


求:~求。~示。~假(jiǎ )。~命。~战。~教(jiào )。~愿。~君入瓮。~缨(喻请战杀敌)。敬辞,用于希望对方做某事:~进。~坐。~安。~便。延聘、邀、约人来:~客。~柬。邀~。谒见、会见:“造~诸公,不避寒暑”。……


1. 见 [jiàn]2. 见 [xiàn]见 [jiàn]看到:看~。罕~。~微知著。~义勇为。~异思迁。接触,遇到:怕~风。~习。看得出,显得出:~效。相形~绌。(文字等)出现在某处,可参考:~上。~下。会晤:会~。接~。对事物观察、认……



汉语拼音:qǐng jiàn









  1. 请求接见。

    《左传·僖公二十四年》:“ 吕却 畏偪,将焚公宫,而弑 晋侯 。寺人 披 请见,公使让之,且辞焉。”《论语·八佾》:“ 仪 封人请见,曰:‘君子之於斯也,吾未尝不得见也。’从者见之。”

  2. 宋 代士人的一种礼节。

    宋 王闢之 《渑水燕谈录·杂录》:“国初袭 唐 末士风,举子见先达,先通牋刺,谓之请见。既与之见,他日再投启事,谓之谢见。”

  3. 相见。请,敬辞。

    《左传·成公二年》:“ 齐侯 使请战,曰:‘子以君师辱於敝邑,不腆敝赋,詰朝请见。’”

  4. 邀请会见。

    瞿秋白 《饿乡纪程》十一:“忽有外交部部员传信给我们,说总理请见。当天晚上,我们到他家里--就在外交部。”



  1. You might be able to resolve this error by bypassing the proxy server for local Web requests, as described in the following procedure.


  2. This was much in evidence with Pakistan, one of the early borrowers from the fund in the current crisis (for the full list, see chart 2).


  3. This map (see Table 1) should be refined over time, beginning with a simple list of the communities, adding detail over time.


  4. all the tv channels are set up in advance . please read the program list for details.


  5. America's recession began quietly at the end of 2007 (see chart 1). Since then it has mutated into a global crisis.


  6. Defines the method that the underlying Pool will use to allocate memory from the system. See User Allocators for details.


  7. A few blocks from Jusco, is one of Zhuhai's freshest fish markets.


  8. You can view the rest of the videos and learn more about the concepts behind them and their creators on this page.


  9. In compliance with your request, we are sending you, under attachment, our latest catalog and price list covering our export range.


  1. 请见上文。

    Please see above.

  2. 请见有关规定。

    Please see the guideline here.

  3. 详情请见附件。

    Please see attachment for details.

  4. 详情请见下文。

    For more information please see below.

  5. 详情请见下文。

    For more information please see below.

  6. 请见前一章。

    See the preceding chapter.

  7. 获取更多信息,请见…

    For more info[information], see ~

  8. 请见对问题20得答复。

    Please refer to the answer to question20.

  9. 请见对问题20的答复。

    Please refer to the answer to question20.

  10. 详情请见露露的网站

    for more details, please visit lulu s website.

  11. 如题,请见附件,谢谢。

    As captioned.Please find the attached.Thanks.

  12. 详细信息请见上文表格。

    Full details are in the table above.

  13. 初始保证金请见独立金额。

    Initial Margin See Independent Amount.

  14. 详细规则请见现场公告。

    Please pay attention to the bulletin board on site for detailed rules.

  15. 详情请见附件,谢谢考虑。

    Enclosed please find the details and kindly for your consideration.

  16. 详情请见第32页的瞄准。

    See Aiming a Power, page 32, for more information.

  17. 详情请见第32页得瞄准。

    See Aiming a Power, page 30, for more information.

  18. 红绿灯设置请见图动画设置。

    The Traffic light with the settings from the picture Settings for the animation.

  19. 同时请见对建议20的回应。

    See also the response to recommendation20.

  20. 详细测评内容请见后页。

    After detailed evaluation content audience, page.

  21. 下周节目预告请见第12页。

    Turn to page 12 for a preview of next weeks programmes.

  22. 如下请见一些展位的图片。

    Attached are some pictures of the booth from the show.

  23. 更多信息请见章节和标题。

    See sections Section and Heading for more info.

  24. 细节请见输出键和对象跟踪。

    See Export Key and Object Tracking for details.

  25. 关于这个问题的讨论请见下文。

    See below for a discussion on this matter.

  26. 如属新零售店申请,请见附注5。

    Please see Note 5 for application of a new retail outlet.

  27. 请见一下我的朋友格林夫人。

    Please meet my friend Mrs. Green.

  28. 参加会议人员请见下面的信息。

    Here below the informations is for how will attend this meeting.

  29. 请见后页之会议室位置图。

    Please refer to map on next page for seminar room locations.

  30. 详情介绍请见我的博客,谢谢!

    Details of the light of my blog, thank you!


  1. 问:请见谅拼音怎么拼?请见谅的读音是什么?请见谅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:请见谅的读音是Qǐng jiànliàng,请见谅翻译成英文是 if you'll excuse me

  2. 问:请见谅。拼音怎么拼?请见谅。的读音是什么?请见谅。翻译成英文是什么?

    答:请见谅。的读音是Qǐng jiànliàng.,请见谅。翻译成英文是 Please excuse me.