


1. 参 [cān]2. 参 [shēn]3. 参 [cēn]4. 参 [sān]参 [cān]加入在内:~加。~与。~政。~赛。~议。相间,夹杂:~杂。~半。检验,用其他有关材料来研究,考证某事物:~考。~照。~省(xǐng)(检验省察)……





汉语拼音:cān zá







  1. 混合;夹杂。

    《后汉书·胡广传》:“ 汉 承 周 秦 ,兼览 殷 夏 ;祖德师经,参杂霸轨。” 元 张可久 《醉太平》曲:“贤愚参杂随时变,醉醒和鬨迷歌宴。” 沙汀 《淘金记》十七:“在新入流的哥老当中,有好几个游荡无业的知识分子和小学教员参杂其间。”



  1. We are college students, and now we are doing a small clip film work with a few interviews. Would you mind I spare you just a few minutes?


  2. Mr. Romero said: "We do not want to do tricks with sport. We want to show it as it is but we also want to show what is possible in 3D. "


  3. When I was away, it seemed greed got greedier, with a little bit of envy mixed in.


  4. But if it is a mixed blessing for environmentalists, it is worse for the police.


  5. Strong plumps for the former partly because he dislikes the idea of a national identity bloated with imperial mythology.


  6. This seems like a simple, reasonable goal. Other issues, however, come into the mix.


  7. The detergent should be a homogeneous liquid without any foreign matter or precipitate (sludge).


  8. The presentation was a riot of equations, mathematical lemmas, arching curves and matrices of numbers.


  9. One time, when he came back and visited, I noticed that he would mix in some English vocab when he spoke.


  1. 她的黑发里参杂着白发。

    Her black hair was dusted with gray hairs.

  2. 她的黑发里参杂着白发。

    Her black hair was dusted with gray hairs.

  3. 苦与乐如影随形互相参杂交替。

    Pleasure and pain alternate inexorably.

  4. 工作上不应参杂任何私心杂念。

    Personal considerations should play no part in one's work.

  5. 按参杂半导体的不同组合而成的。

    Semiconductors doped by a combination of different.

  6. 真相中会参杂着恶意游说支持误传。

    There is a mixture of truth competing with malintentionedlobbyistbacked misinformation.

  7. 古装剧是否该参杂过多的现代元素呢?

    Do you think costume piece has mixed too much modern character?

  8. 惩罚函数法在三维等参杂交元的应用

    Application of Penalty Function Method in Isoparametric Hybrid Finite Element Analysis.

  9. 我绝不会让我的个人感情参杂进来,对吗

    I would never let my personal feelings get involved, all right

  10. 它其实就是一块参杂了硅元素的扁平材料。

    Its a flat piece of doped silicon.

  11. 值得强调的是,这其中并不参杂负罪感或责任感。

    There is, to emphasize, no sense of guilt or responsibility.

  12. 该洗涤剂必须是纯的, 没有任何其它外来物质参杂的。

    The detergent should be a homogeneous liquid without any foreign matter or precipitate.

  13. 粪便中参杂的少量血液仅凭肉眼是无法看到的。

    The small amount of blood mixed into the stool is usually not visible to the naked eye.

  14. 单纯的倾听,不要参杂评断,批评和解决问题的暗示。

    Listen without judgement, criticism or handy hints to solving the problem.

  15. 结果是,美国摆出的姿态在信誉中参杂了模棱两可。

    The result is an American posture that seeks to blend credibility with ambiguity.

  16. 黑洞中阴沉气份, 不时参杂缝细中的流水与沼泽声。

    Shadow atmosphere in a dark cave with stream roaring and mash murmuring.

  17. 摘要采用冷压陶瓷处理技术制备了铈参杂的铁酸钡陶瓷。

    The coldpressing ceramic processing technique was used to prepare Cedoped Barium Titanate ceramics.

  18. 在一般意识状态下所获得的知识,会有梦想参杂其中。

    Knowledge which is acquired in the ordinary state of consciousness, is intermixed with dreams.

  19. 这些暗示可以有所不同,但越简单越好,不参杂情绪在里面。

    The rituals may vary, but it's best to keep them simple and unemotional.

  20. 而人们在做出种种选择的时候总会参杂着诸多的犹豫。

    While we, when making a choice, are so full of hesitations and have so many doubts.

  21. 这些脆饼乾参杂了莞豆在其中,还在上面撒上许多糖粉!

    These shortbread cookies have Qando in the middle and sprinkles on top!

  22. 注意到附近的狗狂吠着,参杂着房子四周山丘所发出的怪声。

    Nothing that the neighborhood dogs had joined in the weird sounds the hills around my house were making.



【拼音】 cān zá

【注音】ㄘㄢ ㄗㄚˊ


【解释】 参杂cānzá [mix] 相互交错;搀和 队伍里参杂进来一个伪兵 大豆、花生参杂

【引证解释】 混合;夹杂。《后汉书·胡广传》:“ 汉 承 周 秦 ,兼览 殷 夏 ;祖德师经,参杂霸轨。” 元 张可久 《醉太平》曲:“贤愚参杂随时变,醉醒和哄迷歌宴。” 沙汀 《淘金记》十七:“在新入流的哥老当中,有好几个游荡无业的知识分子和小学教员参杂其间。”