如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 改 [gǎi]改 [gǎi]变更,更换:~变。更(gēng )~。~革。~造。~善。~弦更张。朝令夕~。~编。~写。纂~。姓。……
汉语拼音:gǎi bǎn
亦称“ 改样 ”。按照校样上指出的错误,在活字版上逐个改正。亦指书籍再版前,根据修改后的文字,在原版上逐个调整。
郭沫若 《<高渐离>校后记之一》:“为要改版,我又把这个剧本大大地修改了一遍。”
Now if he made a quick business card printing and membership card made a lot of directories, a newly revamped becomes waste products.
现在如果一下子制卡和会员卡制作出来很多目录,一改版就变成废品。And with Spanish on the rise, the overhaul seems to be a buena idea.
随着西班牙语的崛起,全面改版是个不错的主意。A year ago, we executed one of the most significant relaunches of a historical Internet brand.
一年前,我们对这个历史悠久的互联网品牌执行了一项最重大的改版。The reason behind an iPad upgrade seems most likely to be a desire to target professional users.
iPad改版的背后原因主要可能是想要专攻专业的用户。But it had a problem: It was running a modified version of Windows.
但是它却有一个问题:Courier上运行的是经过改版的Windows操作系统。And like all new-look web services, it's sure to piss off as many people as it pleases. At least in the beginning.
像所有改版初期的网络服务一样,能吸引多少新用户,同时就会让多少老用户因为种种原因而黯然离去。On a computer for a new look after cutting, only a few minutes you can put to good box type hardens and good crease lines.
在电脑上改版后点击焊接,几分钟边不离可把改好的盒型焊接出来并不抬好折痕线。Ratings have slumped since the changes, according to a spokesperson for the show who declined to be identified.
据一名不愿透露姓名的知情者透露,节目收视率在改版之后大幅降低。This paper consists of four parts: Section I: To analyze the problems and reasons of social news in the early age of revision.