







汉语拼音:shǐ chū






  1. 开始,起初。

    《史记·历书》:“王者易姓受命,必慎始初。”《汉书·李寻传》:“窃以日视陛下志操,衰於始初多矣。” 唐 元稹 《沂国公魏博德政碑》:“始初 山东 键闭束缚,泳而游之,歌而舞之,可以为仁矣。” 宋 叶适 《淮西论铁钱五事状》:“始初铁钱不分官私,民间不辨好恶,得钱便使。”《西游记》第五五回:“师父始初不与那妇人答话,也不吃饝饝。”



  1. If it's a complex vision, you must concentrate your passion on a simple initial piece of it and start running with that.


  2. After the environment has been initialized, the sequence continues with the application initialization and should enter the C code.


  3. Although preliminary, the findings are certain to reignite a debate about the safety of cellphones.


  4. Base currency, High-powered money, Monetary base,


  1. 黄河水文有偿服务工作始于80年代初。

    River hydrology is paid service routine only then at the beginning of 80 time.

  2. 我们的想法已经外始初具雏形了。

    Our ideas are beginning to take shape.

  3. 线轴编织花边可能始于16世纪初得法兰德斯。

    The first Bobbin lace probably originated in Flanders in the early 14 th century.

  4. 线轴编织花边可能始于16世纪初的法兰德斯。

    The first Bobbin lace probably originated in Flanders in the early 16 th century.

  5. 等。蓼属植物化学成分及药理活性研究始于80年代初。

    The researches on chemical constitunents and pharmacological activities of polygonum plants began at 1980 s.

  6. 应用膜片钳技术对晶体细胞的研究始于90年代初。

    The study of lens cells by patch clamp technique began in the early 90 s.

  7. 普通小学的初等教育始于6至7岁,学制8年。

    Primary education in regular primary schools starts with6 to7 years of age and lasts for8 years.

  8. 普通小学得初等教育始于6至7岁,学制8年。

    Primary education in regular primary schools starts with6 to7 years of age and lasts for6 years.

  9. 系统初始化时, 接口也初始化了。

    The interface is initialized at system startup time.

  10. 无法初始化已初始化得安全描述符。

    Cannot initialize security descriptor initialized.

  11. 无法初始化已初始化的安全描述符。

    Cannot initialize security descriptor initialized.

  12. 未能在群集配置初始化接口上调用初始化。

    Failed to call initialize on the cluster config initiliaze interface.

  13. 首先, 初始化将要排序的序列, 以数组初始化。

    First, initialize will be the order of sequence, to initialize the array.

  14. 首先,初始化将要排序得序列,以数组初始化。

    First, initialize will be the order of sequence, to initialize the array.

  15. 网桥一定要在其他设备初始化之前完成初始化

    The bridge has to be up before the devices

  16. 相识之初便是分离之始。

    At the moment of meeting, parting begins.

  17. 对于信息关于怎样初始化一张新的盘, 看见初始化新的盘。

    For information on how to initialize a new disk, see Initialize new disks.

  18. 初始化代码典型的任务是注册窗口类和初始化变量。

    They typically perform tasks like registering window classes and initializing variables.

  19. 初始化一个已经初始化好的信号量将会导致未知的行为。

    Initializing a semaphore that has already been initialized results in undefined behavior.

  20. 初生始阶段

    incipient stage.

  21. 这一任务始于我国开始民主改革之初。

    This was one of the objectives from the start of democratic transformation in our country.

  22. 远离罪恶是美德之始。摆脱愚蠢是智慧之初。

    To flee vice is the beginning of virtue, and to have got rid of folly is the beginning of wisdom.

  23. 建水民间传统工艺品,始于元末明初。

    It is the civil traditional handicraft product of Jianshui, began from the end of Yuan and the beginning of Ming.

  24. 让我们臆想那本初的喧嚣, 元始的漩涡!

    Let us imagine the primordial din, the original vortex!

  25. 楚国始都郢及其初迁时地的探讨

    Ying, the Original Capital of the Chu State and Its First Movement

  26. 该会议极为重要得第一阶段始于5月2日, 结束于6月初。

    The very critical first phase of the conference began on2 May and concluded in early June.

  27. 该会议极为重要的第一阶段始于5月2日,结束于6月初。

    The very critical first phase of the conference began on2 May and concluded in early June.

  28. 人类实践活动肇始于人类之初, 与人类相伴而生。

    Mankind practical activities origins from the occurrence of human beings, generating along with man.

  29. 我国高校的政治辅导员制度始建立于20世纪50年代初。

    The system of political instructors in colleges and universities was established in early fifties in the20th century.

  30. 我国高校得政治辅导员制度始建立于20世纪50年代初。

    The system of political instructors in colleges and universities was established in early fifties in the18th century.