


1. 隐 [yǐn]2. 隐 [yìn]隐 [yǐn]藏匿,不显露:~藏。~匿。~居。~士。~讳。伤痛:~恻。怜悯:恻~之心。隐 [yìn]倚,靠:~几而卧(靠着几案睡眠)。……


跑,逃跑,逃~。奔~。散失:~散。~史。~事。~闻。安闲,安乐:安~。~乐(安乐)。以~待劳。闲情~致。超过一般:超~。~兴(xìng )(超逸豪放的兴致)。~趣。~致。~品(超脱绝俗的艺术品)。~珠(特异的珍珠,喻人的品德)。隐遁:~士(……



汉语拼音:yǐn yì








  1. 犹隐居;隐遁。

    《汉书·何武传》:“吏治行有茂异,民有隐逸,乃当召见,不可有所私问。” 晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·贵贤》:“世有隐逸之民,而无独立之主者,士可以嘉遁而无忧,君不可以无臣而致治。” 丁玲 《一九三○年春上海(之一)》:“他不能像过去的一些隐逸之士能逃掉一切。”

  2. 指隐居之士。

    《后汉书·岑熙传》:“迁 魏郡 太守,招聘隐逸,与参政事,无为而化。” 宋 苏舜钦 《独游辋川》诗:“隐逸何曾见,孤吟对古松。” 鲁迅 《热风·随感录四十八》:“不知那些学‘声光化电’的‘新进英贤’,能否驼着山野隐逸,海滨遗老,折衷一世?”



  1. In this environment, the master can only choose the real recluse recluse, it seems that the only way not to be contaminated.


  2. Reclusive life, in the traditional conception, seems to have always been regarded as the supreme state of happiness.


  3. He was the advocator of immigration literature, country literature, hermit literature and folk literature. Koxinga treated him with honor.


  4. By the end of the late Song and the early Yuan Dynasties, the poetic concept of "Genre of Late Tang" is a trinity with three implications.


  5. Fisherman, as an important image in Chinese ancient hermit literature, is always loved by Chinese ancient intellectuals.


  6. He becomes too withdrawn into himself in a negative way, ending in a lethargic apathetic self.


  7. Up to Han, Wei and Six Dynasty, they gained great development, forming the first culmination in the history of China "s poetry. "


  8. As the principal part of reclusive activities, recluses were a unique social colony in ancient China.


  9. The few school friends who have surfaced have commented on little aside from his reclusiveness.


  1. 山水隐逸诗

    the landscape rural poets.

  2. 隐逸文化精神

    seclusive culture and spirit

  3. 京口隐逸文化

    Jinkou coven culture.

  4. 魏晋隐逸论

    On the Seclusion in the Wei and Jin Dynasties

  5. 古代隐逸的文化思考

    A Thinking of Cultural about the Hermitage in the Ancient Times

  6. 论阮籍, 嵇康的隐逸诗

    On the Hermit Poems by Ruan Ji and Ji Kang

  7. 试论两汉隐逸之风

    On the Atmosphere of Incognito in the Han Dynasty

  8. 初雪啊, 如此得沉静, 如此得隐逸!

    What silence, too, came with the snow, and what seclusion!

  9. 吴镇绘画中的隐逸文化

    The Cultural Scene Painting of WuZhen

  10. 隐逸文化旅游资源及其开发

    Recluse Culture Tourism Resources and Their Exploitation

  11. 从隐逸文化解读张炎词

    Understanding Poems by Zhang Yah through Hermit Cultures

  12. 隐逸,退出社会而隐居起来

    Retire from society and live in solitude

  13. 隐逸文化对文人园林的影响

    Reclusive Culture Influenced on the Literator Garden

  14. 京江画派与京口隐逸文化

    On Jinjiang painting school and Jinkou covert culture

  15. 唐代文士隐逸生活述略

    On the Recluse Living of the Intellectuals in Tang Dynasty.

  16. 农业文明与隐逸文化之关系

    Relationship between Agricultural Civilization and Seclusive Culture

  17. 隐逸之士与汉代政治文化

    Recluse and the Political Culture of Han Dynasty

  18. 论元代隐逸山水画的纯粹性

    On the Simplicity of Hermitic Landscape Painting in the Yuan Dynasty

  19. 叶芝与陶渊明的隐逸世界

    The Recluse World of Yeats and Tao Yuanming.

  20. 浅谈王维的隐逸及山水田园诗

    A Brief Talk on the Hermit of Wang Wei and His Idyll Poems

  21. 中古隐逸诗的文化功能探析

    The Cultural Functions of Reclusion Poetry in Middle Ancient Times

  22. 论元散曲隐逸思想的三大要素

    Three Essential Factors of Reclusive Idea in Lyric Verses of Yuan Dynasty

  23. 和兰花一样, 它象征着隐逸的美。

    Like the orchid flower, it typifies the idea of charm in seclusion.

  24. 略论儒道两家的隐逸观

    Confucian and Taoist Ideas of Secluded Life

  25. 论沈约的隐逸诗与游仙诗

    On Shen Yues Seclusion Poems and Deity Poems.

  26. 唐代隐逸兴盛成因的社会学阐释

    A Sociological Interpretation of the Prevalence of Hermit in Tang Dynasty

  27. 论唐诗白云语词意象的隐逸情调

    On the Taste of Recluse Living Expressed through White Cloud Image in Poems of Tang Dynasty

  28. 而隐逸生活的全部载体就是私家园林。

    The vector of recluse culture is private gardens.

  29. 隐逸思想是元散曲的重要主题之一。

    Reclusive idea was one of important themes in lyric verses of Yuan Dynasty.

  30. 唐末诗人的隐逸风尚与淡泊情思

    The Tendency to Be Hermit Indifferent to Fame and Fortune in the Poets in the Late Years of the Tang Dynasty


  1. 问:隐逸拼音怎么拼?隐逸的读音是什么?隐逸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隐逸的读音是yǐnyì,隐逸翻译成英文是 To retreat; A hermit.



轨迹 在中国各个历史时期,隐逸文化的产生和发展大致有如下轨迹:




