




1. 熟 [shú]熟 [shú]食物烧煮到可吃的程度:饭~了。植物的果实或种子长成,又特指庄稼可收割或有收成:成~。瓜~蒂落。程度深:~睡。~思(经久而周密地思考)。深思~虑。做某种工作时间长了,精通而有经验:~练。娴~。~习。~能生巧。……



汉语拼音:cuī shú








  1. 采用化学或物理方法促使已采下的未成熟果实加速成熟。一般施于具有后熟作用的作物,如香蕉、番茄等。也叫促熟。



  1. We wonder if it is all their own work, or whether their pushy parents have hot-housed them.


  2. In recent years, wild fruit and Qingxiang better than the flavor of fruit ripening greenhouses, with the mountains of Sun Zi aromatic soil.


  3. Details of the procedure for detection of artificial ripening of fruits have also been distributed to state authorities.


  4. In cases of unfavorable cervices, physicians usually use a ripening agent before inducing labor.


  5. Now many by hormone accelerate ripening domesticated fowl, actually includes is higher than the bee product by far the hormone.


  6. Bananas produce ethylene, a gas that causes them to ripen, and separating the bunch can slow down that process.


  7. A large body of evidence has demonstrated that ethylene is the hormone of catalyzing fruit ripening.


  8. Plants all produce ethylene, a ripening gas that promotes maturation.


  9. In addition, the red and green tomatoes may be associated with ripening agent relation.


  1. 后熟,催熟

    after ripening.

  2. 水果和蔬菜的补充催熟

    Supplementary ripening of fruits and vegetables

  3. 她可以使其他的食物很快的催熟。

    It can cause other foods to ripen too quickly.

  4. 与未成熟的猕猴桃, 梨和桃子一起置于牛皮纸袋催熟。

    If theyre not fully ripened, you can toss them in the brown bag along with your unripened kiwi fruit, peaches, and pears.

  5. 桃子,李子和油桃本身就能释放足够的其他来成功催熟。

    The peaches, plums and nectarines themselves release enough of the gas to ripen successfully.

  6. 桃子,李子和油桃本身就能释放足够得其他来成功催熟。

    The peaches, plums and nectarines themselves release enough of the gas to ripen successfully.

  7. 桃子,洋李和油桃本身可以释放足够的气体来成功催熟。

    The peaches, plums and nectarine nectarines themselves release enough of the gas to ripen successfully.

  8. 桃子,洋李和油桃本身可以释放足够得气体来成功催熟。

    The peaches, plums and nectarine nectarines themselves release enough of the gas to ripen successfully.

  9. 油能催熟这些小脓包。

    The oil suppurates the pustules.

  10. 油能催熟这些小脓包。

    The oil suppurates the pustules.

  11. 禁忌推宕着童年,又催熟童年。

    Taboos put off the childhood while ripen it.

  12. 香蕉的贮存与催熟技术

    The Preservation and Forced Ripening Technology of Bananas

  13. 香蕉催熟生理和技术研究

    Studies on physiology and technology of the ripening of banana

  14. 他可以快速催熟其他的食物。

    It can cause other foods to ripen too quickly.

  15. 克芜踪棉花催熟试验示范总结

    Application of Corn Pheromone in Forecasting Techniques

  16. 草甘膦对油菜催熟效果相对较差

    Glyphosate had relatively poor ripening effect.

  17. 室温催熟,保存在冰箱的保鲜盒中。

    Ripen at room temperature and store in the regfrigerator crisper.

  18. 棉花化学催熟与脱叶的生理基础

    Physiological Bases of Chemical Accelerated Boll Maturation and Defoliation in Cotton

  19. 乙烯催熟香蕉品质变化的动态数学模型

    The Dynamic Qualities Change Model for Banana Ripened with Ethylene

  20. 海水及氨水对九孔鲍卵催熟的研究

    Studies on the relation between eggs of Haliotis diversicolor aquatilis and fertilization time

  21. 热处理对催熟香蕉老化斑点产生的抑制研究

    Study on suppression of senescent spotting in ripened banana with heat treatments

  22. 芒果热水处理和人工催熟对其质量的影响

    Effect of Mango Hot Water Treatment and Artificial Ripening on Its Quality

  23. 另外, 外红瓤绿的西红柿可能与催熟剂有关。

    In addition, the red and green tomatoes may be associated with ripening agent relation.

  24. 秋香梨在自然催熟和人工催熟条件下的成熟特性

    The ripe characteristics of qiuxiang pear under natural ripening and artificial ripening

  25. 植物会产生乙烯, 这是一种促进植物老化的催熟气体。

    Plants all produce ethylene, a ripening gas that promotes maturation.

  26. 无论什么时令,都可以在市场上买到催熟的草莓。

    Forced strawberries can be found at the market in season or out of season.

  27. 吃了有催熟剂的西瓜,会头晕,请问该怎么解毒?

    Ate to have the watermelon of agent of accelerate the ripening, the meeting is giddy, how are this excuse me alexipharmic?

  28. 脱叶灵的合成工艺研究棉花化学催熟与脱叶的生理基础

    Physiological Bases of Chemical Accelerated Boll Maturation and Defoliation in Cotton.

  29. 如果你尝试着来催熟果实,它就失去了原来的味道。

    When you try to ripen fruit quickly, it loses its flavor.

  30. 乙烯利对甘蔗成熟和未成熟节间的催熟增糖效应

    Effects of ethephon on ripening and increasing sucrose content in mature and immature internodes of sugarcane


  1. 问:催熟拼音怎么拼?催熟的读音是什么?催熟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:催熟的读音是cuīshú,催熟翻译成英文是 to accelerate ripening

  2. 问:催熟剂拼音怎么拼?催熟剂的读音是什么?催熟剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:催熟剂的读音是cuī shú jì,催熟剂翻译成英文是 ripener

  3. 问:催熟醇拼音怎么拼?催熟醇的读音是什么?催熟醇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:催熟醇的读音是cuī shú chún,催熟醇翻译成英文是 ripenol



催熟[accelerating maturity],人工加速作物,尤其是作物果实成熟的技术。一般当作物在自然条件下不能正常成熟,或需要使之提早成熟,或要求将已收获而未成熟的果实在短期内达到成熟标准时采用。利用这一技术,可使养分加快积累、转化,并使某些果实的色、香、味提前达到食用要求。