




无机化合物,一种有咸味的无色或白色结晶体,成分是氯化钠,用来制造染料、玻璃、肥皂等,亦是重要的调味剂和防腐剂(有“海盐”、“池盐”、“井盐”、“岩盐”等种类):~巴。~卤。~分(fèn )。~田。〔~酸〕氯化氢的水溶液,是一种基本的化学原料……



汉语拼音:sī yán






  1. 与官盐相对。谓未纳盐税而私自贩运出售的盐。

    《新五代史·前蜀世家·王建》:“﹝ 王建 ﹞少无赖,以屠牛、盗驴、贩私盐为事。” 宋 文天祥 《真州杂赋》:“予所得船,乃并缘北船贩私盐者。”《明律·户律·盐法》:“凡犯私盐者,杖一百,徒三年。” 何云祥 《嫂嫂》:“那是解放前二年,我家遭年荒,没米下锅,爹没法子,典了仅有的一亩地,去贩私盐。”



  1. In Qing dynasty, Hubei Northwest region is famous Illegal Salt sales area, Illegal Salt issues very prominent.


  2. It is the key in eliminating IDD in Sichuan to control private salt from the very beginning.


  3. Because of geographical differences, distinct types of salt smuggling existed in various areas.


  4. In order to raise funds for the army and enrich the national treasury. the Qing government took strict measures to ban it.


  5. Illegal Salt species, mainly from Sichuan. Shanxi and Changlu.


  6. Illegal salt existed in every production and transportation step: In production, there was "illegal sale on the beach" ;


  7. The Separating Official Salt Marketing and Private Salt in the Middle and Southern Regions of Jiangxi in the Middle Qing Dynasty


  8. The Appearance and Development of Chinese Ancient Private Salt


  9. On the Effects of Salt Smuggling in the Qing Dynasty


  1. 贩卖私盐是违法的。

    It is illegal to sell salt without paying the tax.

  2. 贩卖私盐是违法的。

    It is illegal to sell salt without paying the tax.

  3. 清末陕西私盐问题研究

    Research on the Private Salt in Shaanxi in the End of the Qing Dynasty.

  4. 清朝私盐贩运的影响

    On the Effects of Salt Smuggling in the Qing Dynasty

  5. 第三部分,政府应对硝土私盐的举措。

    The third part focuses on some measures that the government took.

  6. 试析国民政府前期两淮私盐的种类

    Varieties of the Unlicensed Salt in Huai River Salt Areas

  7. 第二部分,硝土私盐泛滥的原因。

    In the second part, the thesis analyzes the causes of illicit earth salt flooding.

  8. 众盐商一见, 便认出是贩私盐的盐枭。

    The merchants recognized them at once as belonging to one of the notorious saltsmuggling gangs.

  9. 清代两淮食盐运销体制的演变与私盐

    Evolution of the System of Salt Transportation and Sale and Private Salt in the South and North Huaihe River in the Qing Dynasty

  10. 清代及民国时期云南私盐活动概况及其影响

    On the Smuggled Salt Dealing Situation and Its Influence in Qing Dynasty and the Republican Period of Yunnan.

  11. 私盐的种类如何,从不同的角度看,有不同的划分结果。

    The type of the illegal salt, viewed from the different angles, results in the different division.

  12. 明朝中后期,福建私盐盛行,官盐壅滞。

    During the period of the middle and late Ming Dynasty, private salt was prevailed and official salt was stagnated in Fujian province.

  13. 食盐专营制度下私盐行为与其监管的博弈分析

    The Game Analysis of Salt Smuggling Behaviors and Its Supervision Under Food Salt Monopoly System

  14. 同时分析了四川私盐对当时社会及社会各阶层的影响。

    At the same time, the effect of Szechwan's salt smuggling on the whole society has been analysed.

  15. 私盐种类繁多,主要来自川东盐场,芦盐与潞盐引地。

    Illegal Salt species, mainly from Sichuan. Shanxi and Changlu.

  16. 私盐是唐中后期盐专卖法实施之后产生的特殊现象。

    The illegal salt is the special performance after The Tang mid and late part salt implementation specializes in selling the law.

  17. 河北大量碱地得存在为硝土私盐得生产提供了物质条件。

    A large quantity of saline alkali land provided material condition for the production.

  18. 官盐经营的弊端和税重价高极大的刺激了硝土私盐的产销。

    Operating malpractices, heavy tax and high price of official salt stimulated the production and sale of illicit earth salt fiercely.


  1. 问:私盐拼音怎么拼?私盐的读音是什么?私盐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:私盐的读音是sīyán,私盐翻译成英文是 The salt sold secretly without paying for tax....