







汉语拼音:āi háo








  1. The pain grew in intensity. He gave a loud moan and vomited all over the floor.


  2. No, Father, please, he tried to say, but dogs cannot speak the tongues of men, so all that emerged was a piteous whine.


  3. The murky figure twisted into itself as the fire engulfed it. It hissed and howled. Bits of burning shadow fluttered off in the wind.


  4. For the moment, at least, the market's cries of pain ring hollow.


  5. Seeing the pig struggling and wailing, the flamen could not help but think what he would choose, if he were the pig.


  6. The crow sweated and suffered from the terrible burning pain. He cried in agony all day long.


  7. Metal tested to endurance creaks and groans; a sonar pings just often enough to maximise the tension.


  8. I had aflatmatewho kept a rosary above her bed because she thought the noisewas beingmade in the night by some sort of howling ghost.


  9. All night, the calves wailed near the Drummond house, a doleful chorus so loud it could be heard indoors.


  1. 那只狗开始哀嚎。

    The dog began to yowl.

  2. 像动物般的哀嚎,恸哭。

    Keening like an animal.

  3. 安抚我内心绝望的哀嚎!

    Calm the desperate scream in my heart!

  4. 狗在门外呜呜哀嚎。

    The dog whined outside the door.

  5. 狗对着主人得尸体哀嚎。

    The dog howled over master's body.

  6. 狗对着主人的尸体哀嚎。

    The dog howled over master's body.

  7. 神并没有垂听他们的哀嚎。

    Their God does not hear their cry.

  8. 尖锐的哭声,甚至出现哀嚎的哭声。

    Sharp ground cry a voice, even appear to cry piteously of cry a voice.

  9. 垂死动物的哀嚎充斥了我的灵魂

    Shrieks of dying animals inside my soul

  10. 去哀嚎通灵塔看看他战的如何了。

    Go to the Wailing Ziggurat, see if he's doing okay.

  11. 我们认为他向北去哀嚎通灵塔了。

    We think he went off north to the Wailing Ziggurat.

  12. 小狐狸蜷缩在草丛间, 不住地哀嚎。

    The little fox curls up in grass, howling in sorrow.

  13. 小狐狸蜷缩在草丛间,不住地哀嚎。

    The little fox curls up in grass, howling in sorrow.

  14. 远处野狼得哀嚎声让人害怕。

    The howl of wolves coming from far away is very bloodcurdling.

  15. 远处野狼的哀嚎声让人害怕。

    The howl of wolves coming from far away is very bloodcurdling.

  16. 远处野狼的哀嚎声让人害怕。

    The howl of wolves coming from far away is very bloodcurdling.

  17. 他能听见她的狗在暗处吠叫, 哀嚎。

    He could hear her dog barking and whining in the background.

  18. 小狗发出长长的钻心的尖叫,一边喘气一边哀嚎。

    The puppy screamed long, horrible screams, with sobs between breaths

  19. 登山车不会哀嚎除非出了严重的问题。

    Mountainbikes do not whine unless something is really wrong.

  20. 你没听过那深夜野狼向着冷月哀嚎?

    And you never hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon.

  21. 偏离鱼, 这些都是在哀嚎洞穴贫瘠之地捕捞。

    Deviate Fish These are fishable in the Barrens in Wailing Caverns.

  22. 他发出刺耳的嚎哭声,然后是一浪接一浪的哀嚎。

    He let out a sharp cry, followed by waves of wailing.

  23. 向月的哀嚎让人毛骨悚然黑色白镴涂珠光白珐琅。

    The chilling sound of crying at the moon black pewter with pearlescent white enamel.

  24. 肚子越来越疼,他发出一声痛苦的哀嚎,吐了一地。

    The pain grew in intensity. He gave a loud moan and vomited all over the floor.

  25. 建筑工哀嚎半天,渐渐声音小了,发出快乐的笑声。

    The building is versed in sad wail a long time, gradually voice is small, give out happy laugh.

  26. 但是在它的痛苦的哀嚎声中, 他们听出了两个字。

    But amidst the endless screams and inane babble, they discerned two words.

  27. 在农夫想办法救它时,驴子在井里哀嚎了几个小时。

    The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do.

  28. 技能由于其无尽哀嚎,深黯魔像在潜行检定上得到10的减值。

    Skills Due to its incessant howling, a gloom golem takes a10 penalty on Move Silently checks.


  1. 问:哀嚎拼音怎么拼?哀嚎的读音是什么?哀嚎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:哀嚎的读音是āiháo,哀嚎翻译成英文是 to howl as if in misery;A howl