








汉语拼音:yǐn tuì








  1. 退兵。

    《战国策·秦策一》:“军乃引退,并於 李下 。”《后汉书·段熲传》:“ 熲 下马大战,至日中,刀折矢尽,虏亦引退。”《北史·窦炽传》:“ 蠕蠕 引退, 炽 度 河 至 麴伏川 追及,大破之。” 剑农 《武汉革命始末记》:“北兵渐次夷伤,遂引退,革命军尽力追之。”

  2. 辞官,辞职。

    晋 袁宏 《后汉纪·光武帝纪七》:“ 郭后 既废太子,太傅 张湛 称疾引退。” 唐 钱起 《晚归蓝田旧居》诗:“才微甘引退,应得遂霞栖。” 清 杭世骏 《质疑·诸史问目答李若珠等》:“谓 信 功高震主,不急引退以取祸可矣;谓 信 谋反伏诛,则过矣。”

  3. 犹退避。

    唐 张鷟 《朝野佥载》卷三:“其妻 董氏 諫止之曰:‘ 俊臣 国贼也……君可敬而远之。’ 敏 稍稍引退。” 清 刘大櫆 《卢氏二母传》:“ 抱孙 兄弟既就傅,或嬉戏有过失,而 抱孙 之尊府督责笞挞之, 程孺人 为泣下……既引退而后加以训辞。”



  1. That's at least what some small business owners have to say to the Apple co-founder who stepped down from his position as CEO last week.


  2. Some of his father's old generals or old comrades had invited him to go and see them, when they learned about him.


  3. Our goal is to make it possible for new players to actually have a chance to be top of the game for a time before they too have to retire .


  4. Mr Daniels is one of several bank bosses, including Barclays' John Varley and HSBC's Stephen Green, to step down in recent weeks.


  5. Generally she accepted the family life in all its crowded inadequacy, withdrawn into a world of her own and ignoring the unpleasant aspects.


  6. vainly He then set out for Virginia for what he vainly hoped would be a peaceful retirement.


  7. Though there was no evidence of his guilt, Scipio withdrew from public life and died a virtual exile.


  8. He vehemently denied all the allegations, but stepped down the next day.


  9. They told him to quit, that he wasn't good enough, but figure skater Paul Wylie refused to listen.


  1. 因无能而引退

    get disability retirement

  2. 他因那场争端而引退了。

    He resigned over the issue.

  3. 引退前最后一次出现或表演。

    A final appearance or performance before retirement.

  4. 由于年龄或缺点而引退或不合格。

    Retire or become ineligible because of old age or infirmity.

  5. 总统执政五年后已经引退。

    The president has stand down after five year in office.

  6. 他的引退造成了难以填补的空白。

    His resignation has created a vacuum which cannot easily be filled.

  7. 从官场引退之后, 他感到无比轻松。

    When he retired from political life he felt incredibly relaxed.

  8. 从官场引退之后,他感到无比轻松。

    When he retired from political life he felt incredibly relaxed.

  9. 黑尔今天宣布从拳坛引退。

    Hale today announced his retirement from the ring.

  10. 狂妄岛球员中,谁被认为即将引退?

    Which Krawk Islander is considering retirement

  11. 报界过早地谈论官员的引退问题。

    Newspapers began to jump to the gun and talk about resignations.

  12. 主席的心意已定,他决定引退。

    The chairman's mind was made up, he would offer to resign.

  13. 因此, 我再次要求您辞职或引退。

    Accordingly, I once again call for your resignation or retirement.

  14. 华盛顿1796年的引退意味着美国人民权力的崛起。

    Washingtons falling in1796 was his peoples rising.

  15. 该大学年事已高的创始人决定引退。

    The aging founder of the university decided to abdicate.

  16. 我知道山姆。杰克逊在多少岁引退的?

    I know how old Sam Jackson was when he got his break?

  17. 所以在你最风光的时候,我引退到背景中。

    And just faded into the background during your big moment.

  18. 如果他感到不得不辞职时,他当然会悄悄引退。

    If he felt he had to resign, he would of course go quietly.

  19. 于是他动身前往弗吉尼亚,幻想能够平静引退。

    He then set out for Virginia for what he vainly hoped would be a peaceful retirement.

  20. 同意撤岗或停止竞选,给其他人机会。引退。

    To agree to leave your position or to stop trying to be elected, so that someone else can have a chance.

  21. 霍根于1953年赢得美国公开赛和英国公开赛冠军后引退。

    Hogan came close in 1953 when he collected the US Open and British Open crowns.

  22. 马修因拒绝在意向书上签字,最终在2007年12月31日引退。

    Mathur refused to sign the LoIs but ultimately retired on December31,2007.

  23. 这样不再向世界展示极限流得实力, 良不得不引退。

    Not willing to stop showing the power of Kyokugenryo Karate, Ryo has to resign.

  24. 这样不再向世界展示极限流的实力,良不得不引退。

    Not willing to stop showing the power of Kyokugenryo Karate, Ryo has to resign.

  25. 他对这些指控强烈否认,但第二天就从公司引退。

    He vehemently denied all the allegations, but stepped down the next day.

  26. 再过几年,我将正式引退。我生产下一代的任务完成了。

    In a few years now, I will be bowing out, my task of producing another generation complete.

  27. 当他的时间到了的时候,他会像一个真正的冠军那样引退。

    And when his time is up, he retires like a real champ.

  28. 难道是我们共同的女神松岛枫引退前最后一部作品吗?

    Are you telling me its the final opus of our goddess, Kaede Matsushima

  29. 加人了三头同盟的李必达没有什么权力,最后只好引退。

    Lepidus, a general who joined them in a triumvirate, had little power and eventually retired.


  1. 问:引退拼音怎么拼?引退的读音是什么?引退翻译成英文是什么?

    答:引退的读音是yǐntuì,引退翻译成英文是 retire




拼音:yǐn tuì[retire from office] 自请辞去官职或职务才微甘引退。——钱起《晚归蓝田旧居》