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1. 撅 [juē]2. 撅 [jué]撅 [juē]翘起:~嘴。~尾巴。小辫~着。折断:把竹竿~折(shé )了。撅 [jué]〔~竖〕眼光浅,才识短,如“~~小人,无大经略”。古同“掘”,控掘。……
He gives her a look meant to imply How can a smart girl like you ask such a stupid question? She purses her lips.
他用一种‘象你这么聪明的女孩怎么会问这么个蠢问题’的目光看着她。她撅起了嘴。The man gazed at a spot on the wall over Tom's head, screwed up his eyes and pursed up his lips.
那人盯着汤姆头顶上方的一处墙壁,皱起眉,撅起嘴。Aunt Wang has gone. The girl stood against me, she looked at me with fixed eyes, small lips with fine curve.
王阿姨走了,这丫头不知道从哪里又冒了出来,眼睛直勾勾地看着我,那张漂亮可爱的小嘴撅起一道优美的弧线。her forehead corrugated, and her red under lip pushed out, like a child's ready to cry.
她的前额蹙起,红红的下嘴唇撅起,像一个小孩要哭似的。He had black close-cropped hair, grey eyes with long lashes, white cheeks and a mouth pouting As though he were determined not to cry. . .
他一头剪得很短的黑发,长长的睫毛下面有一双灰色的眼睛,白皙的面颊,撅起的嘴巴,就跟强忍住哭似的……Hearing this at the White House, Obama pursed his lips, and said solemnly, to no one in particular, "We got him. "
在白宫听到这些之后,奥巴马撅起嘴唇,很严肃地对大家说,“我们已经干掉他了。”Mouth, When you are thinking , you often purse your lips. You might also use this position to hold back angry words you don't wish to say.
嘴部,当你在思考问题时,通常会撅起嘴来。你也很可能这样做以控制不想说的怒言脱口而出。Her lip lifted slightly as she replied, 'I will not take anything from you! I cannot! '
她的嘴唇稍稍撅起,回答道:“我不会从你那儿拿任何东西的!我不会的!”There are a lot of reasons for the pucker and lots of reasons why nature and culture made it such a useful activity.