







汉语拼音:jiǔ jià






  1. 载酒的车子。

    《文选·张协<七命>》:“肴駟连鑣,酒驾方轩。” 刘良 注:“谓宴军士,其行膳以駟马连衔,并车驾酒而行之。”



  1. Laura Dean Mooney, president of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, however, said the technology could turn cars into the cure.


  2. Police have also deployed nail strips to stop cars from fleeing and tear gas to handle drivers who turn rowdy at the checkpoints.


  3. MLB Rookie of the Florida Marlins in 2006, driving the Bentley car refused alcohol testing and was identified as drunk driving.


  4. LiLo was once a promising Hollywood starlet, but a series of drunk-driving arrests, drug charges and court troubles have wrecked her career.


  5. In one experiment, college students filled out Web surveys about various questionable activities, like cocaine use and drunken driving.


  6. But while we have national campaigns against drunk driving and speeding, there is no outcry against driving while sleepy.


  7. In the news: Significant drop in drink driving deaths. That'll be because people can't afford both alcohol and petrol.


  8. Licenses may be revoked for five years or, for drink-drivers who cause serious accidents, for life.


  9. It therefore comes as no surprise that the government recently launched a crackdown on drunk driving, imposing stiff prison sentences.


  1. 如何禁止酒驾?

    How to Ban Drunken Driving?

  2. 疲劳驾驶&酒驾

    Driving while feeling sleepy & Drunk driving

  3. 嗯,刚酒驾了

    Yeah, just got a DUI.

  4. 酒驾危险,小心行驶。

    Beware of the dangers of drink driving.

  5. 我酒驾了,丈夫离开了我

    I got a DUI, my husband left me.

  6. 你想要我酒驾吗

    You want me to drink and drive?

  7. 感谢这里的酒驾案子

    Appreciate all the DUI cases I get around here.

  8. 没理由不是因为酒驾啊

    It's gotta be the D. U. I.

  9. 她有两次酒驾的经历

    She had two D. U. I. S.

  10. 第一件,酒驾是不好的

    One it is never okay to drive under the influence.

  11. 青少年酒驾撞了人,好吧。

    Drunk teenagers hitting people with cars. Yeah.

  12. 青少年酒驾撞了人,好吧。

    Drunk teenagers hitting people with cars. Yeah.

  13. 我肯定是我那些陈年的酒驾

    I'm sure it's my D. U. Is from a million years ago.

  14. 她有两次酒驾被拘记录

    She has two drunk driving arrests.

  15. 我酒驾了,丈夫离开了我,我想自杀

    I got a DUI, my husband left me and I tried to commit suicide.

  16. 论酒驾肇事案件的刑法理论问题

    On The Criminal Theoretic Problems About Cases Of Drunk Driving

  17. 他自己三次酒驾也没见他坐牢

    He's had three DUIs himself, and he's not in jail.

  18. 比酒驾还要糟糕,到底是怎么了

    Something worse than what? What?

  19. 他因酒驾过失杀人罪而被捕。

    Hes been arrested on suspension of intoxication manslaughter.

  20. 七月二十八日,你因酒驾被拘

    And on July 26, you were arrested for driving while intoxicated.

  21. 我就像希安拉博夫在酒驾检测点。

    And I'm sweating like Shia Lebeouf.

  22. 听着,我跟地检谈过了,罪名从酒驾

    So, listen, I spoke to the D. A. and got the charges reduced.

  23. 是我酒驾了,而且责怪了每个人,除了我自己

    I'm the one who got the DUI and blamed everybody but myself.

  24. 我认为晓松被从轻发落, 在英国酒驾是重罪。

    I think Xiao Song got off lightly, in England drink driving is a serious crime.

  25. 你们国家对于喝酒驾车有什麽样的处罚。

    What is the punishment for drinking and driving in your country?

  26. 事故使他认清了喝酒驾车的危害性。

    The accident brought home to him the evil of drinking while driving.

  27. 你老爸要是发现你喝酒驾车的话, 他会气疯了。

    Your dad will go bananas if he finds out you were driving drunk.

  28. 严禁酒后驾车

    a clampdown on drinking and driving.

  29. 醉酒驾车属重罪。

    Driving while drunk is a serious offence.

  30. 只要我不醉酒驾车

    As long as I don't drive drunk.