


盛大,厚,程度深:~冬。~重(zhòng )。兴(xīng )盛:兴~。~盛(shèng )。高,高起:~起。~穹。~准(高鼻梁)。尊崇:~师。姓。……


1. 重 [zhòng]2. 重 [chóng]重 [zhòng]分(fèn)量较大,与“轻”相对:~负。~荷。~量(liàng )。~力。举~。负~。程度深:~色。~病。~望。~创。价格高:~价收买。数量多:~金聘请。眉毛~。~兵。主要,……



汉语拼音:lóng zhòng








  1. 优厚。

    《世说新语·言语》“侍中 殷仲文 进曰” 刘孝标 注引 晋 檀道鸾 《续晋阳秋》:“ 仲文 闻 玄 ( 桓玄 )平 京邑 ,弃郡投焉。 玄 甚説之,引为咨议参军。时 王謐 见礼而不亲, 卞范之 被亲而少礼。其宠遇隆重,兼於 王 卞 矣。”《北史·崔弘度传》:“﹝弟 弘昇 ﹞歷 慈 郑 二州刺史、 襄州 总管。以戚属故,待遇隆重。”

  2. 借指丰盛。

    郭沫若 《蔡文姬》第二幕:“ 曹丞相 送来的礼品实在太隆重了,黄金千两,白璧十双,锦绢百匹,我们实在受之有愧。”

  3. 尊崇,器重。

    《明史·熊汝霖传》:“先帝隆重武臣,而叛降跋扈,肩背相踵。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第七一回:“他虽非 元 、 白 、 李 、 杜 ,却也才气纵横。因此制军十分隆重他,每月送他五十两银子的束脩。”

  4. 贵盛。亦指贵盛之位。

    《梁书·张弘策传》:“ 弘策 为人宽厚通率,篤旧故。及居隆重,不以贵势自高。” 宋 沉括 《梦溪笔谈·人事一》:“名位隆重,福寿康寧。” 元 辛文房 《唐才子传·陈上美》:“於兹传中,族匪闻望,官不隆重。”《剪灯新话·太虚司法传》:“天府以吾正直,命为 太虚殿 司法,职任隆重,不復再来人世矣。”

  5. 盛大庄严。

    茅盾 《春蚕》二:“这是一个隆重的仪式!千百年相传的仪式!” 艾芜 《鞍钢啊,我回来了》:“ 鞍山 街头和 二一九公园 ,都点缀起无数的彩旗,显示出隆重的节日气氛。”



  1. At the beginning of the end of the light all grand celebration, the years of the life will be turned into a memorial.


  2. The big take-off is in two years' time, when two pilots will attempt a transatlantic flight before trying to fly around the globe.


  3. Be sure to tell him not to dress up. It's a casual party, you know.


  4. I had envisaged that completing our first continent would be a momentous occasion but it was not to be.


  5. Angolan Prime Minister Fernando da Piedade Dias dos Santos held a grand ceremony to see him off at the parking apron of the airport.


  6. But the most solemn celebration in honour of this saint was always that of his Nativity , preceded until recently by a fast.


  7. There was a sense of a grand reunion in the midst of this historic event.


  8. Here's another piece of good news for this winter: our factory comes out with 2006's fashionable eiderdown outwear of various kinds.


  9. With a fanfare and a military honor guard, Saudi Arabia welcomed the president of the United States.


  1. 隆重的场合

    a proud occasion

  2. 隆重的仪式

    a solemn ceremony

  3. 隆重的集会

    a solemn assembly

  4. 就要隆重开张了。

    Is in a few minutes.

  5. 总统受到隆重接待。

    The President was received in state.

  6. 婚礼场面非常隆重。

    The wedding was a very grand occasion.

  7. 聚会隆重地开始了。

    The party kicked off in great style.

  8. 洛杉矶丝竹坊隆重开幕

    Grand Opening of Music Poetry Center

  9. 得到隆重体面的葬礼

    Received an honorable burial.

  10. 第90届广交会隆重开幕

    The 90th Canton Fair Opened in Guangzhou

  11. 女王加冕礼仪很隆重。

    The Queen was crowned with much ceremony.

  12. 隆重地引导,例如列队。

    lead ceremoniously, as in a procession.

  13. 好莱坞最隆重之夜

    The biggest night of the Hollywood year

  14. 于是, 太监决定隆重一下。

    At be, eunuch decision is grand.

  15. 加冕礼盛大而隆重。

    The coronation was conducted with great pomp.

  16. 我受到了隆重的欢迎。

    I was greeted with great style.

  17. 在隆重的仪式中登岸。

    Coming ashore with pomp and ceremony.

  18. 他的葬礼盛大而隆重。

    He was buried with great pomp and solemnity.

  19. 铺红地毯隆重欢迎某人

    roll out the red carpet for sb.

  20. 计划举行了隆重的庆典。

    A great celebration was planned.

  21. 举行了隆重的安葬仪式。

    A solemn burial service was held.

  22. 奥运会的开幕式场面隆重。

    The ceremonial opening of the Olympic games was a fine spectacle.

  23. 这是一次隆重的事件

    It was a huge event.

  24. 国王隆重庆祝这个大日子。

    The King solemnized the big day.

  25. 国王隆重庆祝这个大日子。

    The King solemnized the big day.

  26. 剑桥理工出版社隆重开业!

    Cambridge Education Publishing Grand Opening!

  27. 国王以隆重仪式接见大使。

    The king received the ambassador in state.

  28. 该议会的开幕式场面隆重。

    The ceremonial opening of Parliament was a fine spectacle.

  29. 世大运在北京隆重揭幕。

    Games opened in Beijing with a bang.

  30. 他们隆重上演一出新戏。

    They have rung back the curtains on a new show.


  1. 问:隆重拼音怎么拼?隆重的读音是什么?隆重翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隆重的读音是lóngzhòng,隆重翻译成英文是 solemn

  2. 问:隆重感拼音怎么拼?隆重感的读音是什么?隆重感翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隆重感的读音是Lóngzhòng gǎn,隆重感翻译成英文是 a sense of occasion

  3. 问:隆重地拼音怎么拼?隆重地的读音是什么?隆重地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隆重地的读音是,隆重地翻译成英文是 ceremoniously

  4. 问:隆重的拼音怎么拼?隆重的的读音是什么?隆重的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隆重的的读音是,隆重的翻译成英文是 red-carpet

  5. 问:隆重郎拼音怎么拼?隆重郎的读音是什么?隆重郎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隆重郎的读音是Lóngchóngláng,隆重郎翻译成英文是 Takajūrō

  6. 问:隆重登场拼音怎么拼?隆重登场的读音是什么?隆重登场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隆重登场的读音是,隆重登场翻译成英文是 Solemn on Stage


