


1. 硕 [shuò]2. 硕 [shí]硕 [shuò]〔~士〕学位名,高于“学士”。大:~老。~材。~学(博学,亦指博学的人)。~壮。~果累累(喻巨大的成绩)。~大无朋(形容无比的大)。硕 [shí]古同“石”,形容坚固。……





汉语拼音:shuò guǒ







  1. 大的果实。亦喻重大利益。

    《易·剥》:“上九:硕果不食,君子得舆,小人剥庐。” 高亨 注:“喻货利在前而不取。” 晋 左思 《魏都赋》:“硕果灌丛,围木竦寻。” 唐 李庾 《西都赋》:“挺硕果於华林,育丰蔬於中园。”

  2. 比喻难得而仅存的人或物。

    清 赵翼 《到扬州沉既堂留饮话别》诗:“今兹再来游,硕果公一个。” 清 陈康祺 《郎潜纪闻》卷七:“方见命世大儒,遭罹厄会,实由天厌明德,留此寒泉硕果,藉以开兴朝文运之先。” 王国维 《观堂集林·宋刊本<尔雅疏>跋》:“《尔雅》旧疏又有 吴门黄氏 、 归安陆氏 二本。今 黄 本已佚, 陆 本又流出海外,惟此为硕果矣。” 姚锡钧 《论诗绝句》:“ 螺洲 高隐文章伯,八俊风流硕果存。”参见“ 硕果仅存 ”。

  3. 比喻巨大的成绩。

    秦牧 《艺海拾贝·“果王”的美号》:“而且在不同的人手里,下足苦功和充分发扬风格之后,都可以培育出各种各样的艺术硕果。” 徐迟 《井冈山记》:“ 井冈山 上, 毛泽东 同志的思想已萌芽发展,开了花,结了硕果,长成了大树。”



  1. Any expectation there has ever been on Ariza to be a primetime player will come to fruition in New Orleans or not at all.


  2. A year later, she made a triumphant return, bags stuffed in Shandong Weihai winning achievements -- tens of thousands of yuan.


  3. I want to see what I can do with seed, soil, sunshine and rain to turn them into the building blocks of a productive life.


  4. You are ready to be a ladder, letting others step on your shoulders to pick the fruit of success.


  5. The fields in autumn are fruity. People are easy to have good mood in a harvest season.


  6. At the time art was no longer as dependent on politics as that of 1949 to 1976, but had its own truly independent life.


  7. One historian said, "The invention of the dark horse was in itself a remarkable product of our professional politics. "


  8. I firmly believe that investment in London is sure to achieve fruitful result with the efforts of civil organizations and governments.


  9. When the sun of tomorrow rise in the sky of the red earth, we believe that those foregoes will be yielding good results of economy.


  1. 硕果累累。

    And the orchard trees heavy.

  2. 勤劳出硕果。

    Diligence brings about fruitful results.

  3. 硕果累累。层出不穷。

    Results are now coming in thick and fast.

  4. 果园里硕果累累。

    The orchard is full of rich fruits.

  5. 无论蓓蕾, 无论硕果累累。

    Bud or bloom fruited sheaf.

  6. 硕果累累回报社会。

    The Society Repaid By The Great Achievements.

  7. 勤奋有恒结硕果

    Application and Perseverance Give Results

  8. 勤奋有恒结硕果

    Application and Perseverance Give Results

  9. 硕果累累的研究领域。

    fruitful areas of research

  10. 商业硕果的事物存在。

    be as fruitful as it could.

  11. 硕果累累得研究领域。

    fruitful areas of research.

  12. 生之硕果, 皆为草稗

    My cup of corn is but a field of tares

  13. 见证了您的硕果累累

    In witnessed of your fruitful career

  14. 留下了一树累累硕果。

    Left behind a tree full of rip fruits.

  15. 硕果源于勤奋与执着

    Great Achievement Comes from Dilligence and Persistence

  16. 辉煌的跨越硕果逐个数

    Glorious stride achievements one by one

  17. 言语是绿叶, 行为结硕果。

    Deeds are fruits, words are but leaves.

  18. 我深信民主主义硕果累累。

    It is of the very essence of my belief that democracy is fruitful of leadership.

  19. 科技结硕果瓜农偷着乐

    Technique Foster Great Achievements Rejoicing Melon Farmer

  20. 我们家的苹果树硕果累累。

    Our apple tree is covered with fruit.

  21. 他对星空的研究硕果累累。

    Many and great were his explorations of the starry universe.

  22. 沉甸甸的硕果压弯了枝条。

    The branches were bending down with the weight of the fruit.

  23. 唐代状元研究的新硕果

    New Great Acheivements on the Research of the Number One Scholars in the Tang Danasty

  24. 多年的辛劳结出了硕果。

    Years of painstaking work brought great successes.

  25. 这是一个硕果累累的时期。

    It was a productive and fertile period.

  26. 那是一个硕果累累的会议。

    It was a conference fruitful of results.

  27. 雾霭迷濛,硕果芳醇得秋!

    Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness!

  28. 雾霭迷濛,硕果芳醇的秋!

    Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness!

  29. 小选煤厂技术改造收硕果

    A good result of technical reform in small preparation plant

  30. 总的说来,这四部著作硕果累累。

    Taken all in all, these four volumes constitute a rich harvest.


  1. 问:硕果拼音怎么拼?硕果的读音是什么?硕果翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硕果的读音是shuòguǒ,硕果翻译成英文是 success

  2. 问:硕果仅存拼音怎么拼?硕果仅存的读音是什么?硕果仅存翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硕果仅存的读音是shuòguǒjǐncún,硕果仅存翻译成英文是 rare survival

  3. 问:硕果组拼音怎么拼?硕果组的读音是什么?硕果组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:硕果组的读音是shuòguǒ zǔ,硕果组翻译成英文是 Sect.; Macrospermae


