




不安全:~险。~殆。~言(a.故意说吓人的话;b.直言)。~难(nàn )。~如累(lěi )卵。损害:~害。~及。高的,陡的:~石。~樯。使人惊奇的:~言耸听。端正的,正直的:正襟~坐。“邦有道,~言~行”。指人临死:病~。垂~。星名,二……



汉语拼音:bìng wēi







  1. 病情危急。

    明 王守仁 《传习录》卷上:“忽家信至,言儿病危, 澄 心甚忧闷不能堪。” 清 缪艮 《沉秀英传》:“曩时 李顺娘 死,病危时,恋恋故人,至有魂觅情缘之语。” 巴金 《关于<海的梦>》:“她病危时,两个在南方的兄弟都去 北京 探望。”



  1. I looked on-line about mine news, a little lets the human think funnily , quickly has passed on me to be critically ill?


  2. In that case, but what if he was a terminally ill patient and you pulled the plug, you could kill him to.


  3. I think this sense of my own smallness is the best I have had to offer at this and many subsequent deathbeds.


  4. Busby almost lost his life as well - he was twice given the last rites while lying gravely ill in a German hospital.


  5. Long, long ago, in a very, very faraway place, an old tribal chief found himself terminally ill.


  6. Two years ago, Father was dying, dying to think of wills.


  7. Bill get to not express his feelings acres the fact these his wife were dying.


  8. Doctors took congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords off the critical list, though she remains in a serious condition.


  9. it is still illegal for doctors to help the dying end their lives.


  1. 他父亲病危

    His father is sick as a dog.

  2. 病危病人名单

    danger list.

  3. 听说病危了。

    He's in critical condition.

  4. 父病危, 速归。

    Father seriously ill and return immediately.

  5. 他昨天病危了。

    He caught his death yesterday.

  6. 父病危,速归。

    Father seriously ill and return immediately .

  7. 临界期, 病危期

    critical period

  8. 目前她也病危。

    She is also critically ill.

  9. 他父亲病危入院了。

    His father was in the hospital with a terminal illness.

  10. 此人处在病危状况之中。

    The man is on the danger list.

  11. 他病危。他病得很严重。

    He is dangerously ill.

  12. 重感于邪,则病危矣

    being critical after repeated affection of pathogen

  13. 你个小骗子,你假装病危

    You're a little scammer. you're fake dying?

  14. 她生病了,处于病危之中。

    She was ill and in danger.

  15. 她终于摆脱了病危阶段。

    She's finally been taken off the danger list.

  16. 以配合运输病危的新生儿

    for intensive neonatal transport.

  17. 那信上说她母亲病危。

    The letter says that her mother is seriously ill.

  18. 照顾好受伤的人和病危的人。

    Take care of the wounded and the dying.

  19. 她曾一度病危, 现在好多了。

    She was on the danger list, but is much better now.

  20. 你以为他的病危险吗

    Do you consider his complaint dangerous

  21. 病危的病人受到实验性治疗。

    Critically ill patients were given access to experimental treatments.

  22. 你认为他的病危险吗?

    Do you consider his complaint dangerous

  23. 昨晚她病危,处于重病特别护理中。

    Last night she was critically ill in intensive care.

  24. 大多数来找你的病人已经病危了

    People were terminal when they came to you.

  25. 我不得不带我病危的宠物去看医生。

    I had to take my cat to the dentist.

  26. 我刚从医院得知,她已经病危了。

    I just heard from the hospital that she's in bad shape.

  27. 获悉这位老人病危, 我们大家坐立不安。

    Knowing that the old man was dying, all of were on pins and needles.

  28. 吉姆现在病危,我真不想让他死。

    Jim is dying now. I don't want him to pop off.

  29. 你觉得父母病危的想法是很正常的。

    But it's quite normai to have thoughts about your parents dying.

  30. 她的父亲病危才把她叫回家来。

    She was recalled home when her father was critically ill.


  1. 问:病危拼音怎么拼?病危的读音是什么?病危翻译成英文是什么?

    答:病危的读音是bìngwēi,病危翻译成英文是 be dying; about to die

  2. 问:病危期拼音怎么拼?病危期的读音是什么?病危期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:病危期的读音是bìng wēi qī,病危期翻译成英文是 apogee



词目病危拼音bìng wēi英文be dying词义  1指病人病情十分危急随时都有生命危险2形容某事物如某组织等正处于危险的境地