


1. 解 [jiě]2. 解 [jiè]3. 解 [xiè]解 [jiě]剖开,分开:~剖。分~。瓦~。~体。把束缚着、系着的东西打开:~开。~甲归田。~囊相助。除去,除,废除,停止:~放(a.使广大人民群众脱离压迫;b.解除束缚而得到自由……





汉语拼音:jiě pìn








  1. 解除聘用。

    洪深 《这就是“美国的生活方式”》第四幕:“我想,我今天的举动倒是道道地地把我自己从学校里解聘了!” 刘波泳 《秦川儿女》第十八章:“解聘他,学生和家长们会不答应的,会闹出风潮的。”



  1. He insisted I fomenting dissent, and he said he would have to terminate me.


  2. Once the company attracted people who do not fit to be decisive in the first year of their dismissal.


  3. The general manager of the cooperative joint venture shall be engaged and dismissed by the board of directors or joint management committee.


  4. The brewery said the proposed dismissal of its overseas auditor, PwC, would "improve the efficiency and reduce the costs of disclosure" .


  5. But at a meeting on Oct. 14, the board unceremoniously dismissed Mr. Woodford, telling him to leave the country.


  6. Francis: In a few moments, when the blinding pain subsides I'll start work on your termination forms. Now I'd like to be alone.


  7. Retain. The Company hereby retains the Advisor to serve on its advisory board until removed by the Board or until the Advisor resigns.


  8. With factories disgorging workers almost daily, some temporary unemployment at least looks unavoidable.


  9. Leslie There's nothing worse than getting rid of players, you know, who had given this club good service.


  1. 解聘某人的职务

    dismiss someone from their job

  2. 聘任与解聘政策

    policy for appointment and dismissal

  3. 他因失职而被解聘。

    He lost his job by default of duly.

  4. 接到解聘通知的雇员

    employees given notice of severance

  5. 事先通知雇员解聘一事

    to notice an employee

  6. 委托人可以随时解聘代理人。

    Client may discharge attorneys at any time.

  7. 我能得到解聘金吗

    Can I get any termination money

  8. 俱乐部正在解聘一些老队员。

    The club is releasing some of its older players.

  9. 我们投票从办公室解聘了他。

    We voted him out of office.

  10. 聘任和解聘工作人员,实施奖惩。

    Employing and dismissing the staff and executing rewards and punishments.

  11. 有一名雇员起诉她非法解聘。

    One of her employees sued her for wrongful dismissal.

  12. 由于他的不良世纪我们解聘了他。

    We fired him on account ofhis wrong doings.

  13. 我负责人员的招聘和解聘工作。

    He's the person responsible for hiring and firing.

  14. 那就是说他被解雇了或解聘了。

    That means he was fird or sacked.

  15. 他上班老是迟到,结果他被解聘了。

    He was always late for work, as a result, he was laid off.

  16. 至少有44家律所今年解聘了律师。

    At least 44 have laid off lawyers this year.

  17. 劳动争议仲裁委员会应当将其解聘。

    A labor dispute arbitration commission shall dismiss such an arbitrator.

  18. 美国密苏里州教师解聘状况研究

    The Comparative Study on the Teacher Dismissal in Missouri State of America

  19. 我们雇佣和解聘的条理是非常清楚的。

    Our hiring and firing policies are transparent.

  20. 我们雇佣和解聘的条理是非常清楚的。

    Our hiring and firing policies are transparent.

  21. 你将学会招聘要慢,解聘要快的道理。

    You learn to hire slowly and fire fast.

  22. 我们的地方工会负责雇用和解聘工人。

    Our local union is responsible for the hiring and firing of workers.

  23. 试用期内, 用人单位是否可以任意解聘?

    Inside probation, is unit of choose and employ persons aleatoric dismiss?

  24. 解聘方面的优先次序也贯彻同样的原则。

    The order of priority in the case of dismissals follows the same principle.

  25. 他因为在报告里捏造证据而被解聘。

    He was fired for providing false evidence in his report.

  26. 基于解聘补偿的双边道德风险缓解机制

    Mechanism to Relieve Double Moral Hazard Based on Compensate for Dismiss

  27. 若有解聘会计师事务所的,应说明解聘的原因。

    In case of dismissal of the accounting firm, the causes for the dismissal shall be explained.

  28. 美国教师解聘中的正当程序原则及其启示

    On the Due Process of Law and Inspiration of the American Teachers Being Dismissed an Employee

  29. 风险企业经理的最优解聘时机模型

    Model on optimal dismission time to manager of venture enterprise

  30. 作为你的懒惰和粗鲁的结果,我被迫解聘你。

    As a consequence of your laziness and rudeness, I am forced to dismiss you.


  1. 问:解聘拼音怎么拼?解聘的读音是什么?解聘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:解聘的读音是jiěpìn,解聘翻译成英文是 dismiss


