







汉语拼音:zǐ jīng







  1. 树名。落叶乔木或灌木。叶圆心形,春开红紫色花。供观赏。树皮、木材、根均可入药。参阅 明 李时珍 《本草纲目·木三·紫荆》。

  2. 据 南朝 梁 吴均 《续齐谐记·紫荆树》载: 田真 兄弟三人析产,堂前有紫荆树一株,议破为三,荆忽枯死。

    真 谓诸弟:“树本同株,闻将分斫,所以憔悴,是人不如木也。”因悲不自胜,兄弟相感,不复分产,树亦复荣。后因用“紫荆”为有关兄弟之典故。 唐 杜甫 《得舍弟消息》诗:“风吹紫荆树,色与春庭暮。” 清 孙枝蔚 《不得大兄消息》诗:“又见紫荆发,曾无黄耳来。”黄耳,狗名,为寄递家书之典故。



  1. Wind, the numerous Bauhinia flowers and emerald green leaves, like the wind, like flocks of butterflies dancing, very enjoyable.


  2. Presentation words: Jusan As the saying goes, justice and be able to benefit, and the Bauhinia flag to maintain the glory of his life.


  3. It was found in clotting experiment that mid and high dose of total flavonoids of Bauhinia aurea Levl could prolong clotting time of mice.


  4. As long as you walk that line alongside the rows of tall Bauhinia trees, they will find it very pleased and happy.


  5. Pigu the mountains as the original, bronze bell, the Bauhinia trees, Gu Cheng, " Sambo Hill Town " is the Bauhinia trees have withered.


  6. Mr. Wong is awarded the Bronze Bauhinia Star for his contributions to charity and in promoting education and youth development. Dr.


  7. I'll be back, back covered with kapok and Bauhinia fragrance, and then tell you that I have found paradise.


  8. Group photo with Golden Eagle Gymnastic Team, Rainbow Dance Group, Bauhinia Drum and Fife Corp as well as all helpers.


  9. The prince, who put cold out of the palace next bauhinia throne?


  1. 加拿大红叶紫荆

    Cercis canadensis

  2. 大紫荆勋章

    Grand Bauhinia Medal.

  3. 铜紫荆星章

    Bronze Bauhinia Star

  4. 紫荆城影业

    Beijing Forbidden City Film Company.

  5. 紫荆花玉挂件

    Redbud Flower Jade Necklace Pendant

  6. 紫荆花盛开了。

    The bauhinia flower is in full bloom.

  7. 欢迎访问香港紫荆杂志。

    Welcome to Bauhinia magazine online.

  8. 云南紫荆的核型分析

    Karyotype Analysis of Cercis Yunnanensis Hu Et Cheng

  9. 紫荆化学成分的研究

    Studies on chemical constituents of Cercis chinensis

  10. 香港以紫荆花为象征。

    Hong Kong adopted bauhinia as its emblem.

  11. 巨紫荆的育苗及栽培技术。

    Techniques on seedling culture and planting of Cercis gigantean Cheng et Keng F.

  12. 我要把整个金紫荆拍下来!

    I want the entire Golden Bauhinia in the picture!

  13. 洋紫荆硬币的首个发行年份

    First year of issue of the bauhinia coins

  14. 紫荆光合日进程及光响应

    Cercis chinensis Photosynthesis Daily Progress and Response to Light

  15. 紫荆皮及其混淆品种的鉴别

    Differentiation on Fructus Cercis and Its Promiscuous Variety

  16. 选载1。人们如何在香港发现洋紫荆

    How did People discover the Hong Kong Orchid Tree

  17. 温度对垂丝紫荆种子发芽的影响

    Effect of temperature on seed germination of Cercis racemosa

  18. 白玉兰象征上海,紫荆花代表香港。

    Magnolia symbol of Shanghai, on behalf of the Hong Kong Bauhinia flower.

  19. 应用微波技术提取紫荆花色素的研究

    Study on microwave extraction of pigment from Cercis chinensis Bunge

  20. 在金紫荆广场兴建直升机停机坪的计划

    Plan to build a heliport at golden bauhinia square

  21. 华北紫荆关深断裂影象解译

    Satellite image interpretation of Zi Jing Guan deep fault in North China.

  22. 云南紫荆矮林的植物结构及生态特征

    Plant Composition and Ecological Characteristics of Cercis yunnanensis Coppice

  23. 我们将带你们游览紫荆城和颐和园。

    We'll show you around the Forbidden City and the Summer Plalace.

  24. 我们,用暖流浇灌起绚丽的紫荆、纯洁的睡莲。

    We, with the warm current from a beautiful watering Bauhinia, pure water lily.

  25. 谁把寒冷的王子, 赶下紫荆宫的宝座?

    The prince, who put cold out of the palace next bauhinia throne?

  26. 这些公寓名叫紫荆公寓。紫荆好像是清华的校花。

    These dormitories are called Zijing Dormitory, after a flower called the Chinese redbud.

  27. 这些公寓名叫紫荆公寓。紫荆好像是清华得校花。

    These dormitories are called Zijing Dormitory, after a flower called the Chinese redbud.

  28. 独特的紫荆造型面板设计,突显浴室个性魅力。

    The peculiar redbud shaping panel design highlights the charm of the customfit bathroom.

  29. 独特得紫荆造型面板设计,突显浴室个性魅力。

    The peculiar redbud shaping panel design highlights the charm of the customfit bathroom.

  30. 醇溶法提取紫荆花色素及其稳定性研究

    Study on extraction pigment from flower of cercis chinensis redbud by alcohol and its stability


  1. 问:紫荆拼音怎么拼?紫荆的读音是什么?紫荆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紫荆的读音是zǐjīng,紫荆翻译成英文是 Cercis chinensis

  2. 问:紫荆属拼音怎么拼?紫荆属的读音是什么?紫荆属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紫荆属的读音是zǐjīng shǔ,紫荆属翻译成英文是 Cercis

  3. 问:紫荆族拼音怎么拼?紫荆族的读音是什么?紫荆族翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紫荆族的读音是zǐjīng zú,紫荆族翻译成英文是 Cercideae

  4. 问:紫荆木拼音怎么拼?紫荆木的读音是什么?紫荆木翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紫荆木的读音是zǐjīngmù,紫荆木翻译成英文是 Madhuca pasquieri

  5. 问:紫荆木属拼音怎么拼?紫荆木属的读音是什么?紫荆木属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紫荆木属的读音是zǐjīngmùshǔ,紫荆木属翻译成英文是 Madhuca

  6. 问:紫荆假尾孢拼音怎么拼?紫荆假尾孢的读音是什么?紫荆假尾孢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紫荆假尾孢的读音是zǐjīngjiǎwěibāo,紫荆假尾孢翻译成英文是 Pseudocercospora chionea

  7. 问:紫荆属植物拼音怎么拼?紫荆属植物的读音是什么?紫荆属植物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紫荆属植物的读音是,紫荆属植物翻译成英文是 redbud

  8. 问:紫荆柱隔孢拼音怎么拼?紫荆柱隔孢的读音是什么?紫荆柱隔孢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紫荆柱隔孢的读音是zǐjīng zhùgébāo,紫荆柱隔孢翻译成英文是 Ramularia cercidis