






不,不曾,没有:~必。~曾(céng )。~来。~尝。~竟(没有完成的)。~及(a.没有来得及;b.没有达到)。地支的第八位,属羊。用于记时:~时(下午一点至三点)。放在句末,表示疑问:“君除吏尽~?吾亦欲除吏”。……





汉语拼音:yuán fēng wèi dòng








  • 【解释】:保持原样,不加变动。
  • 【出自】:《太平天国故事歌谣选·竹签的来历》:“过节那天设的酒肴,都原封未动,大家感到奇怪。”
  • 【示例】:不要在这次会议上许了愿,到明年召开‘八大’时还照样有那么多缺点、错误,~。


  1. But it turned out that officials had simply failed to empty one of three storerooms, leaving a third of the water locked away.


  2. The bill requires Treasury to set up an insurance-based alternative. But the core of what Mr. Paulson requested survived largely unscathed.


  3. A rule or regulation may be modified or even canceled because of a public comment, though sometimes it is hardly changed at all.


  4. There is a possibility that the root might uncover valuable artifacts untouched for thousands of years.


  5. teau Haut-Brion. The bottles are completely untouched, with pristine labels and clean provenance; all are stored properly in Europe.


  6. I'm surprised some of those cheap houses stay up AT all.


  7. Stamina and endurance were his to an extreme degree, and they were the virgin stamina and endurance of Youth.


  8. Minor courtiers were executed but the essential power structure remained.


  9. The articles on mind control at the table -- from mainstream news magazines -- go untouched.


  1. 用词和插图都原封未动。

    The words and illustrations are the same.

  2. 皮夹原封未动, 钱一点也没少, 得证卡都在。

    It is intact, no money is missing the cards are in place.

  3. 皮夹原封未动,钱一点也没少,的证卡都在。

    It is intact, no money is missing the cards are in place.

  4. 皮夹原封未动, 钱一点也没少, 所有得证卡都在。

    It is intact, no money is missing, and all the cards are in place.

  5. 皮夹原封未动,钱一点也没少,所有的证卡都在。

    It is intact, no money is missing, and all the cards are in place.

  6. 一些小角色被牺牲掉了,但根本的权力结构原封未动。

    Minor courtiers were executed but the essential power structure remained.

  7. 机器人有可能发掘出数千年来原封未动的贵重工艺品。

    There is a possibility that the root might uncover valuable artifacts untouched for thousands of years.

  8. 另一半一动未动。

    Other Half doesn't move a muscle.

  9. 融资未动标准先行

    The standard is antecedent the start of financing

  10. 兵马未动,粮草先行。

    Food and fodder should go ahead of troops and horses.

  11. 这些书自从放在这里就一直未动过。

    The books have been lying here ever since they were laid here.

  12. 这些书放在这里之日起,一直在这里未动过。

    The books have lain here ever since they were laid here.

  13. 群山表面上被云雾挫败,实际上始终岿然未动。

    The mountain remains unmoved at its seeming defeat by the mist.

  14. 史密斯一再地鼓励他,但是他还是丝毫未动。

    Smith urged him again and again, but Buckingham didn't budge.

  15. 她打发人将一盘她一口未动的早餐送回。

    She sent back her breakfast tray untouched.

  16. 然后他们漫步走出店外,内心感动,钱包未动。

    Then they stroll back out, hearts touched, wallets not.

  17. 虽然一动未动, 我已经能感觉到肩膀不一样了。

    And without moving a muscle, I could tell that my shoulder had changed.

  18. 狗使出全身的力气拉,但雪撬纹丝未动。

    The dogs pulled as hard as they could, but the sledge did not move.

  19. 宴会中留下来未动的菜肴成了厨房人员的美餐

    The untouched leavings from the Banquet made a fine meal for the kitchen staff

  20. 但我一直等到夜深,等到凌晨,它任然纹丝未动。

    But I waited until the middle of the night, until morning, it ran untouched either.

  21. 佛典有云旗未动,风也未吹,是人的心自己在动。

    Its written in the Buddhist Canon. The flags are still, no wind blows Its the heart of man thats in tumult!

  22. 即使在他望着它的时候,它的尾巴也几乎纹丝未动。

    Even as he watched it, it gave the faintest flicker to its tail.

  23. 太阳已落到地平线下。她还坐在摇椅上,一动未动。

    The sun finally dipped below the horizon, and still she had not moved.

  24. 女孩最近对留在她舱位门外的餐饭纹丝未动。

    The girl had left most of her meals untouched outside her cabin door.

  25. 人这一生如果一直保持着一颗完整未动的心是多么可悲啊!

    How sad it must be to go through life with a whole untouched heart!

  26. 在我和博坐在那儿的15分钟里,她一言不发,纹丝未动。

    In the fifteen minutes that Beau and I sat with katherine, she never said a word and never moved.

  27. 俗话说“兵马未动,粮草先行”,在创办企业时必须首先筹集足够的资金。

    As the saying goes that"Food and fodder should go ahead of troops and horses", ample funds must be prepared in the first place when establishing a company .

  28. 玛丽盯着看那个歹徒,他未敢动她就走开了。

    Mary looked the gangster in the face, and he turned away without hurting her.

  29. 钱原封未动地被捡拾者送还。

    The money was returned intact by its finder.

  30. 相逢离别终一梦,马蹄未扬尘已动。

    Meet the end of a dream of separation, Horseshoe did not have the dust.