




1. 会 [huì]2. 会 [kuài]会 [huì]聚合,合拢,合在一起:~合。~审。~话。多数人的集合或组成的团体:~议。开~。重要的或中心的城市:都(dū)~。省~。彼此见面:~面。~见。付钱:~账。~钞。理解,领悟,懂:~心,体~……



汉语拼音:shì huì








  1. 机遇;时机。

    《三国志·蜀志·先主传》“ 表 不能用” 裴松之 注引《汉晋春秋》:“今天下分裂,日寻干戈,事会之来,岂有终极乎?若能应之於后者,则此未足为恨也。” 宋 文天祥 《赣州》诗:“江山不改人心在,宇宙方来事会长。”

  2. 指事情的变化。

    元 刘壎 《隐居通议·经史一》:“ 曹氏 父子方谋簒 汉 ,不知 司马懿 父子已在其侧,盖事会之无极如此。”

  3. 事情或问题的关键。

    《新唐书·马周传》:“ 周 善敷奏,机辩明鋭,动中事会,裁处周密。”



  1. "I realize this is a painful subject for you to revisit, " said Moore as he sat down.


  2. Keep and practicing. You're about to make a jump up to the next level of understanding. What you've been doing starts getting easy.


  3. She knew that saying such things made her mother angry and violent, even if the original intentions were not to anger.


  4. What if those parents hadn't reported that their baby had pieces of the wind chime toys in his mouth?


  5. All this amounts to something that Europeans, at least, may find surprising.


  6. Just as you see the potential to break out of a rut, something happens to constrain your efforts.


  7. That sense of a group of men, something "s happening. "


  8. Not only was Hurst worried about her own prognosis, but she was afraid of her daughter Ellie's reaction to the news.


  9. I thought that there the matter ended, but that was not to be.


  1. 没有任何事会改变。

    Nothing need change.

  2. 我认为这事会成功。

    I think it's going to be successful.

  3. 这事会发展成什么样

    how this is all gonna turn out.

  4. 这件事会很快完结

    if you don't pretend we're stupid.

  5. 什么事会让我愤怒呢?

    What makes me angry?

  6. 你知道什么事会被实践。

    You're seeing what can be done.

  7. 我们的事会得到妥当处理的。

    We're in safe hands.

  8. 这件事会使你入狱的。

    this may land you in jail.

  9. 那事会弄得他蹲监狱。

    That will lank him in prison.

  10. 提防尴尬的事会随时发生。

    An embarrassing situation might occur. Be alert!

  11. 我不是说这事会很容易

    And I'm not saying that this is going to be easy.

  12. 今年最坏的事会是什么?

    Well, What's the worst thing ahead this year?

  13. 这样的事会让她十分高兴的。

    Anything of that kind delights her.

  14. 然而, 我打赌这件事会平息。

    I'll take a bet on it being peaceful, however.

  15. 然而,我打赌这件事会平息。

    I'll take a bet on it being peaceful, however.

  16. 这件事会破坏团结,制造纠纷。

    It undermines cohesion and creates dissension.

  17. 但你们不用担心这事会损坏你们。

    But you needn't worry about it reflecting badly.

  18. 不,这件事会有办法解决的

    No, we're gonna make this work.

  19. 我确定这件事会淡下去的

    I'm pretty sure it's gonna blow over.

  20. 约翰,这事会毁了你的人生。

    John, something like this can ruin your life.

  21. 他知道那件事会很感激的。

    He will be very grateful to know that.

  22. 我相信两件事会连在一起。

    I believe the two events will join together.

  23. 我相信两件事会连在一起。

    I believe the two events will join together.

  24. 汤姆刚才告诉我的事会吓你。

    You wont believe what Tome just told me.

  25. 你难道看不出这事会砸锅?

    Can't you see this could blow up in your face?

  26. 恐怕这事会在我不在时发生。

    Im afraid that this would occur during my absence.

  27. 初学者做这件事会感到困难。

    Beginners will feel it difficult to do this job.

  28. 我不能想象这种事会再发生。

    I cannot conceive of such a thing happening again.

  29. 我不能想像这种事会再发生。

    I cannot conceive of such a thing happening again.

  30. 这种事会像病毒一样传播开来

    This kind of stuff spreads like a virus.