


1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……


长度小,与“长(cháng )”相对:~期。~暂。~促。~途。~命。~讯。~浅。~兵相接。~小精悍。缺少,欠:~少。~缺。缺点:~处。护~。取长补~。……



汉语拼音:dǎ duǎn








  1. 说人家的短处。


  2. 克扣。


  3. 做短工。




  1. There is a stream guarding the front of the green, The ball will roll back to the stream if you hit it short.


  2. LI LT LTS LA COL Stretch Lengthen Trim Extend ? break chamfer Fillet Explode


  1. 短打短打的动作

    The act of bunting.

  2. 用小腿上打短得靴状管型来悬吊小腿。

    A short leg boot cast is used to suspend the lower leg.

  3. 用小腿上打短的靴状管型来悬吊小腿。

    A short leg boot cast is used to suspend the lower leg.

  4. 右狗腿, 开球落点收窄, 打短一些会比较安全。

    Dogleg right, tight landing area, might be a good idea to hIt'short.

  5. 安全短打, 触棒球安打

    basehit bunt

  6. 他不擅长于棒球短打。

    He is no good at Bunting the Baseball.

  7. 不要短打。目标瞄准场外。

    Don't bunt. Aim out of the ballpark.

  8. 短打使用球棒轻打,不挥棒。

    Bunt An attempt by the batter to tap the ball instead of swinging at it.

  9. 我还以为他会来个触击短打!

    I thought he was going to bunt!

  10. 打击手很完美地完成了这次短打。

    The batter executed the bunt perfectly.

  11. 打击手很完美地完成了这次短打。

    The batter executed the bunt perfectly.

  12. 叶祖德记得孙子出门时一身短打, 没带什么东西。

    Ye Zude grandson to go and remember a bunt, did not bring anything.

  13. 我上班得穿短上衣打领带。

    I have to wear a jacket and tie to work.

  14. 这些要求立即采取行动的人期望打一场很短时间的战争。

    Those who demanded immediate action expected a short war.

  15. 做人别揭短,打人不打脸。今日得罪人,明天有风险。

    Do Jieduan life, beating not faces. Offend people today and tomorrow at risk.

  16. 尝试打短球。

    Trying to play short balls.

  17. 即使要打,也尽量减短时间。

    Even hit try one's best to reduce short time.

  18. 我需要练习打短球的技巧。

    I need to practice my short game.

  19. 打短距仍低于标准杆一杆入洞得。

    You can still make a birdie laying up.

  20. 打短距仍低于标准杆一杆入洞的。

    You can still make a birdie laying up.

  21. 这是我打过得新中最短得一封信。

    This is what I have beaten new middle the shortest letter.

  22. 打短距仍可以低于标准杆一杆入洞的。

    You can still make a birdie laying up.

  23. 长的针迹比短的针迹褶子打得多。

    Long stitches will gather more fabric than shorter stitches.

  24. 用角度调适器和剪刀一起, 从最短到最长打不同的层次。

    From this, an angled adaptor is used with a clipper to create layers that vary from the shortest setting for that adaptor to the longest.

  25. 头发太长了, 请帮我剪短, 打薄并剪层次。

    My hair is too long, please trim it short, thin it out and layer it.

  26. 库柏先生因为使用射距过短的球杆而未能打到果岭。

    Mr. Cooper failed to reach the green through underclub.

  27. 以短打打出的球

    A bunted ball.

  28. 用短打打出一个曲线

    bunt a curve

  29. 打盹。短时的小睡

    To let the head fall forward when sleepy

  30. 不要剪短, 我想打薄。

    Keep the length and thin out.


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