







汉语拼音:yuán zhuàng







  1. 原来的形态。原来的样子。

    鲁迅 《朝花夕拾·父亲的病》:“他低低地说,又较急地喘着气,好一会,这才复了原状,平静下去了。” 许地山 《东野先生》六:“ 梦鹿 躺在床上已有两三天,身上和头上底伤稍微好些,不过那双眼和那两只胳臂不见得能恢复原状。” 郭沫若 《洪波曲》第五章二:“那是有绝对弹性的气球,只要压力一松,它不仅立即恢复了原状,而且超过了原状。”

  2. 原先的诉状。

    《古今小说·蒋兴哥重会珍珠衫》“县主道:‘……待事完回话,把原词与你销讫便了’” 许政扬 注:“词,指状词。原词,意即原状。”



  1. With the Java language, the classes generated by the compiler generally remain just as they are until they're loading into a JVM.

  2. I haven't been typing for a year. If I start it again it will come back to me .

  3. He looked at me with an air of surprised disapproval, as a colonel might look at a private whose bootlaces were undone.

  4. Any one of these installations can mess up the boot routine, and getting a working installation back isn't always so easy.

  5. And although I was exercising for only a minute and a half, it took more than two minutes for my heart rate to settle back to normal.

  6. This is all my fault. I've got to go find him, to set things right.

  7. You look across McFarland Boulevard and you see some construction crews trying to put things back together.

  8. We lope to be able to change the regulations despite a hard core of objectors who want to leave things AS they are.

  9. They were allowed to plow up the footpaths on the understanding that they restored them afterward.


  1. 原状沉积物

    undisturbed sediment.

  2. 原状密实度

    in place density.

  3. 原状软黏土

    intact soft clay.

  4. 原状粉煤灰

    pulverized coal ash.

  5. 照战前原状

    in status quo ante bellum.

  6. 原状岩心装置

    undisturbed core

  7. 饱和原状黄土

    saturated intact loess

  8. 战前状态。战前原状

    status quo ante bellum

  9. 非原状土样

    disturbed soil sample

  10. 粘性原状土

    cohesive undisturbed soil.

  11. 重调至原状

    recondition to the initial condition

  12. 原状粉质黏土

    undisturbed silty clay

  13. 他已恢复原状。

    He was himself again.

  14. 原状碳氢化合物

    raw hydrocarbons

  15. 终止或恢复原状

    cessation or restitution

  16. 非饱和原状黄土

    unsaturated undisturbed loess

  17. 不改变文物原状

    Remain appearances of buildings

  18. 恢复原状的恩典

    beneficium restitutionis in integrum

  19. 还是依然保持原状?

    Or was the dye long ago cast?

  20. 让某物保持原状

    to let a matter rest

  21. 我们不得不维持原状。

    We have to preserve the status quo.

  22. 修葺使之恢复原状

    reinstate and make good

  23. 抱歉, 我想维持原状。

    Sorry, I want to leave it as it is.

  24. 抱歉,我想维持原状。

    Sorry,I want to leave it as it is.

  25. 一切又恢复原状了。

    Everything fell into its old train again.

  26. 空心圆柱原状土试样

    hollow cylinder intact sample

  27. 归还, 补偿和恢复原状

    restitution, compensation and rehabilitation

  28. 保持原状,不要动它。

    Leave it As it is.

  29. 它又弹回来恢复原状。

    and it always bounces back.

  30. 我们决不能恢复原状。

    We must not return to the status quo.


  1. 问:原状拼音怎么拼?原状的读音是什么?原状翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原状的读音是yuánzhuàng,原状翻译成英文是 original state; previous condition; raw condi...

  2. 问:原状土拼音怎么拼?原状土的读音是什么?原状土翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原状土的读音是yuán zhuàng tǔ,原状土翻译成英文是 undisturbed soil

  3. 问:原状的拼音怎么拼?原状的的读音是什么?原状的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原状的的读音是yuán zhuàng de,原状的翻译成英文是 rudimentary

  4. 问:原状土样拼音怎么拼?原状土样的读音是什么?原状土样翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原状土样的读音是yuán zhuàng tǔ yàng,原状土样翻译成英文是 undisturbed soil sample

  5. 问:原状砾石拼音怎么拼?原状砾石的读音是什么?原状砾石翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原状砾石的读音是yuán zhuàng lì shí,原状砾石翻译成英文是 as dug gravel

  6. 问:原状黄土拼音怎么拼?原状黄土的读音是什么?原状黄土翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原状黄土的读音是yuán zhuàng huáng tǔ,原状黄土翻译成英文是 original loess

  7. 问:原状土试样拼音怎么拼?原状土试样的读音是什么?原状土试样翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原状土试样的读音是yuán zhuàng tǔ shì yàng,原状土试样翻译成英文是 undisturbed sample

  8. 问:原状土柱试样拼音怎么拼?原状土柱试样的读音是什么?原状土柱试样翻译成英文是什么?

    答:原状土柱试样的读音是yuán zhuàng tǔ zhù shì yàng,原状土柱试样翻译成英文是 soil column