







汉语拼音:xiù cái







  1. 优异之才。

    《管子·小匡》:“农之子常为农,朴野不慝,其秀才之能为士者,则足赖也。” 尹知章 注:“农人之子,有秀异之材可为士者,即所谓生而知之,不习而成者也。”《史记·屈原贾生列传》:“ 吴廷尉 为 河南 守,闻其秀才,召置门下,甚幸爱。” 汉 荀悦 《汉纪·武帝纪一》:“其秀才异等,太常以名闻;其下才不事学者,罢之。”

  2. 汉 时开始与孝廉并为举士的科名, 东汉 时避 光武帝 讳改称“茂才”。

    唐 初曾与明经、进士并设为举士科目,旋停废。后 唐 宋 间凡应举者皆称秀才, 明 清 则称入府州县学生员为秀才。《后汉书·左雄周举等传论》:“ 汉 初詔举贤良、方正,州郡察孝廉、秀才,斯亦贡士之方也。” 晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·审举》:“时人语曰:‘举秀才,不知书;察孝廉,父别居。’”

  3. 元 明 以来用以称书生、读书人。

    元 乔吉 《新水令·闺丽》曲:“我是箇为客秀才家,你是箇未嫁女娇娃。”



  1. At most there might be some dried duck, but Zhang noticed that his friend Liang Zhiqing never ate any of it.


  2. It seemed as if she would never stop pouring out the stream of venomous and biting words, but the scholar was too far away to hear them.


  3. This seems to be some deep meaning behind the three dream, born on the second day of her fortune went to the dream.


  4. By the Tang dynasty, the scholar is often a kind of test subjects.


  5. Sui Dynasty began to open branches to take disabilities, also taking the first scholar.


  6. They were introduced to ask him: the price of "? "


  7. If this dead's showing just don't write to rest a book, that she can have not a way, walk to the faraway places is also his daughter-in-law.


  8. Agencies say, Heartbroken, the burden back to the shop up to go home.


  9. This magnificent flower plants, where a scholar like the Poor?


  1. 文选烂秀才半

    Extensive reading makes one a scholar.

  2. 那秀才和洋鬼子!

    That Xiu Cai and the Yang GuiZi!

  3. 秀才说死姬无命

    The Verbal killing of Jiwuming by Xiucai LV

  4. 秀才人情纸半张。

    A scholar's gift can Be a half sheet of paper.

  5. 他是我们中的秀才。

    He is the scholar among us.

  6. 子孙先后出现几个秀才。

    Several of their descendants were scholars.

  7. 他是我们班里的秀才。

    He is the scholar in our class.

  8. 秀才遇见兵, 有理讲不清

    Even when right a scholar never can win an argument with a military man

  9. 秀才不出门,便知天下事。

    Without going outdoors, a scholar knows all the world's affairs.

  10. 秀才不出门能知天下事

    A scholor does not step outside his gate, yet he knows the happenings under the sun

  11. 秀才遇见兵,有理说不清

    A scholar meeting a warriorunable to vindicate oneself against an unreasonable opponent.

  12. 从前有两个秀才一同进京赶考!

    There are two former Beijing scholar Examination together!

  13. 甲秀才连数输数盘,非常恼火。

    Jia Xiucai loses even number several dishes, very rusty.

  14. 这位秀才考了一辈子也没登第。

    This xiucai never passed the highest imperial examination.

  15. 秀才饿死不卖书,壮士穷途不卖剑。

    The scholar starvation does not sell books, heroes have not selling sword.

  16. 张秀才在梁家住了一个月。

    Zhang stayed at the Liang's for a month.

  17. 说顺听的吧,天津卫出秀才、出圣人。

    So let me start by saying something flattering. Tianjin produces scholars and sages.

  18. 我们不是圣人, 更不是满口之乎者也的穷酸秀才。

    We are not saints, nor the Qiongsuan educationclassical Chinese scholar.

  19. 我们不是圣人, 更不是满口之乎者也得穷酸秀才。

    We are not saints, nor the Qiongsuan educationclassical Chinese scholar.

  20. 小强7岁入了痒序,到14岁就中了秀才。

    Xiao Qiang entered the town school at the age of 7 and became a scholar at the age of 14.

  21. 小强7岁入了痒序,到14岁就中了秀才。

    Xiao Qiang entered the town school at the age of 7 and became a scholar at the age of 14.

  22. 老爷, 张秀才站在月台上等您呢!

    Master, Zhang Xiucai is waiting for you on the platform.

  23. 老爷,张秀才站在月台上等您呢!

    Master, Zhang Xiucai is waiting for you on the platform.

  24. 这位秀才考了一辈子也没登第。

    This xiucai (a scholar who has passed the imperial examination at the country level in Ming and Qing dynasties) never passed the highest imperial examination.

  25. 隋朝开始开科取士,最初亦为取秀才。

    Sui Dynasty began to open branches to take disabilities, also taking the first scholar.

  26. 秀才一听到末一句话,就拔步走开了。

    Upon hearing the last sentence, the scholar walked away hurriedly.

  27. 这株花富丽堂皇, 那里像个落第秀才了?

    This magnificent flower plants, where a scholar like the Poor

  28. 这株花富丽堂皇,哪里像个落第秀才了?

    This magnificent flower plants, where a scholar like the Poor?

  29. 一天,秀才忽然中午回房,招呼书童取书来。

    A day, the scholar replies a house midday suddenly, accost book child take a book.

  30. 得到秀才资格,是进入士大夫阶层的最低门槛。

    Received scholar qualification is the minimum threshold to enter the literati class.


  1. 问:秀才拼音怎么拼?秀才的读音是什么?秀才翻译成英文是什么?

    答:秀才的读音是xiùcai,秀才翻译成英文是 scholar

  2. 问:秀才爱上兵拼音怎么拼?秀才爱上兵的读音是什么?秀才爱上兵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:秀才爱上兵的读音是,秀才爱上兵翻译成英文是 The Gentle Crackdown II



“秀才”是个多义词,它可以指秀才(汉语词语), 秀才(湖南籍歌手), 秀才(百度百科等级头衔)。