


1. 卷 [juàn]2. 卷 [juǎn]卷 [juàn]可以舒展和弯转成圆筒形的书画:长~。画~。手~。书籍的册本或篇章:上~。第一~。藏书十万~。~帙(书卷成束,用布裹或布囊装起来称“帙”,即书套。现一般指书籍)。考试用的纸:试~。机……





汉语拼音:juàn lián






  1. I saw the shutter doors closed, the door did not light the first of the light box.


  2. Serves as the fire protection separation the fire protection roll-up door, after the fire detector movement, the roll-up door should drop.


  3. Commercial Rolling Door stylish beautiful, elegant style, combined with commercial door trims, creating a thick atmosphere of the business.


  4. HONGSHENG electric shutter system, compact and sophisticated, modern home and office space for the best accessories.


  5. There is also a risk of strangulation if the child places their neck between the lifting loops and the rolled up blind.


  6. Exterior components of the blind which can't be touched or ingested by young children should be produced no more than 0. 2% lead by weight.


  7. Professional wholesale garage doors, shutter doors, sliding doors, door, motor and various accessories.


  8. Followed by plainclothes police and reporters will be pulled into the roller shutter door entertainment city.


  9. A roller blind is a smooth, stiffened panel of fabric that winds around a roller fixed at the top of the window.


  1. 卷帘百叶窗

    rolling louver.

  2. 意大利式卷帘

    Italian blind

  3. 自动防火卷帘

    automatic fire shutter

  4. 卷帘门窗型材

    Roller shutter profile.

  5. 试问卷帘人

    And I question her as she rolls the window shade.

  6. 柏木丝卷帘

    cypress wood shade.

  7. 液晶卷帘打印机

    liquid crystal shutter printer

  8. 卷帘外遮阳系统

    Roller shutter sun shading system

  9. 防火卷帘控制器

    The control unit for fire rolling shutters GA

  10. 防火卷帘的应用

    Application of fire resistance rolling screen

  11. 浅谈防火卷帘系统

    On fire resistance rolling shutter system

  12. 手动卷帘胶盘

    Manual Roller Shutter for Plastic Plate.

  13. 再论水雾特级防火卷帘

    Repeat the discussion of super class water mist fire shutter

  14. 钢质特级防火卷帘无机特级防火卷帘

    Super grade steel rolling fire curtain, super grade inorganic rolling fire curtain

  15. 防火卷帘应用设计问题探讨

    Discussion on the Applicable Design of the Fire Roller Shutter

  16. 防火卷帘的喷水保护措施

    Water sprinkling protection of fire control curtain

  17. 门和卷帘的耐火试验方法

    Fire resistance test method of door and shutter assemblies

  18. 火卷法兰西防火卷帘的应用

    Fire blast France Application of fire resistance rolling screen.

  19. 大型商场防火卷帘控制方案探讨

    Probing the control scheme of fire shutters for large size bazaar

  20. 浅析保护防火卷帘的水幕系统

    On water curtain system for roll fire screen protection.

  21. 我国防火卷帘的技术经济分析

    The technology and economic analysis of Chinese made fire shutter

  22. 对防火卷帘控制设计的一些认识

    Recognize the design of controls of fire shutter

  23. 防火卷帘将进入全无机纤维时代

    Fire shutter will go into totally non organic fiber era

  24. 防火卷帘使用中应考虑的问题

    Several issues that shall be considered regarding the application of fireproof rolling curtain

  25. 水雾式防火卷帘的设计参数探讨

    On design parameters of fine spraying rolling screen system for fire control

  26. 防火卷帘在建筑防火设计中存在问题探讨

    The Problems with the Fire Design of Folded Fire Curtains

  27. 普通型钢质防火卷帘和复合型钢质防火卷帘。

    There is common type steel fireproof curtain and compound type fireproof rolling curtain.

  28. 卷帘密封干式气柜密封膜安装质量控制

    Quality control of the installation of the seal membrance in the winding curtain sealed dry gas drum

  29. 喷水系统保护防火卷帘存在问题与探讨

    Discussion on the problems of the fire roller shutter protected by sprinkler system

  30. 我们销售各种布帘,工程卷帘,百叶帘,床上用品。

    We sell all kinds of curtains, engineering shutter, Bai Yelian, bedding.


  1. 问:卷帘门拼音怎么拼?卷帘门的读音是什么?卷帘门翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卷帘门的读音是juǎnliánmén,卷帘门翻译成英文是 Roller shutter door; a door that can be rolled u...

  2. 问:卷帘拼音怎么拼?卷帘的读音是什么?卷帘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卷帘的读音是juǎn lián,卷帘翻译成英文是 roller shutters

  3. 问:卷帘窗拼音怎么拼?卷帘窗的读音是什么?卷帘窗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卷帘窗的读音是juǎn lián chuāng,卷帘窗翻译成英文是 roller shutter window

  4. 问:卷帘式堰拼音怎么拼?卷帘式堰的读音是什么?卷帘式堰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卷帘式堰的读音是juǎn lián shì yàn,卷帘式堰翻译成英文是 rolling-up curtain weir

  5. 问:卷帘菜单拼音怎么拼?卷帘菜单的读音是什么?卷帘菜单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卷帘菜单的读音是juǎnliáncàidān,卷帘菜单翻译成英文是 flyout menu

  6. 问:卷帘钢门拼音怎么拼?卷帘钢门的读音是什么?卷帘钢门翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卷帘钢门的读音是juǎn lián gāng mén,卷帘钢门翻译成英文是 rolling steel door

  7. 问:卷帘式壁龛拼音怎么拼?卷帘式壁龛的读音是什么?卷帘式壁龛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卷帘式壁龛的读音是juǎn lián shì bì kān,卷帘式壁龛翻译成英文是 shutter box

  8. 问:卷帘式面板拼音怎么拼?卷帘式面板的读音是什么?卷帘式面板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卷帘式面板的读音是juǎn lián shì miàn bǎn,卷帘式面板翻译成英文是 roll-up palette

  9. 问:卷帘门设备柜拼音怎么拼?卷帘门设备柜的读音是什么?卷帘门设备柜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卷帘门设备柜的读音是juǎn lián mén shè bèi guì,卷帘门设备柜翻译成英文是 roller shutter equipment cabinet