


1. 弟 [dì]2. 弟 [tì]3. 弟 [tuí]弟 [dì]同父母(或只同父、只同母)的比自己年纪小的男子:~~。兄~。亲戚或亲族间辈分相同的比自己年纪小的男子:表~。堂~。称同辈比自己年纪小的男性:老~。师~。学生对老师自称或别人……





汉语拼音:dì mèi







  1. 弟弟和妹妹。

    《北史·崔亮传》:“弟妹饥寒,岂容独饱。” 唐 杜甫 《九日》诗之一:“弟妹萧条各何在,干戈衰谢两相催。”

  2. 弟弟的妻子。

    刘梅村 等《李二嫂改嫁》第六场:“ 李七 :‘弟妹,这是给谁做的?’ 李二嫂 :‘给前方同志们做的。’” 魏连珍 《不是蝉》:“你还是大伯子哥哩,怎么和弟妹开起玩笑来了!”



  1. She understood, early on, that she needed to diminish her own sense of importance so the needs of her younger siblings could be met.


  2. At the work, Dayong began to realize that his wife and her sister were peony flower goddesses .


  3. When she was fired from her job, she took it out on her younger brothers and sisters.


  4. Without having to be told, Bob steered his kin to one side away from the lines of children, and stood with his eyes fixed on the cane.


  5. Tragically, her mother and father died in a car crash when Twain was 21, forcing her to put aside music to support her younger siblings.


  6. Father was a very lazy person, siblings are small, as the eldest of four siblings, heavy labor will naturally fall on my mother's shoulders.


  7. What'sister-in-law's sister-in-law'of I phone to round all, that eldest brother calls you a whistle son.


  8. After a year and a half of Kids Company's relentless advocacy, the three siblings were taken into care.


  9. Her mother died in 1963, leaving her with four younger brothers and sisters.


  1. 妈妈, 你带弟妹回家吧。

    Mama, you take Mardell and j. d. and get home.

  2. 不要指望一个弟妹照顾别人。

    Don't expect one sibling to take care of the others.

  3. 还好吧,弟妹,姐无法忘记你们。

    Also OK, siblings, sister can not forget you.

  4. 他还安慰三岁和五岁的弟妹

    he was trying to console the 1 year old.

  5. 大男孩有时会欺压自己的弟妹们。

    Big boys sometimes domineer their younger brothers and sisters.

  6. 母亲, 你怎么能跟弟妹们这样胡说呢?

    Mother, how could you have put such nonsense into their heads?

  7. 九岁的他努力去抱住年幼的弟妹

    This 9yearold boy trying to hold these 0 little ones.

  8. 你将病的再不能照顾你的弟妹了。

    And you'll be too sickto care for your brotherand sister anymore.

  9. 首先, 女孩负责做家务和看管弟妹。

    First of all, girls are responsible for carrying out domestic chores and for watching over younger siblings.

  10. 然后我的弟妹们还得从绑匪那里营救我。

    And then my sibs had to rescue me from kidnappers.

  11. 从现在起,我就该改嘴叫你弟妹了。

    I should call you sister-in-law from now on.

  12. 她被革职后, 便向她的弟妹们滥发脾气。

    When she was fired from her job, she took it out on her younger brothers and sisters.

  13. 作为长子,我自然而然培养了领导弟妹的能力。

    Being the eldest son of three children,somehow,I acquired the ability to lead my younger brother and sister.

  14. 照顾生病的父母和弟妹的这名女孩没有上学。

    The girl who is caring for her sick parents or younger siblings is not attending school.

  15. 她妈妈1963年的时候死了,抛下她和四个弟妹。

    Her mother died in1963, leaving her with four younger brothers and sisters.

  16. 女孩年满12岁时,往往让她们全责照管弟妹。

    When the girl children reach the age of12 they are often given complete responsibility of their younger siblings.

  17. 希望你们能常常回来看看我们这群可爱的学弟妹。

    We hope you often come back to the school and visit us.

  18. 放学回家后女孩通常照管弟妹并做些家务。

    Girls usually returning home from school take care of their younger siblings and do some household chores.

  19. 大用这才知道自己的妻子和弟妹都是牡丹花神变的。

    At the work, Dayong began to realize that his wife and her sister were peony flower goddesses.

  20. 儿童公司一年半的不懈支持, 三个弟妹都受到了的照顾。

    After a year and a half of Kids Companys relentless advocacy, the three siblings were taken into care.

  21. 英嘉和比她更小的两个弟妹便日复一日地孤独地生活。

    From one day to the next Inga is left alone with two younger siblings.


  1. 问:弟妹拼音怎么拼?弟妹的读音是什么?弟妹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弟妹的读音是dìmèi,弟妹翻译成英文是 younger brother's wife; younger brother and s...



一、在部分地区则指弟弟的妻子(兄弟媳妇),或与自己关系非常好的兄弟的妻子(当然是年纪比自己小的,否则要叫嫂子),即弟媳。弟妹和弟媳基本上是一个意思,但在有些语境中“弟妹”可以指“弟弟和妹妹”,比如说“我上有年过花甲的爹娘,下有未成年的弟妹……”这就是弟妹和弟媳不同的地方了。 二、有时也可以作为同事妻子的称呼(当然前提还是同事是要比自己小的),这样既可对人尊重,又可避免朋友同事与她关系上的尴尬 三、可泛指比自己年纪轻的朋友女朋友或者妻子的称呼,一般北方人居多,可以见到很多北方汉子很豪爽地称呼!