




1. 夫 [fū]2. 夫 [fú]夫 [fū]旧时称成年男子:渔~。农~。万~不当之勇。旧时称服劳役的人:~役。拉~。〔~子〕a.旧时对学者的称呼;b.旧时称老师;c.旧时妻称夫;d.称读古书而思想陈腐的人。与妻结成配偶者:丈~。~妇。夫……



汉语拼音:yě fū






  1. 语气助词。表感叹。

    《国语·晋语五》:“ 靡筓 之役, 郤献子 见, 公 曰:‘子之力也夫!’” 宋 欧阳修 《读李翱文》:“呜呼!在位而不肯自忧,又禁他人使皆不得忧,可叹也夫!” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·义犬》:“世无心肝者,其亦愧此犬也夫!” 鲁迅 《花边文学·刀式辩》:“文学家看小说,并且豫备抄袭的,可谓关系密切的了,而且如此粗心,岂不可叹也夫!”



  1. Dostoyevski: If no shit is true, then all shitting is permitted.


  2. The Jenovief's View of The New Economic Policy


  1. 莫吾知也夫!

    Alas, no one understands me!

  2. 信中提到你与沙维拉也夫初次见面。

    And the letter referred to your first meeting with savelyev.

  3. 他不是托尔斯泰也不是陀斯妥也夫斯基。

    He was not another Tolstoy or Dostoevsky.

  4. 蔡伟卖过香烟, 冰棍, 也当过三轮车夫。

    Cai Wei once sold cigarettes and worked as pedicab driver.

  5. 马特维也夫的运动训练学术思想研究

    Study of Matveev's Academic Ideology on Sports Training

  6. 杜思托也夫斯基罪与罚卷六, 终章。

    Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment, Part VI, Epilogue.

  7. 夫大国难测也, 惧有伏焉。

    It is difficult to fathom the moves of a great state, and I feared an ambush.

  8. 克莱夫也出局了

    Karev is also out.

  9. 麦道夫也不是唯一得流氓。

    Nor was Mr Madoff a lone rogue.

  10. 麦道夫也不是唯一的流氓。

    Nor was Mr. Madoff a lone rogue.

  11. 同时,杰夫也跟人交流癌症。

    At the same time, Jeff talked to people about cancer.

  12. 杰夫也绝对无法伤害到你,我保证

    Jeff can't hurt you, I promise.

  13. 希拉力达夫也不是老成那样了所以

    Hilary Duff is not quite old enough so

  14. 勇猛的神龙帕夫也停止了无畏的吼叫。

    And Puff that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar.

  15. 迪乌夫也呼吁增加在农业领域得投资。

    Mr Diouf also urged an increase in agricultural investment.

  16. 迪乌夫也呼吁增加在农业领域的投资。

    Mr Diouf also urged an increase in agricultural investment.

  17. 是吗?,你今早打高尔夫也有压力吗?

    Really? You were stressed on the golf course this morning?

  18. 国王约瑟夫也常常在那里度过他的夏天。

    The King Josef usually spent his summers there, too.

  19. 我在枪上装上消声器,杰夫也把消音器安好。

    I put the silencer on my gun and Jeff did the same.

  20. 勃列曰涅夫也臆下令销毁希特勒的尸体。

    Brezhnev agreed that the corpse be destroyed.

  21. 是的,这样的车夫也活着,也快乐,至少是比祥子快乐。

    Certainly this kind of puller survived and enjoyed life more than Xiangzi had ever done.

  22. 半谷节子的亡夫也曾在那里当过分包商。

    Ms. Hangais deceased husband had been a subcontractor there as well.

  23. 而与此同时, 梅德韦杰夫也公开将自己与前任划清界限。

    Mr. Medvedev, meanwhile, has also openly distanced himself from his predecessor.

  24. 毫不足怪, 曼希沃得儿子克利斯 朵夫也应该是个音乐家。

    It was no wonder that Melchior's son, Christophe, should be a musician.

  25. 戈尔巴乔夫也没有意识到,整个苏联对消费乐趣的巨大渴望。

    Nor did Mr. Gorbachev realise the vast yearning throughout the sphere for the joys of consumption.

  26. 总统艾耶夫也说,他决定要看见公义在这争论中被显明。

    President Aliyev also said he is determined to see justice served in this dispute.

  27. 今年42岁的梅德韦杰夫也不用答应与任何一个对手进行辩论。

    The Kremlin leader asks why should Medvedev participate in debates and discuss problems that will be clearly formulated in a populist key.

  28. 杰夫开幕式也不同凡响!

    Jeff The opening ceremony was outstanding, too!

  29. 夫将者,国之辅也。

    Now the general is the bulwark of the state.

  30. 使夫智者不敢为也。

    Indeed he sees to it that if there be any who have knowledge, they dare not interfere.