


1. 解 [jiě]2. 解 [jiè]3. 解 [xiè]解 [jiě]剖开,分开:~剖。分~。瓦~。~体。把束缚着、系着的东西打开:~开。~甲归田。~囊相助。除去,除,废除,停止:~放(a.使广大人民群众脱离压迫;b.解除束缚而得到自由……


职务,分(fèn )内应做的事:~业。~务。~守。~权。天~。尽~。职位,执行事务所处的一定地位:~工。~位。~员。~称。以身殉~。旧时公文用语,下属对上司的自称:卑~。~当奉命。掌管:~掌。由于:~此而已。……



汉语拼音:jiě zhí








  1. 解除职务。

    《宋书·颜竣传》:“三十年春,以父 延之 致仕,固求解职,不许。” 宋 苏轼 《论改定受册手诏乞罢札子》:“伏望圣慈察其衰病废学,特赐解职,以安微分。” 邹韬奋 《事业管理与职业修养·工作与职权》:“解职是我们处分中最严厉的一着。”



  1. Now as a reward for his good-nature he had been removed after all his victories in the moment of defeat.


  2. "There was no abuse, name-calling, threats, punishment, bans or dismissals, " he said.


  3. One of the authors has since been removed from his position as a senior editor at the Economic Observer.


  4. This follows the earlier ousting of the company's founder . In a word, Suntech is a bit of a mess right now.


  5. Brady Dougan, chief executive, said the employees concerned had been either fired or were in the process of being dismissed.


  6. It could have been a simple mistake or misunderstanding, for which he surely wouldn't have been discharged.


  7. Reports that the general is to be dismissed are gaining currency among government ministers.


  8. What first spooked the markets, indeed, was a rumour that Mr Tremonti was to be removed by the prime minister.


  9. The company's expiring contract, MaoNa to keep position misstated pregnant, task of Lin had to be talented company fired.


  1. 雇员解职金

    employee payment for removal

  2. 他已被解职。

    He got his mittimus.

  3. 他被解职了。

    He has been hoofed out of his post.

  4. 体面地将某人解职

    ease someone out

  5. 解职令。解雇通知。撤职令

    An order or notice of discharge.

  6. 那个贪官被当众解职。

    The corrupt official was publicly disgraced.

  7. 我听说她被解职了。

    I hear she is off the payroll.

  8. 部长因玩忽职守被解职。

    The minister is dismissed for negligence.

  9. 谣传他已被解职了。

    The romor is that he got the hook.

  10. 他在4月16日被解职。

    He was discharged on April 16 th from his dunes.

  11. 琼斯先生即将被解职。

    Mr. Jones will be dismissed forthwith.

  12. 他被解职後成了隐士。

    He became a hermit after he was dismissed from office.

  13. 作为惩罚,你将被解职。

    You are dismissed by way of punishment.

  14. 巴基斯坦被解职法官将复职

    Agreement Announced to Reinstate Deposed Pakistani Judges

  15. 部长由于以权谋私被解职了。

    The minister was sacked for abusing power for his personal gain.

  16. 能够被移动, 去除或解职的。

    That can be removed or taken away or dismissed.

  17. 他的影响由于他的解职而消除。

    His influence ceased with his dismissal.

  18. 并且被解职的消息使他惊愕。

    And the news of being dismissed dismayed him.

  19. 博士,真对不起,你已经被解职了。

    I'm sorry, doctor, but you've been relieved of your duties.

  20. 那个经理因为谈判失败被解职了。

    The manager was tossed out of his post due to his failure in negotiation.

  21. 他由总统根据宪法任命和解职。

    He is appointed to and dismissed from his post by the President in conformity with the Constitution.

  22. 复员从军队服务或使用中被解职

    To discharge from military service or use.

  23. 这卑怯的官员因不尽职被解职。

    The cowardly officer was disgraced for failing to do His duty.

  24. 沙龙解职了内阁部计划的副部长。

    Sharon fired cabinet deputy minister who voted against the plan.

  25. 那次事件爆发之后,将军随即被解职。

    Following that outburst, the general was banished.

  26. 我被解职以后,玛丽的意志坚如磐石。

    After my firing, Mary was really a tower of strength.

  27. 因为最近的预算短缺一些职工被解职。

    Some emplyees were squeezed out by the recent budget cuts.

  28. 最后终于以杜孙二人双双解职了事。

    In the end, both were relieved.

  29. 我怀疑他被解职是人事上的原因。

    I suspect that he was dismissed for political reasons.

  30. 这卑怯的官员因不尽职而被解职。

    The cowardly officer was disgraced for failing to do his duty.


  1. 问:解职拼音怎么拼?解职的读音是什么?解职翻译成英文是什么?

    答:解职的读音是jiězhí,解职翻译成英文是 to dismiss from office; to discharge; to reli...


解职,拼音jiě zhí,意思是解除职务。