







汉语拼音:lì shí








  1. 犹立刻。

    《二刻拍案惊奇》卷二十:“立时准状,僉牌来拿 陈定 到官。” 郑振铎 《取火者的逮捕》:“ 宙士 并没有立时发作。”



  1. And straightway the damsel arose, and walked; for she was of the age of twelve years. And they were astonished with a great astonishment.

  2. And his mouth was opened instantly, and his tongue loosed, and he began to speak, blessing God.

  3. Then he began to curse and to swear: I do not know the man! And immediately a rooster crowed.

  4. And that very hour they got up and went back to Jerusalem, where the eleven and the others had come together.

  5. Change not know his opponent, fragrance swallow medicine, the body immediately Piaochi ground broken window, flew to the sky.

  6. But if you do not worship it, you will be thrown immediately into a blazing furnace. Then what god will be able to rescue you from my hand?

  7. Toad was nervous, but the Rat, nodding mysteriously at him, went straight up to the door and opened it, and in walked Mr. Badger.

  8. Then they willingly received him into the ship: and immediately the ship was at the land whither they went.

  9. Immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue was loosed, and he began to speak, praising God.


  1. 我将立时三刻到来。

    I'll be tbere, pronto.

  2. 中立时滞微分方程

    neutral delay differential equation

  3. 它是否逐渐消失或立时崩溃?

    Whether it fades out or crashes away.

  4. 膝盖骨直立时疼痛, 怎么解决?

    Patellar erect when aching, how to solve?

  5. 我当时立时就知道你是谁。

    I knew right then who you were.

  6. 黑冠麻鹭站立时大约47公分高。

    The Malayan Night Heron stands about 47cm tall.

  7. 我立时冲向他,五指弯成了爪子。

    I lunged at him then, my fingers curled into claws.

  8. 立时, 耶利哥那厚厚的城墙倒塌了。

    And immediately the high thick walls of Jericho fell down.

  9. 杰克立时成了我们家心爱的成员。

    Jake immediately became a cherished member of our family.

  10. 杰克立时成了我们家心爱得成员。

    Jake immediately became a cherished member of our family.

  11. 坐立时,把胳膊肘靠在扶手上。

    When you are sitting, keep your elbow on the arm rest.

  12. 他们立时动手掘砂模,掏清炮筒。

    They proceeded at once to extract the interior mould, clearing out the boring of the piece.

  13. 孙皓初立时, 抚恤人民, 开仓赈贫。

    Early immediate, compassionate people, the poor relief opening.

  14. 利好消息发布后, 该公司股价立时蹿升。

    After the good news was released, the company's stock price witnessed a rapid rise.

  15. 耳朵竖立时,前额有皱纹,皱纹细腻而丰富。

    Wrinkles appear upon the forehead when ears are erect, and are fine and profuse.

  16. 我们立时得反应, 就是跌进我们人得倾向里!

    The immediate reaction is for us to fall into our human tendency and instead of being anxious for nothing, we become anxious for everything!

  17. 我们立时的反应,就是跌进我们人的倾向里!

    The immediate reaction is for us to fall into our human tendency and instead of being anxious for nothing, we become anxious for everything!

  18. 愚妄人的恼怒, 立时显露。通达人能忍辱藏羞。

    Fools show their anger at once, but the prudent ignore an insult.

  19. 当你将神放回中心时, 你会立时感到平安。

    The moment you put him back at the center, you will have peace again.

  20. 期望下次再重临寇立时能看见她们。

    It was hoped that we could see them when we came back in Khao Lak.

  21. 愚妄人的恼怒立时显露, 惟精明人能忍辱藏羞。

    A fool's anger is known at once, But a prudent man conceals shame.

  22. 因此把这些叛徒处死,并立时进攻这两座堡垒。

    So he put these traitors to death, and forthwith took the two towers.

  23. 赛姆立时觉出, 他的表情里缺了那么点热情。

    Nevertheless Syme immediately detected a certain lack of enthusiasm.

  24. 赛姆立时觉出,他得表情里缺了那么点热情。

    Nevertheless Syme immediately detected a certain lack of enthusiasm.

  25. 他特别淘气,但是他妈一出现立时就听话了许多。

    He is extraordinarily naughty, but will act like a good boy once his mother appears.

  26. 他特别淘气,但是他妈一出现立时就听话了许多。

    He is extraordinarily naughty, but will act like a good boy once his mother appears.

  27. 他必须立时立刻搞到镇上去,把原木给卖了。

    Nine logs was enough for one time; he must shove right over to town and sell.

  28. 他们立时需钱用,不能为了提价而囤积货品不卖?

    They need the money immediately and cannot hold back their goods to push the price up.

  29. 该消息立时震惊学术界,广大学生纷纷在网上寄托哀思。

    The news shocked academic circles, and students showed their sadness online.

  30. 那位温文儒雅的胃病专家起立时室内一片寂静。

    There was silence as the elegant stomach specialist stood up.


  1. 问:立时拼音怎么拼?立时的读音是什么?立时翻译成英文是什么?

    答:立时的读音是lìshí,立时翻译成英文是 Immediately; promptly.

  2. 问:立时三刻拼音怎么拼?立时三刻的读音是什么?立时三刻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:立时三刻的读音是lìshísānkè,立时三刻翻译成英文是 Immediately; promptly; right away.

