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人或其他哺乳动物母体内的幼体:~儿。~生。~教(jiào )(指通过母体对胎儿施加影响,为胎儿发育提供良好的条件)。胚~。怀~。事的开始,根源:祸~。器物的粗坯:泥~。铜~。衬在衣服、被褥面子和里子之间的东西:棉花~。……
汉语拼音:tāi ěr
First, the heart of an embryo starts off as a little tube, similar to the heart of a goldfish.
首先胎儿时期的心脏,就是一个小血管,和金鱼的心脏差不多大。A non-invasive method for determining the developmental age of a fetus or detecting cancer cells in a sample is provided.
本发明提供了一种确定胎儿的发育年龄或检测癌细胞的非侵入性方法。He was probably put on a crude wooden gibbet and made to stand in a loose, foetal position. It was fiendishly designed.
他可能是被放在原木的绞刑架上,然后竖起来,成为松弛的、胎儿一般的姿势。这是一种极为残忍的方式。If one of fetal is in gravid and inchoate death, stillborn foetus can be absorbed entirely, do not need to take step.
如果胎儿之一在妊娠早期死亡,死胎可全部被吸收,不需采取措施。Enjoying one or two glasses of wine a week - about two units - does not raise the risk of premature birth or impair the foetus's growth.
每周享用两杯小酒,让人量不宜过多,其实并不会引发早产情况的发生,也不会对胎儿影响造成不良影响。If the fetus is male, the mom carries most of the weight low and in the front, like a basketball shooting from her hips.
如果胎儿是男的,妈妈承受的重量比较低而且在前方,像一个从她的臀部投篮的球。The wound healing of the mid gestation fetal skin is characterized by scarless repair compared with that of the adult's.
胎儿与成人创面愈合不同之处在于前者无瘢痕形成,但具体机制尚不明确。Mr Yang had said that the second child was "a gift from God" and said he had ignored officials who wanted the foetus aborted.
杨先生说第二个孩子是“上帝给的礼物”,并称他对那些想让胎儿流产的官员不予理睬。If parents have had a child with albinism previously, there is a way to test in subsequent pregnancies to see if the fetus has albinism.