


粗野,凶恶,不通情理:野~。~横(hèng )。~不讲理。愣,强悍:一味~干。中国古代称南方各族:~荒。方言,相当于“很”:~好。……


1. 荒 [huāng]荒 [huāng]年成不好,收成不好:~年。灾~。防~。备~。长满野草,或无人耕种:~芜。~地。开~。废弃:~废。~疏。~置。业精于勤,~于嬉。冷落偏僻:~村。~郊。~落(luò)(a.荒凉冷落;b.荒疏衰退)。~颓……



汉语拼音:mán huāng









  1. 泛指远离京畿而文化、经济落后的僻远地区。

    《后汉书·樊準传》:“化自圣躬,流及蛮荒。” 唐 韩愈 《谒衡岳庙遂宿岳寺题门楼》诗:“窜逐蛮荒幸不死,衣食纔足甘长终。” 清 魏源 《栈道杂诗》之五:“山驛星斗寒,凛矣蛮荒国。” 鲁迅 《坟·摩罗诗力说》:“盖文明之朕,固孕於蛮荒,野人狉榛其形,而隐曜即伏於内。”



  1. Yes, the purpose of the incarnation was to turn the human race into His creative children on planet earth.

  2. Marius, vaguely impressed with the almost savage beauty of the place, asked this passer-by: -- "What is the name of this spot? "

  3. By 1810 Ohio, Tennessee, and Kentucky had been transformed from wilderness into a region of farms and towns.

  4. When you think of the old Wild West, what legendary outlaw comes to mind?

  5. If it's that bad in Holland, what must it be like in those faraway and uncivilized places where the Germans are sending them?

  6. Buffalo Bill was a major contributor in the creation of the myth of the American West, as seen in Hollywood movies and television. .

  7. Cable is still viewed as a rather wild frontier populated by wrestlers and televangelists .

  8. The Wild West show made him world famous, and he toured with it until 1916.

  9. She had heard that giants could still be found in the godless wild beyond the Wall.


  1. 关於美国蛮荒的西部的影片

    Films about the Wild West

  2. 西部蛮荒生活的浪漫情调

    The romance of life in the Wild West

  3. 西部蛮荒生活中的浪漫色彩

    The romance of life in the Wild West

  4. 从此宣告蛮荒时代的终结。

    Then the end of the barbaric times will be declared.

  5. 戈尔丁的著作描写蛮荒生活。

    Golding's books describe life in the raw.

  6. 人们慢慢地从蛮荒走向文明。

    The people slowly progressed from barbarism to civilization.

  7. 人们慢慢地从蛮荒走向文明。

    The people slowly progressed from barbarism to civilization.

  8. 目光扫过一片广袤得蛮荒。

    The eye ranged over an immense extend of wilderness.

  9. 目光扫过一片广袤的蛮荒。

    The eye ranged over an immense extend of wilderness.

  10. 射猎活动源于人类最初的蛮荒时代。

    It originated in the beginning period of human beings.

  11. 我们将黑暗的年代称作蛮荒时代。

    We see the dark ages as a time of brutality.

  12. 几百万年前,人类还处在蛮荒时代。

    Millions of years ago, human beings were in barbarous age.

  13. 几百万年前,人类还处在蛮荒时代。

    Millions of years ago, human beings were in barbarous age.

  14. 蛮荒的农奴制度在西藏已不复存在。

    Now the savage system of serfdom in Xizang has been eliminated.

  15. 一个蛮荒的世界,到处是荒野、峭壁和贫瘠的植被。

    It is a savage world, filled with badlands and bluffs and hardscrabble vegetation.

  16. 押韵是禁锢着诗歌真正自由的,蛮荒时代才有的限制。

    Rhymes are barbarous forms of constraint that impinge upon the true freedom of the body of the poem.

  17. 在堪察加半岛蛮荒的边疆,偷猎让俄罗斯熊处于危险之中。

    In the untamed frontier of the Kamchatka Peninsula, poaching keeps the bears at risk.

  18. 广西在古代虽地处蛮荒,但山川风物之美却是久播人口。

    Although located in the ancient wild, the beauty of the scenery of Guangxi was widely known.

  19. 相比之下,西南和西部沿海则十分荒蛮偏远。

    By contrast, the southwest and west coasts are wild and remote.

  20. 我们周围是绵延不绝的旷野,荒蛮而又肃杀。

    The country was spread out around as, wild and harsh.

  21. 诗歌里面必须有一些荒蛮的,广袤的和野性的东西。

    Poetry must have something in it that is barbaric, vast and wild.

  22. 这已经不是一个人们以狩猎为生的荒蛮民族。

    This is no longer a frontier nation in which people hunt their food.

  23. 人类在亚特兰蒂斯的核辐射后又一次回归荒蛮。

    Human form returned to barbarism after the nuclear fallout of Atlantis.

  24. 蛮荒边疆的大门

    Gateway to the Savage Frontier

  25. 蛮荒边疆的财富

    Treasures of the Savage Frontier

  26. 我们快到蛮荒地界了。

    We were reaching the limits of civilization.

  27. 跨越藏北西部蛮荒动物记

    Wildlife of the Wild West

  28. 听来像是在蛮荒的美国西部。

    It sounds like the Wild West.

  29. 在一片不起眼的蛮荒之地上建立繁荣。

    Found flowering on wasteland unnoticed, unofficial, accidental.

  30. 这一带经济落后,尚是一片蛮荒之地。

    This area is under-developed, it is an uncivilized region.


  1. 问:蛮荒拼音怎么拼?蛮荒的读音是什么?蛮荒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蛮荒的读音是mánhuāng,蛮荒翻译成英文是 Barbarous.; Remote and underdeveloped.



“蛮荒”是个多义词,它可以指蛮荒(网络游戏), 蛮荒(汉语词汇)。