




1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:dòu zi



  1. In September he reached the semi finals of the US Open but this time it was an abdominal injury that prevented him playing his best.


  2. The next day, a large bean plant grew up in the garden. Actually, those were not common beans.


  3. "I'll trade you five magic beans for that old cow, " said the man as he took the beans out of his pocket.


  4. When I was there early enough, I got to help prepare the meal, shelling the beans or turning the crank on the ice-cream maker.


  5. Ah jumping beans will be the last two beans out in the "heart" , the only one lucky beans remain in the spoon inside.


  6. The belief stems from the observation that beans kept in the dark for years will sprout when they're brought back into the sun.


  7. As beans fall into bins, photoelectric cells detect duds , signaling for them to be rejected individually with a puff from an air nozzle.


  8. Ron picked up a green bean, looked at it carefully, and bit into a corner.


  9. As you can imagine, Jacks mother was furious with him when he returned home with no money at all, just a few beans.


  1. 复方苦豆子

    Compound KuDouZi.

  2. 今年豆子丰收。

    The beans cropped well this year.

  3. 苦豆子乳膏

    Saphora Alopecuroides cream.

  4. 苦豆子总碱

    Total alkaloids of Sophora alopecuroides.

  5. 把豆子煮软。

    Boil the beans until they are tender.

  6. 豆子煮烂了。

    The beans are now soft enough to eat.

  7. 豆子泡涨了。

    The beans swelled up after being soaked.

  8. 豆子煮过火了。

    The peas are overboiled.

  9. 豆子煮过火了。

    The peas are overboiled.

  10. 苦豆子提取物

    Sophora alopecuroicls extracts.

  11. 他用豆子喂马。

    He feeds his horse on beans.

  12. 复方苦豆子制剂

    compound kudouzi preparation

  13. 让豆子浸泡过夜。

    Let the beans soak overnight.

  14. 复方苦豆子颗粒

    Complex Prescription Kudouzi Granulae

  15. 复方苦豆子栓剂

    Co.Sophora Alopecuroides Suppositories

  16. 给我八锅豆子。

    Bring me eight pans of peas.

  17. 我剥完豆子了

    I finished with the haricots verts.

  18. 踩烂脚下的豆子

    trampled the beans underfoot.

  19. 他特别爱吃豆子。

    He is very partial to beans.

  20. 复方苦豆子颗粒剂

    Compound Kudouzi Granule

  21. 豆子需压成豆沙。

    The beans need to be mashed into pulp.

  22. 使白菜, 豆子等发芽。

    to germinate cabbages, beans, etc

  23. 今年的豆子收成好。

    The beans have cropped well this year.

  24. 把豆子煮成半熟

    parboil the beans

  25. 我把豆子弄撒了

    Oh, I spilled the beans.

  26. 我打开了一罐豆子。

    I opened a can of beans.

  27. 我打开了一罐豆子。

    I opened a can of beans.

  28. 让豆子水里浸过夜。

    Let the beans soak in water overnight.

  29. 沟得两侧种着豆子。

    Beans were grown on both sides of the ditch.

  30. 沟的两侧种着豆子。

    Beans were grown on both sides of the ditch.


  1. 问:豆子拼音怎么拼?豆子的读音是什么?豆子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:豆子的读音是dòuzi,豆子翻译成英文是 bean; bead


