





职务,分(fèn )内应做的事:~业。~务。~守。~权。天~。尽~。职位,执行事务所处的一定地位:~工。~位。~员。~称。以身殉~。旧时公文用语,下属对上司的自称:卑~。~当奉命。掌管:~掌。由于:~此而已。……



汉语拼音:tuì zhí








  1. 罢官;免职。

    三国 蜀 诸葛亮 《罢来敏教》:“今上即位,吾闇於知人,遂復擢为将军祭酒……自谓能以敦厉薄俗,帅之以义;今既不能,表退职,使闭门思愆。”

  2. 任职期满而离职。

    赵树理 《小二黑结婚》七:“有个 吴先生 ,是在 阎锡山 部下当过旅长的退职军官。”

  3. 指干部职工不合退休条件而中途离职。

    蒋子龙 《乔厂长上任记》四:“无故不上班的按旷工论处,不愿干的、想退职的悉听尊便。” 刘益善 徐世立 《万元户大世界》第十八章:“厂里说,停薪留职不行……你们退职算了。”



  1. Henry's company asked him to retire early but he was able to pay off his mortgage with the golden handshake they gave him.


  2. Resigned workers who resettle elsewhere may be paid a resettlement subsidy in a lump sum equivalent to two months their standard wage.


  3. The curator of the show, Marion True, was not present, however, having been forcibly retired by the Getty trustees.


  4. Messrs Gonzales and Rove and the rest of the Texas posse now have the luxury of spending their retirements in their home state.


  5. the grain ration for such retirees and resigned workers shall be supplied by the production brigades after their return.


  6. diversify your investment in stocks and bonds with lower value to pursuit the maximized Retirement annuity fund in a long-term investment.


  7. After retirement or quitting work , teachers shall enjoy the material benefits as prescribed by the State .


  8. Many out-of-work Americans have lost unemployment and severance benefits and are depleting their savings.


  9. Those quitted working officials, rich merchants and clan people could influence clan education.


  1. 退职受托人

    retiring trustee

  2. 退职福利金

    severance benefit

  3. 辞工, 退职, 退房

    To leave a job, an office, or a lodging.

  4. 辞工,退职,退房。

    To leave a job,an office,or a lodging.

  5. 老板告诉约翰,要他退职。

    John was told by his boss to pack up.

  6. 他已到了该退职的年龄了。

    He's of an age when he ought to resign from office.

  7. 退休、退职工作要分期分批进行。

    Such work should be carried out in stages and in groups.

  8. 他的退职昨天刊载于公报上。

    His retirement was gazetted yesterday.

  9. 干部、职工的退职费、退休费。

    Severance pay and retirement pay for cadres, staff members and workers.

  10. 真了不起, 那他为什么要退职呢

    Wonderful, then why did he retire

  11. 主要年份离休, 退休及退职职工人数

    Number of Retired and Resigned People in Main Years

  12. 国务院关于工人退休退职的暂行办法

    State Council Provisional Regulations on Retirement and Resignation of Workers

  13. 得知自己感染上了病毒后,他就退职了。

    He retired after learning he was infected with the virus.

  14. 两个即将退职的董事提出要求重新当选。

    Two retiring director offer themselves for re election.

  15. 根据这份文件,我有资格办理自愿退职。

    According to this document, I'm eligible to take voluntary redundancy.

  16. 约翰逊正是从湖人了里退职的,不是吗?

    Johnson just retired from the Lakers, didn't he?

  17. 他太老了,干活不快了,因此老板就叫他退职了。

    He's too old to work fast, so his employers have turned him out to grass.

  18. 在罗杰斯退职后, 我们就未必能成为知己。

    It was unlikely that we should become confidants while Rogers was in retirement.

  19. 所有的经理都会得到丰厚的退职金和养老费。

    The directors will each get a large golden handshake and a pension.

  20. 自从大主教宣布退职后,人们纷纷打赌猜测几位继任人选。

    There have been various wagers on certain candidates since the Bishop announced his retirement.

  21. 他的公司给他发了养老金让他退职,他对此事很想不开。

    He took it very much to heart when his company pensioned him off.

  22. 本表不包括民政部门支付离休、退休、退职费的人数。

    Excluded retired and resigned staff and workers Paid by the civil adminstration organs.

  23. 退休, 退职工人回农村后, 其口粮由所在生产队供应。

    the grain ration for such retirees and resigned workers shall be supplied by the production brigades after their return.

  24. 佩恩的公司给他发了养老金让他退职,他对此事很想不开。

    Mr Penn took it very much to heart when his firm pensioned him off.


  1. 问:退职拼音怎么拼?退职的读音是什么?退职翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退职的读音是tuìzhí,退职翻译成英文是 retire from office; be discharged from office...

  2. 问:退职的拼音怎么拼?退职的的读音是什么?退职的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退职的的读音是,退职的翻译成英文是 dimissory

  3. 问:退职费拼音怎么拼?退职费的读音是什么?退职费翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退职费的读音是tuì zhí fèi,退职费翻译成英文是 severance pay

  4. 问:退职金拼音怎么拼?退职金的读音是什么?退职金翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退职金的读音是tuìzhíjīn,退职金翻译成英文是 gratuity

  5. 问:退职补助费拼音怎么拼?退职补助费的读音是什么?退职补助费翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退职补助费的读音是tuì zhí bǔ zhù fèi,退职补助费翻译成英文是 severance pay

  6. 问:退职补助金拼音怎么拼?退职补助金的读音是什么?退职补助金翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退职补助金的读音是tuì zhí bǔ zhù jīn,退职补助金翻译成英文是 resignment allowance