







汉语拼音:yǐn qù









  1. 离去;引退。

    《史记·平原君虞卿列传》:“居岁餘,宾客门下舍人稍稍引去者过半。” 唐 元稹 《有唐赠太子少保崔公墓志铭》:“近世未有心胆既强,声势方稳,而能自引去者。” 宋 周密 《齐东野语·张魏公二事》:“教官大窘,引去。” 清 恽敬 《南华九老会诗谱序》:“一旦宦达矣,名溢於朝,禄丰於室,又相率引去以为高。”

  2. 谓引兵退去。

    《三国志·魏志·典韦传》:“ 布 众退。会日暮, 太祖 乃得引去。”《新唐书·突厥传上》:“ 李靖 与战 灵州 ,虏引去。”《元史·太祖纪》:“ 遮别 攻 东京 不拔,即引去。”



  1. I was the one who coaxed Ghisolabella to serve the lusty wishes of the Marquis, no matter how the sordidtale is told.


  2. My intent here is not to sell you on these sites.


  3. Such figures are sometimes bandied around to imply that nearly all of this gap is caused by discrimination. That is bunk.


  4. I introduced her to my loved one I introduced her to my loved one


  1. 是他把我们引去找霍洛韦的。

    He's the one who put us on to Holloway.

  2. 他目不转睛的注视把所有的目光都朝那个方向引去。

    The intentness of his gaze drew all eyes that way.

  3. 据说那个妖魔能引诱人去做坏事。

    The devil is said to tempt people to do wrong.

  4. 于是他拉着姑娘的手, 引她去教堂。

    He took her by the hand and led her to church.

  5. 可是玛金很固执, 一定要她们引着去。

    But Ma Chin was adamant and insisted that she should be taken round.

  6. 这位女宾很大方地挽住我的胳膊, 由我引她去进餐。

    The lady guest graciously accepted my arm and allowed me to take her in to dinner.

  7. 这位女宾很大方地挽住我得胳膊, 由我引她去进餐。

    The lady guest graciously accepted my arm and allowed me to take her in to dinner.

  8. 约瑟从他弟兄中挑出五个人来,引他们去见法老。

    And he took some of his brethren, even five men, and presented them unto Pharaoh.

  9. 左右两面的街道都把你引向水边去。

    Right and left, the streets take you waterward.

  10. 他们引着你去到屏风后换上这同样的装扮。

    They instruct you to go behind the screen and change into the provided attire.

  11. 享乐又会把我引到什么地方去呢

    Whither will enjoyment lead me

  12. 受苦, 那会把我引到什么地方去呢

    Whither will suffering lead me

  13. 积聚在水槽中的淡水将被引到池塘中去。

    Fresh water collected in gutters will be channelled into the pond.

  14. 你需要根蜡烛,引你进卧室里去。

    You'll need a light to find your way in the bedroom.

  15. 请伏尔甘饮了美酒,然后引他到奥林匹斯山上去。

    He drenched Vulcan with wine, conducted him to Olympus.

  16. 于是神差遣底波拉去引领他们。

    So God sent Deborah to lead them.

  17. 引领战士去天堂的事

    taking the warriors up to heaven.

  18. 引伸开去。长出枝芽

    branch out

  19. 躲起来,我去把它引开

    Stay hidden,I'll see if I can draw it away from you.

  20. 躲起来,我去把它引开。

    Stay hidden, I'll see if I can draw it away from you.

  21. 她抬起手把他引了进去。

    She reached out a hand to usher him inside.

  22. 她抬起手把他引了进去。

    She reached out a hand to usher him inside.

  23. 他急于要把谈话引到他的情感上去。

    He was anxious to turn the talk to his own feelings.

  24. 自己不去大陆,却点火把他引过来?

    Instead of going to the mainland, he starts a fire to bring him here?

  25. 他把我们引到了他想让我们去的地方。

    He led us where he wanted us to go.

  26. 进去后,一名警卫把他们引向了右边。

    Inside, a guard directed them to the right.

  27. 是你们把他引来的,你们去杀他才对。

    You brought him here. It's only right you kill him.

  28. 若敌先居之, 引而去之, 勿从也。

    If the enemy has occupied them before you, do not follow him, but retreat and try to entice him away.

  29. 我会带着追踪器去西边,引开他们。

    I'll head west with the tracker and draw them away.

  30. 我们的谈话向更细微的问题伸引开去。

    Our conversation extended to more subtle questions.