法令霉素的读音是fǎ lìng méi sù,法令霉素翻译成英文是 actamycin

  7. 问:法令执行局拼音怎么拼?法令执行局的读音是什么?法令执行局翻译成英文是什么?

    答:法令执行局的读音是fǎ lìng zhí xíng jú,法令执行局翻译成英文是 Bureau of Enforcement

  8. 问:法令解释者拼音怎么拼?法令解释者的读音是什么?法令解释者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:法令解释者的读音是,法令解释者翻译成英文是 constructionist



基本信息 词语:法令 拼音:fǎ lìng 解释: 政权机关所颁布的命令、指示、决定等的总称。

例句: 1879年1月22日法国政府颁布法令,正式确定爱丽舍宫为总统府。
