







汉语拼音:zài zhōu






  1. 《邓析子·无厚》:“同舟渡海,中流遇风,救患若一,所忧同也。”后因以“在舟”谓患难与共。

    《文选·王粲<赠文叔良>诗》:“惟诗作赠,敢咏在舟。” 李善 注:“言为诗以赠者,有在舟之义,忧患同也。”



  1. To voyage over water in a boat or ship; sail.


  2. Application of High Pressure Circumvolved Grouting to Cofferdam Seepage Prevention of Zhoushan Power Station


  1. 航行在舟或船里航行于水上航行。

    To voyage over water in a boat or ship sail.

  2. 广西文化舟在北大起航

    Of Guangxi Culture Set Sail at PKU

  3. 那是个方舟,他在建方舟。

    It's an ark. he's building an ark.

  4. 在湖上荡舟

    to scull on the lake.

  5. 裂片通常保持关闭的在花期,舟兜状。

    Segments usually remaining closed at anthesis, slightly cucullate.

  6. 在阴暗的天穹下, 一叶小舟在海上航行。

    Under the cloudy vault of heaven, a small boat was sailing on the sea.

  7. 农场在一艘叫做科技之舟的船上。

    The farm is on a boat called the Science Barge.

  8. 东印度公司银币在舟山的流通

    The Circulation of Silver Coins from East India Company in Zhoushan

  9. 新技术在舟山台方言时事点评节目中的应用

    Application of New Technique in Dialect Current Event Review Program in Zhoushan

  10. 高压旋喷灌浆技术在舟坝电站围堰防渗处理中的应用

    Application of High Pressure Circumvolved Grouting to Cofferdam Seepage Prevention of Zhoushan Power Station

  11. 手摇钻也可以减少导针在舟状骨内折断的风险。

    Hand drilling also decreases the risk of breaking off a guide wire in the scaphoid.

  12. 手摇钻也可以减少导针在舟状骨内折断得风险。

    Hand drilling also decreases the risk of breaking off a guide wire in the scaphoid.

  13. 飘摇!一叶小舟在飘摇!

    Adrift! A little boat adrift!

  14. 孤舟在大海上显得很渺小。

    Boat looked tiny in the sea.

  15. 小舟在波涛汹涌的海中颠簸不已。

    The boat seesawed in the heavy sea.

  16. 象一艘孤舟在生活之海上找不到方向。

    Looked like an orphaned boat marine to be able to find the direction in the life.

  17. 叠成一只一只很小的船儿, 从舟上抛下在海里。

    an only an only pimping ship son, Abandon from the boat in the nautical mile.

  18. 乘舟荡漾在打洛江上

    On board a boat steered with a single bamboo

  19. 我们在西湖里荡一叶小舟。

    We paddled a boat in the West Lake.

  20. 演出的时候, 舟舟喜欢站在舞台的一侧。

    Performance time, Zhouzhou like to stand on the side of the stage.

  21. 我们在树林里或树舟上宿营过夜

    We camped overnight in the trees, in tree boats.

  22. 风向变后,那条小舟就清晰在望了。

    A change of wind brought the little boat into sight.

  23. 不久风停舟行,停靠在潮音洞下。

    Presently the storm had abated and the ship stopped under today's Chao'Yin'Dong or Pounding Waves Cave.

  24. 在海洋渔业博物馆了解舟山的海洋史。

    The visitor can understand Zhoushans oceanic history at the Marine Fishery Museum.

  25. 它又像一叶小舟,飘浮在浩瀚的太平洋上。

    Again one leaf bateau, float go up in the Pacific Ocean of vast.

  26. 唐末至五代,舟曲境仍在吐蕃势力范围。

    To the late Tang and Five Dynasties, Zhouqu Tibetan sphere of influence is still habitat.

  27. 像一只没有方向的小舟,在寻找着永远的舵手。

    Like a directionless boat, it is seeking the eternal steersman.

  28. 那天在滔滔的波浪里驾驶小舟着实费了一番手脚。

    The choppy waves made handling the boats a tricky operation that day.

  29. 那天在滔滔得波浪里驾驶小舟着实费了一番手脚。

    The choppy waves made handling the boats a tricky operation that day.

  30. 由延伸在柳条框架周围的兽皮制成的小的圆舟

    a small rounded boat made of hides stretched over a wicker frame