







汉语拼音:dàn fán







  1. 凡是;只要是。

    《元典章·吏部六·官职吏员》:“监察每、廉访司官司人每,但凡勾当行的官人每。”《水浒传》第二三回:“但凡客人来我店中,吃了三碗的,便醉了,过不得前面的山冈去。”《儒林外史》第三十回:“但凡朋友相知,都要请了到席。” 杨朔 《三千里江山》十三:“后首遇见敌机,但凡能开,我就不停车。”

  2. 倘若,假如。




  1. Four young do not understand why the work group, HK has its own desk, should fill the corner of furniture, until the date the work space.


  2. Man of in every case will be pursy brows, consider the ground to say none " really disgusting! "


  3. Any vehicular outing with that woman from the time I was a young child -- guys, naturally included flashing blue lights.


  4. Whatever you're doing, you'll give it a hundred percent.


  5. The draw CARDS and their original CARDS combination, every component pair of card, can throw into the brand pile.


  6. Unlike the curated and subsidised International Festival, the Fringe is open to anyone with a little money and plenty of passion.


  7. Once a piece of writing bears the character of "grand cultural narrative" , it is likely to be a "classic" .


  8. Every Chinese official older than the age of 50 experienced the calamities of the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution.


  9. If asked, mostly boys should have or realism school, whenever a man chose the latter, only a small number of elegant people.


  1. 但凡星期天,她都去游泳。

    She goes swimming every Sunday.

  2. 但凡中国人,都知道孔子。

    All Chinese people know about Confucius.

  3. 但凡与棒球无关的,都与你无关

    If it's not about baseball, it doesn't matter to you.

  4. 但凡有才具之人都容易骄傲。

    Talented people get proud easily.

  5. 但凡有才具之人都容易骄傲。

    Talented people get proud easily.

  6. 但凡你想得到的, 就都是棕色的。

    You name it, it was in brown.

  7. 但凡发生事件, 都必有其意义。

    There are no events but what have meaning.

  8. 我早餐但凡有果汁, 面包和咖啡。

    I have juice, toast and coffee for breakfast.

  9. 但凡要车子用, 他都来找我。

    Whenever he wanted to use the car, he came to me.

  10. 你认为但凡和我上床的女人

    You don't think anyone who sleeps with me.

  11. 但凡女人都爱花, 我也不例外。

    Whenever women have to love flowers, am no exception.

  12. 但凡有点办法, 他也不会麻烦我们。

    If there were any way out, he would never trouble us.

  13. 但凡别人有困难, 他没有不热情帮助的。

    Whenever anybody needs help, he is ready to give it.

  14. 但凡触犯灵族之人, 兼将尝余怒火!

    All those that oppose the Eldar shall fear my wrath!

  15. 但凡同志们有困难, 他没有不热情帮助的。

    Whenever a comrade needs help, he is ready to give it.

  16. 这时但凡到了我叫醒我小弟弟的时间了。

    Then, it's usually time to wake up my little brother.

  17. 但凡与我们观点相左的人,神经肯定有问题。

    In all matters of opinion, our adversaries are insane.

  18. 但凡有人这样做, 并回来谈论, 处罚就是死罪。

    The punishment for those who did, and came back to discuss it, was death.

  19. 爸爸清了清嗓子但凡有要事宣布,他都会这样。

    My father cleared his throat as he usually did before saying something important.

  20. 但凡昨天没上学的学生,老师逐个问明原因。

    The teacher required an excuse from every pupil, without exception, who had been absent the previous day.

  21. 他但凡提出疑问,得到的回答全是华尔街的官样文章。

    When he asked questions, the answers came back in Wall Street gobbledygook.

  22. 但凡再耍一次这样笨把戏, 离我女儿远点!

    But if you ever pull a stunt like this again, it will not be around my kid!

  23. 但凡民众被拯救,就必然响起激昂的背景音乐。

    As long as the populace are saved, resounds the spirited background music on the necessity.

  24. 但凡喜欢了才会是朋友, 既然喜欢便可能是爱的萌芽。

    Where will enjoy the friends, now that they may enjoy are the budding love.

  25. 但凡曾经沿着哈德逊河航行的人, 必定都记得卡兹吉尔山脉。

    Whoever has made a voyage up the Hudson must remember the Catskill Mountains.

  26. 但如果凡人会受到财务激励的左右,难道学者就不会吗?

    But if financial incentives shape the behaviour of mere mortal human beings, might not they shape the behaviour of academics as well.

  27. 但女孩子中,凡没有出嫁的,你们都可以存留他的活命。

    But save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.

  28. 但女孩子中,凡没有出嫁的,你们都可以存留她的活命。

    But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

  29. 但莎凡特没有犯错。

    But Savant had not made a mistake.

  30. 但乔凡尼和我,我们仅止于说话而已。

    But Giovanni and I, we only talk.


  1. 问:但凡拼音怎么拼?但凡的读音是什么?但凡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:但凡的读音是dànfán,但凡翻译成英文是 as long as; in every case




拼音:dànfán[without exception;as long as;in every case] 凡是,只要是但凡过路的人,都要在这歇脚喝水