




求:~求。~示。~假(jiǎ )。~命。~战。~教(jiào )。~愿。~君入瓮。~缨(喻请战杀敌)。敬辞,用于希望对方做某事:~进。~坐。~安。~便。延聘、邀、约人来:~客。~柬。邀~。谒见、会见:“造~诸公,不避寒暑”。……



汉语拼音:fán qǐng







  1. 敬辞。表示请求。如:烦请光临。



  1. Hence, please inform me how much the monitor and the host computer should be in terms of American dollar.


  2. Please wait while we negotiate with the forwarding company about how to settle the matter best.


  3. Therefore, authorization should be grateful if you produce a statement.


  4. We shall be obliged if you will please have the code of SIFOM registered with you as our telex code and have the number allotted to us.


  5. Please take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire. Thank you so much! !


  6. Probably through an oversight, the check was not signed, and we are returning it to you for your kind signature.


  7. However, if you want the original copy, please confirm us that it will be collect on delivery which please understand of our new policy.


  8. If you are not the original recipient of this email, please kindly inform the sender and delete it from your computer and mail server.


  9. As September 11, 2011 approaches, take a few minutes to think of wounded warriors and our families.


  1. 烦请赐复。

    Please favour me with an answer.

  2. 烦请紧急替换其中3个。

    Would you please replace the 3 of them promptly

  3. 烦请您给她捎个话儿?

    Could you please pass on a message to her ?

  4. 烦请您给她捎个话儿?

    Could you please pass on a message to her?

  5. 有啦, 烦请父亲大人教一下。

    Have, be tired of asking Dear Father to teach an once.

  6. 烦请您完整填写此函, 谢谢!

    Please, would you kindly fill in the questionnaire overleaf. Thank you!

  7. 发送简历时烦请附近照, 谢谢!

    Please attach your recent photo on your resume, thanks!

  8. 烦请把手从我的膝盖挪开。

    Kindly rake your hand off my knee.

  9. 因此, 烦请出示一份授权声明。

    Therefore, authorization should be grateful if you produce a statement.

  10. 烦请传真中英文名片以作记录

    Please fax us with your business card in both Chinese and English

  11. 烦请提供资料给我们, 让我们报价给你。

    Please offer the materials to us, let our quotation be given to you.

  12. 烦请贵公司尽速将货样寄来。

    Please mail us a sample of the merchandise as soon as possible.

  13. 烦请接受我小额订购,具体品目如下。

    I now trouble you with a small order as particularised at foot.

  14. 女士们,先生们,烦请泰勒小姐为我们表演。

    Ladies and gentlemen, if you please. Miss Taylor's going to play for us.

  15. 烦请告知货物的大小尺寸或者体积,谢谢。

    Pls kindly advise the dimension of the cargo or total CBM, tks.

  16. 我们有意参加此次展会, 烦请寄资料!

    We would like to visit the expo, please send us further information!

  17. 在本项目实行之际, 烦请通知我们一声。

    Kindly inform us when this is put into effect.

  18. 我们有意赞助此次展会,烦请直接联络我们!

    We would like to sponsor the event, please contact us directly.

  19. 烦请这位梢公带我渡过河去 吧?

    Excuse me, helmsman, would you please ferry me across this river ?

  20. 烦请这位梢公带我渡过河去吧?

    Excuse me, helmsman, would you please ferry me across this river?

  21. 烦请于七天内传真贵公司得装运通知。

    We look forward to receiving your shipping advice, by fax, within the next seven days.

  22. 烦请于七天内传真贵公司的装运通知。

    We look forward to receiving your shipping advice, by fax, within the next seven days.

  23. 烦请给我们寄送你们得产品目录及价目表。

    Please send us your catalogue and price list of.

  24. 烦请给我们寄送你们的产品目录及价目表。

    Please send us your catalogue and price list of.

  25. 款项烦请以不可撤销保兑之信用证支付。

    Payment should be made by irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit.

  26. 烦请贵公司尽速处理此事, 我们将感激不尽。

    Your prompt treatment with this matter will be highly appreciated.

  27. 烦请各位花费数分钟完成此问题,感激不尽!

    Please take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire. Thank you so much!!

  28. 烦请在发货单上写明本公司的参照号码。

    Would you please write our reference number on your invoice ?

  29. 我已经把东西准备好了,烦请您帮我带给他。

    I have prepared what is needed, please take it to him for me.

  30. 我已经把东西准备好了,烦请您帮我带给他。

    I have prepared what is needed, please take it to him for me.


  1. 问:烦请拼音怎么拼?烦请的读音是什么?烦请翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烦请的读音是fánqǐng,烦请翻译成英文是 A word of respect which is used to mean raising a r...

  2. 问:烦请您…拼音怎么拼?烦请您…的读音是什么?烦请您…翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烦请您…的读音是Fán qǐng nín …,烦请您…翻译成英文是 I would be obliged if...