







汉语拼音:sì shén







  1. 指苍龙、白虎、朱雀、玄武四星之精。

    前蜀 杜光庭 《道门为皇帝醮太一并点金箓灯词》:“昨者以四神行运,在咸池之宫。” 明 田艺蘅 《留青日札·四神四灵四祥》:“天有苍龙、白虎、朱雀、玄武四星之精,降而在地则为龙、虎、鸟、龟四兽之象,兵家为之四神。”

  2. 指南海 祝融 、北海 玄冥 、东海 勾芒 、西海 蓐收 四神。

    唐 骆宾王 《为齐州父老请陪封禅表》:“故得 河 浮五老,启赤文於帝期;海荐四神,奉丹书于王会。” 陈熙晋 注引 师尚父 曰:“南海神名 祝融 ,北海神名 玄冥 ,东海神名 勾芒 ,西海神名 蓐收 。”



  1. mida ' s older brother . knowing about the crisis of kounan country ' s collapse , he endeavors to repair the universe of the four gods.


  2. The dose is large , quality standards are not high . sishen drop pill have the advantages of high bioavailability , rapid onset.


  3. Opened to the first page, The Universe of the Four Gods floated to the ground.


  4. We prescribed Sishen decoction addition for 38 cases as the treating group.


  5. This is online map of the address "Cha He Zhen Si Shen Zhuang Yi Cun , Fengrun District, Tangshan City, Hebei Province, China" .


  6. Han four Wadang God (Suzaku) diameter of 15. 8 cm, 2 cm wide margin round, Shaanxi Han Chang'an City ruins unearthed.


  7. Treatment of Post-stroke Spasticity with Recipe Si-shen Decoction--The Academic Experience of Professor Zhang Zhiyuan (Four)


  8. The introduction of Chinese ancient constructs'four directional absolute being


  9. 116 Cases of Irritable Bowel Syndrome of Insufficiency of Spleen - YANG Type Treated by Umbilicus Therapy with Pill of Four Miraculous Drugs


  1. 台南四神汤

    tainan four flavor herb soup.

  2. 太王四神记

    The Great King Four God Story.

  3. 四神丸亦非仅温肾暖脾,且有抑肝、折木之功。

    Sishen pill was both warming the kidney and the spleen and restricting the liver as well.

  4. 四重奏演得可神了。

    The quartet was rendered beautifully.

  5. 作为家庭成员之一, 我为神的家庭四分五裂而感到痛心。

    As a member, I grieve that Gods family is as divided and as divisive as it is.

  6. 江锦顺是卫理神学院2006年神学四年级学生。

    Kong Kim Soon is our fourth year theological student in 2006.

  7. 四渡赤水是不是真如神?

    Was crossing Chishui the fourth times really supernatural or not?

  8. 她经历悲惨屠杀必将揭示第四神灵。

    She has journeyed through the slaughter to unveil the truth of four.

  9. 什麽是耶稣的四个弥赛亚神迹?

    What were the four Messianic Miracles of Jesus?

  10. 第四个答案是,降服在神的计画下。

    Answer number four is yield to God's plan.

  11. 神要赐福与我们。地得四极都要敬畏他。

    God shall bless us and all the ends of the earth shall fear him.

  12. 第四个答案是, 降服在神得计画下。

    Answer number four is yield to God's plan.

  13. 无条件爱之神与女神与心脏第四脉轮相关

    GOD GODDESS OF UNCONDITIONAL LOVE Related to the Fourth Chakra Center in the Heart

  14. 神要赐福与我们。地的四极都要敬畏他。

    God shall bless us and all the ends of the earth shall fear him.

  15. 他的书包含了四篇神谕,发表于西元前521年。

    His book consists of four prophecies delivered in 521 BC.

  16. 四是认为只有圣人或神才有资格做学术批评。

    Fourthly, it is believed that only the sage or god are qualified for conduction of academic criticism.

  17. 腓四20愿荣耀归与我们的神与父,直到永永远远。阿们。

    20 Now to our God and Father be the glory forever and ever. Amen.

  18. 腓四20愿荣耀归与我们得神与父,直到永永远远。阿们。

    18 Now to our God and Father be the glory forever and ever. Amen.

  19. 阿布辛拜勒圣殿供奉着四尊神的雕像。

    The sanctuary of Abu Simbel contains statues of the temple's four gods.

  20. 这是在四本福音书唯一都提到的神迹。

    This is the only miracle mentioned in all four Gospels.

  21. 林前十四18我感谢神,我说方言比你们众人还多。

    Cor. 14 16 I thank God, I speak in tongues more than all of you.

  22. 以上四种情况都充满了神性的善与智慧。

    All of these types are saving and full of the divine goodness and wisdom.

  23. 老郎神亦有生日,一般戏班视为农历四月十三。

    Old Lang God's birthday also generally regarded as the Chinese troupe April 13.

  24. 神呼召他, 他的第四个藉口, 你知道那是甚么吗?

    But God called him and do you know what Moses fourth excuse was?

  25. 第四部分展开叙述祭祀太阳神的场所、仪式、法器等。

    Part IV describes the worship the sun god started the place, rituals, and other adder.

  26. 原来藉着神迹医好的那人,有四十多岁了。

    For the man was above forty years old, on whom this miracle of healing was shewed.

  27. 在北欧的神话中,风源来自于风神和她的四个淘气儿子。

    According to legends from Northern Europe, wind is produced by Aeolus and her four naughty sons.

  28. 在北欧的神话中,风源来自于风神和她的四个淘气儿子。

    According to legends from Northern Europe, wind is produced by Aeolus and her four naughty sons.

  29. 当受侵蚀的神器有四个侵蚀指示物时, 其操控者牺牲之。

    When the artifact being Ablation have four or more ablation counter on it, its controller sacrifice this artifact.

  30. 当你向神祈求新约中更大恩惠时,需具有以下四种思想

    As you plead for the great mercies of the new covenant to be bestowed, take with you these thoughts


  1. 问:四神足拼音怎么拼?四神足的读音是什么?四神足翻译成英文是什么?

    答:四神足的读音是,四神足翻译成英文是 Iddhipada