







汉语拼音:róng lú







  1. 熔炼金属的炉子。亦用以比喻锻炼人的思想品质的环境。

    王西彦 《古屋》第三部三:“社会是一个熔炉,从那里面可以锻炼出钢铁。”



  1. 'I'm confident about my numbers of what copper went into furnaces, ' he said.


  2. The United States is often viewed as a melting pot of different nationalities.


  3. Dubai is a true melting pot of nationalities, so it's a very interesting place in terms of the people you meet.


  4. The town I grew up in was ethnically diverse enough to be called a melting pot.


  5. Restore this to the great crucible; your abundance will flow forth from it. The nutrition of the plains furnishes the nourishment of men.


  6. But rapid electrical heating did not seem to affect it in the way that slower oven heating would.


  7. But they did not think of is, the army the melting pot finally will rewrite once in its life, they are a is no exception.


  8. It was as if the melting pot of the between-wars city had been upended and distended, internationalism going vertical not horizontal.


  9. Joe comes to care for Pip in his illness and for a while it is like the old days at the forge.


  1. 电熔炉余热

    electric smelter recuperation.

  2. 熔炉耐火材料

    furnace refractories

  3. 石英玻璃熔炉

    quartz glass melting furnace.

  4. 熔炉要满了。

    Furnaces should be full.

  5. 熔炉要满了。

    Furnaces should be full.

  6. 工业革命的熔炉

    Crucible of the industrial revolution

  7. 电感应黄铜熔炉

    Electric metal induction brass melting furnace

  8. 美国是个大熔炉。

    America is a big melting pot.

  9. 土耳其求购熔炉

    Buy Furnace For Metal Tempering And Cement

  10. 电弧熔炉钢渣碳

    electric arc furnace slag

  11. 美国社会这个大熔炉

    the vast melting pot of American society

  12. 美国是个大熔炉吗

    Is America A Big Pot

  13. 同流换热玻璃熔炉

    recuperative pot furnace

  14. 馀烬在熔炉中闪著光。

    Embers glowed in the furnace.

  15. 墨尔本真是个大熔炉。

    Melbourne is really a melting pot.

  16. 据说美国是一个大熔炉。

    The United States is said to be a melting pot.

  17. 什么样熔炉里炼你的脑髓?

    In what furnace was thy brain ?

  18. 造筑水坝,阻挡河流,修建熔炉。

    Build a dam, block the stream, work the furnaces night and day.

  19. 把适量得金属放入熔炉内。

    Put the required amount of metal into the crucible.

  20. 金属在熔炉里发出灼热的光。

    The metal glowed in the furnace.

  21. 金属在熔炉里发出灼热得光。

    The metal glowed in the furnace.

  22. 是人类各种族与信仰得熔炉。

    It is a melting pot of human races and creeds.

  23. 是人类各种族与信仰的熔炉。

    It is a melting pot of human races and creeds.

  24. 啊!你的灵魂就是地狱熔炉的燃料!

    Ahhh! Your souls are fume in the Hell Forge!

  25. 啊。你的灵魂就是地狱熔炉的燃料啊!

    your souls are fume in the Hell Forge!

  26. 这个共和国是多民族的大熔炉。

    The republic is a melting pot of different nationalities.

  27. 因此巴西有人种大熔炉之称。

    Therefore, some kinds of Brazil, known as melting pot.

  28. 熔炉的火焰像是要烧着大地。

    Page 49 The fire from the forge seemed to burn the land.

  29. 余倾斜,解除了钩这个环的熔炉。

    I tilt the crucible by lifting this ring with a hook.

  30. 部队是一个锻炼意志的大熔炉。

    The army is a place where people can build their character.


  1. 问:熔炉拼音怎么拼?熔炉的读音是什么?熔炉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:熔炉的读音是rónglú,熔炉翻译成英文是 furnace; forge



基本信息电影《熔炉》改编自孔枝泳作家同名原著,以2005年3月14日19:20左右发生于光州一所聋哑障碍人学校中性暴力事件为蓝本所描述的真实故事。 影片上映后,引起韩国社会沸腾热议,舆论压力促使案件调查重新启动,最终至韩国国会对2011年性侵罪行量刑标准偏低的韩国法律作出修订,《熔炉法》于韩国国会立法成功。 中文名 熔炉 外文名 Silenced / 도가니 / トガニ 幼き瞳の告発 其它译名 漩涡 / 无声呐喊 / The Crucible 出品时间 2011 出品公司 韩国CJ娱乐株式会社 制片地区 韩国 拍摄地点 韩国 拍摄日期 2011年2月8日~2011年5月8日 导 演 黄东赫 编 剧 孔枝泳 制片人 严龙亨 类 型 剧情 主 演 孔刘,郑有美,金志英,金贤秀 片 长 125分钟 上映时间 2011年9月22日(韩) 票 房 466万2829观影人次 分 级 青少年不可 对白语言 韩语 色 彩 彩色 imdb编码 tt2070649 主要奖项 韩国“熔炉法”立法通过 原 作 孔枝泳