


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……







汉语拼音:bù zài yì







  1. 不放在心上。

    《警世通言·金明池吴清逢爱爱》:“小员外道:‘这些老妓夙娼,残花败柳,学生平日都不在意。’” 巴金 《秋》二:“ 克定 极力掩饰自己的惶恐,勉强做出不在意的样子。”



  1. After thinking a while, he said carelessly: " if I have not met you , I may have another guy who might be way better than you. "


  2. If one of you doesn't care whether the relationship works, then get out now, so both of you can find somebody more suitable.


  3. One man in shirtsleeves was tying a report at a desk; he glanced up in curiously and went on with his work.


  4. But if the kind of love no matter what happens on the men do not care will not happen.


  5. Whether or not a passenger, passenger air carriers generally make a normal takeoff, the fuel seems to care, labor and other costs.


  6. She did not mind working late in the least.


  7. That lady does not seem to mind airing her dirty linen in public. She is talking so loudly on the bus about her quarrel with her husband.


  8. Perhaps you will not mind the question of the naivety, although people have smart brain, strong body, a sentimental heart.


  9. Here a head of hair is no longer visible, although I never swim, do not care about how others look at me, but I still feel very happy.


  1. 我不在意外界的事情。

    I was not aware of things outside.

  2. 我不在意,甚至还很高兴。

    I didn't mind. Indeed, I was pleased.

  3. 你不该在意那些,怎么可能不在意

    You let all that get in your head. How could I not?

  4. 不是说我对失聪的人不在意

    And it's not like I'm insensitive to deaf culture or anything.

  5. 你说笑话我不在意,我还喜欢你这样哩。

    I don't mind you joking. I like it.

  6. 他受了伤,却全不在意,继续干活。

    He made nothing of the injury and went on working.

  7. 威尔伯不在意,继续朝泔水桶走去。

    Wilbur didn't care. He kept walking toward the pail of slops.

  8. 但我不在意, 这都只是她成长的环境。

    But I don't care it's just what she grew up around.

  9. 我是说,我不在意,可是其他人不一定这么想。

    I mean, I don't even care, but other people might.

  10. 他跌了一大跤,却不在意,继续干活。

    He had a bad fall, but made light of his cuts and carried on.

  11. 有些事不是我不在意,而是我在意了又能怎样。

    It is not that I don't care, it's what I could do if I care.

  12. 那些鬼佬对油价根本不在意, 而加油站的人都了解这一事实。

    People in these areas are less price sensitive, and the gas stations realize this fact.

  13. 她大概是以为你不会在意

    I guess she just figured you'd be okay with it.

  14. 我都不会在意,因为我会穿灯芯绒。

    I won't care, because I'll be wearing corduroy.

  15. 對導致氣候變化的能源使用都不甚在意

    to the energy use that's driving climate change.

  16. 你去吧,别管我,反正她也不会在意

    Just go without me, okay? Grandma won't care.

  17. 因为当初他不在意妳当初发生了什麽样的事情!

    Because he did not care Ni take place what kind of matter originally originally!

  18. 这个推断让很多的人不会再对 这个死亡数字在意

    And that creates some form of comfort for a lot of people.

  19. 尤西米对此毫不在意, 但是好奇心却更加强烈。

    You Xi rice is right this not care a nut, but curiosity is more strong however.

  20. 桑迪对父亲得话毫不在意,这使她母亲生气了。

    Sandy's indifference to what her father had said annoyed her mother.

  21. 生活就像一场游戏,当你玩腻了,你不会再在意。

    Living like a game, when are tired of, you will not care.

  22. 仪式的过程大家似乎并不十分在意, 因为都已耳熟能详了。

    Maybe it's because everyone is so familiar to these rituals.

  23. 你已经竭尽全力不在无意下伤害任何人了。

    You've gone to great lengths not to hurt anyone under unintentionally.

  24. 不像文学作品或者不是意在写成文学作品。

    not written as or intended to be literature.

  25. 不像我们那么在意

    Not like we do.

  26. 每一次的用词遣字都着意在令不合作者有犯罪感。

    The rhetoric used on such occasions is designed to produce feelings of guilt in noncooperators.

  27. 每一次得用词遣字都着意在令不合作者有犯罪感。

    The rhetoric used on such occasions is designed to produce feelings of guilt in noncooperators.

  28. 刺激措施意在平衡促进经济,同时不牺牲高技术升级。

    Stimulus measures aim to balance spurring the economy with not sacrificing hitech upgrading.

  29. 别在意, 老板不在。

    Take it easy. The boss is away.

  30. 别在意,老板不在。

    Take it easy. The boss is away.


  1. 问:不在意拼音怎么拼?不在意的读音是什么?不在意翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不在意的读音是,不在意翻译成英文是 careless

  2. 问:不在意的拼音怎么拼?不在意的的读音是什么?不在意的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不在意的的读音是,不在意的翻译成英文是 heedless



bù zài yì ㄅㄨˋ ㄗㄞˋ ㄧˋ 不在意  不放在心上。《警世通言·金明池吴清逢爱爱》:“小员外道:‘这些老妓夙娼,残花败柳,学生平日都不在意。’” 巴金 《秋》二:“ 克定 极力掩饰自己的惶恐,勉强做出不在意的样子。”