







汉语拼音:gōng fǎ








  1. 犹国法。

    《管子·任法》:“臣有所爱而为私赏之,有所恶而为私罚之,倍其公法,损其正心,专听其大臣者,危主也。”《韩非子·有度》:“故当今之时,能去私曲就公法者,民安而国治;能去私行行公法者,则兵强而敌弱。” 宋 王安石 《尚书度支员外郎郭公墓志铭》:“公至,即得其妄,穷而徙之,由此无敢犯公法。”

  2. 指国际法。调整各国之间的政治、经济、军事、文化等各种关系准则的总称。

    清 薛福成 《通筹南洋各岛添设领事官保护华民疏》:“当今办文照会 英国 外交部,援照公法及各国常例。” 郑观应 《盛世危言·公法》:“公法者,万国之大和约也。”

  3. 资产阶级法学中指与国家利益有关的法律,如宪法、行政法等。区别于“私法”。



  1. it seems to have nothing to do with the system of creditor's subrogation right.


  2. The books were "Law of Nations" , Dissertation on International Relations and tome of debate by Members of the British House of Commons.


  3. Criminal evidence open system is one of basic criminal evidence systems that the modem criminal law of worldwide nations set up.


  4. In public law the state also does not recognize the family; up to this day, the family only exists for private law .


  5. The power given Congress to define and punish offenses against the law of nations, thus giving that law express constitutional recognition.


  6. The principle of proportionality is deemed as "king clause" in the public laws and one of the most principles to safeguard human right.


  7. Administrative contract is inevitable product of the transformation from traditional administration to modern administration.


  8. It is also a historical evolution from an idea, through a general right in the public law, to a fundamental one in the constitutional law.


  9. The Implementation of the Law of Voluntary Labour and the Mutual Association in "Manchurian State"


  1. 平时国际公法

    international law in peace time

  2. 国际公法大会

    Congress of Public International Law.

  3. 公法和私法

    public hws and private hws.

  4. 公法与私法

    public laws and private laws.

  5. 国际公法浅论

    Comments on Public International Law.

  6. 公法线卡规

    gear tooth comparator.

  7. 依公法治国

    ruling by public law.

  8. 私法公法化

    make private laws public.

  9. 公法与政治科学

    Mention droit public et science politique

  10. 公法线千分尺

    common normal micrometer.

  11. 国际公法和政策小组

    Public International Law and Policy Group

  12. 公法与私法初辨

    An Analysis of the Public Law and the Private Law

  13. 曾纪泽与国际公法

    Zeng Jize and International Public Law

  14. 私法的公法化

    combination of civil law with public law.

  15. 公法与私法的分类

    the classification of public laws and private laws

  16. 积极的公法上财产权

    Positive Property Right in Public Law

  17. 国际公法和政治学教授

    Professor of Public International Law and Political Science

  18. 公法和私法被分卷收编。

    Public and private laws are contained in separate volumes.

  19. 巴黎大学法学院公法硕士,1970年。

    M.A. in Public Law, Faculty of Law, University of Paris,1970.

  20. 国际公法杨增新外交实践沙俄

    Public International Law Yang Zengxin Diplomatic Practices Tsar Russia

  21. 关于政治学和公法的书籍的作者

    Author of books on political science and public law

  22. 对公法和私法分类的再次否定

    Negate the classification of public laws and private laws again

  23. 磨齿加工时公法线长度的计算

    Selection of the sheared normal length for an involution gear wheel

  24. 法律还经常被分为公法和私法。

    Law is also frequently classified into areas of public and private law.

  25. 公法管辖由行政法庭和宪法法庭行使。

    Jurisdiction under public law is exercised by the Administrative Court and the Constitutional Court.

  26. 论公法上的不当得利返还请求权

    Claim for Returning Unjustified Enrichment in Public Law

  27. 公法体系要以公民的公权利为本

    Public Laws System should be Based on Civics' Public Right

  28. 关于国际公法的文献也接受这项原则。

    This principle is also accepted in the Literature on Public International Law.

  29. 公法与私法的维度考察及其理念分野

    The Dimension Inspection and Concept Separation of Public Law and Private Law

  30. 渐开线齿轮公法线跨测齿数的确定

    Confirmation of the measuring teeth number of involute gear common normal


  1. 问:公法拼音怎么拼?公法的读音是什么?公法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公法的读音是gōngfǎ,公法翻译成英文是 public law; international law

  2. 问:公法人拼音怎么拼?公法人的读音是什么?公法人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公法人的读音是gōngfǎrén,公法人翻译成英文是 public juristic person

  3. 问:公法案拼音怎么拼?公法案的读音是什么?公法案翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公法案的读音是gōng fǎ àn,公法案翻译成英文是 public bill

  4. 问:公法物拼音怎么拼?公法物的读音是什么?公法物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公法物的读音是gōng fǎ wù,公法物翻译成英文是 res publici juris

  5. 问:公法益拼音怎么拼?公法益的读音是什么?公法益翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公法益的读音是gōngfǎyì,公法益翻译成英文是 public legal interest

  6. 问:公法关系拼音怎么拼?公法关系的读音是什么?公法关系翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公法关系的读音是gōng fǎ guān xì,公法关系翻译成英文是 relation in public law

  7. 问:公法原则拼音怎么拼?公法原则的读音是什么?公法原则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公法原则的读音是gōng fǎ yuán zé,公法原则翻译成英文是 principles of public law

  8. 问:公法合同拼音怎么拼?公法合同的读音是什么?公法合同翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公法合同的读音是gōngfǎhétóng,公法合同翻译成英文是 public law contract

  9. 问:公法学家拼音怎么拼?公法学家的读音是什么?公法学家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公法学家的读音是gōng fǎ xué jiā,公法学家翻译成英文是 ban

  10. 问:公法权力拼音怎么拼?公法权力的读音是什么?公法权力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公法权力的读音是gōngfǎquánlì,公法权力翻译成英文是 public law powers

  11. 问:公法条款拼音怎么拼?公法条款的读音是什么?公法条款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公法条款的读音是gōngfǎtiáokuǎn,公法条款翻译成英文是 public law clause

  12. 问:公法求偿拼音怎么拼?公法求偿的读音是什么?公法求偿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公法求偿的读音是gōngfǎqiúcháng,公法求偿翻译成英文是 public law claim

  13. 问:公法诉权拼音怎么拼?公法诉权的读音是什么?公法诉权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公法诉权的读音是gōngfǎsùquán,公法诉权翻译成英文是 right to action in public law

  14. 问:公法学家学说拼音怎么拼?公法学家学说的读音是什么?公法学家学说翻译成英文是什么?

    答:公法学家学说的读音是gōng fǎ xué jiā xué shuō,公法学家学说翻译成英文是 teachings of publicists


