


1. 弟 [dì]2. 弟 [tì]3. 弟 [tuí]弟 [dì]同父母(或只同父、只同母)的比自己年纪小的男子:~~。兄~。亲戚或亲族间辈分相同的比自己年纪小的男子:表~。堂~。称同辈比自己年纪小的男性:老~。师~。学生对老师自称或别人……


1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:dì zǐ








  1. 为人弟者与为人子者。泛指年幼的人。

    《易·师》:“长子帅师,弟子舆尸,贞凶。”《论语·学而》:“弟子入则孝,出则悌。” 邢昺 疏:“男子后生为弟。言为人弟与子者,入事父兄则当孝与弟也。” 清 曾国藩 《送唐先生南归序》:“自卿大夫之弟子,与凡民之秀者,皆上之人置师以教之。”

  2. 学生。

    《论语·雍也》:“ 哀公 问曰:‘弟子孰为好学?’”《仪礼·士相见礼》:“与老者言,言使弟子。” 贾公彦 疏引 雷次宗 云:“学生事师,虽无服,有父兄之恩,故称弟子也。”《后汉书·张酺传》:“帝先备弟子之仪,使 酺 讲《尚书》一篇,然后脩君臣之礼。” 宋 叶适 《郭府君墓志铭》:“所得非一师,为之师者多自以为不及也, 澄 犹执弟子礼恭甚。” 清 和邦额 《夜谭随录·双髻道人》:“愿委贄为弟子,肯收録否?”按,弟子与门人、门生有别。 宋 欧阳修 《后汉孔宙碑阴题名》:“其亲授业者为弟子,转相传授者为门生。” 范文澜 蔡美彪 等《中国通史》第二编第三章第十节:“今文经学是官学……如 蔡玄 教授经学,门徒(亲受业的高第生称弟子,转相传授不直接受业的普通学生称门生,统称为门徒或诸生)常有千人。”

  3. 称道教、佛教的徒众。亦为徒众、信徒自称。

    《后汉书·皇甫嵩传》:“ 鉅鹿 张角 自称‘大贤良师’,奉事 黄 老 道,畜养弟子,跪拜首过,符水呪説以疗病。” 元 王实甫 《西厢记》第一本第一折:“小僧 法聪 ,是这 普救寺 法本 长老座下弟子。”《水浒传》第九十回:“长老説罢,唤过 鲁智深 近前道:‘吾弟子此去,与汝前程永别,正果将临也。’”《西游记》第五二回:“童儿叩头道:弟子在丹房里拾得一粒丹。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第二十章:“大慈大悲的 观世音 ,弟子吃斋唸佛,谢你老人家保佑了我的儿子。”

  4. 弟弟的儿子。

    《后汉书·应劭传》:“弟子 瑒璩 ,并以文才称。” 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·德行》:“ 邓攸 始避难,於道中弃己子全弟子。”

  5. 古时称戏剧、歌舞艺人。

    唐 白居易 《长恨歌》:“梨园弟子白髮新,椒房阿监青娥老。” 宋 程大昌 《演繁露》卷六:“ 开元 二年, 玄宗 ……选乐工数百人,自教法曲於梨园,谓之皇帝梨园弟子。至今谓优女为弟子,命伶魁为乐营将者,此其始也。” 清 孙枝蔚 《题梨园图》诗:“弟子教成月娥笑,能得花前听几回!”

  6. 宋 元 时也用以称妓女。

    宋 朱彧 《萍洲可谈》卷三:“近世择姿容,习歌舞,迎送使客侍宴女子,谓之弟子,其魁谓之行首。” 元 关汉卿 《谢天香》第一折:“卖弄的有伎俩,卖弄的有艳姿,则落的临老来呼弟子。” 元 杨显之 《酷寒亭》第一折:“恋着那送旧迎新泼弟子。”



  1. He asked to be left unburied, but the disciples wouldn't hear of it, protesting that he would be eaten by the animals and birds.


  2. Although some may question his eyesight - he never seems to see an incident involving one of his own players.


  3. He provided shoes, clothes, tsamba to her, allowing her to travel on to Golok.


  4. One of his adherents complained of the stinginess of his wife.


  5. My God, my dear disciple, you know, you always smelt like an enticing aroma of meat and bones kept in the same lure me.


  6. The disciples listened for signs in his breathing that he was trying to marshal his life force for the journey ahead.


  7. Seeing their puzzled expressions, he said in a clear and loud voice: "Can't you see his mind is taking a happy walk? "


  8. Disciple Min Rong Rong suggested my Bodhi Vows; she said that when she first read it she was shaken by the great vows.


  9. After a while, he raised one more question : "Whose life seems to be richest among the villagers you 've met? "


  1. 随园女弟子

    Suiyuan Female pupil

  2. 曾门四弟子

    four followers of Zeng Guofan.

  3. 少林洋弟子

    Foreign students of Shaolin Temple.

  4. 韩门弟子研究

    Study of the Han Disciples

  5. 他们是佛门弟子。

    They are followers of buddhism.

  6. 弟子你。你们是谁

    Apprentice Who.who are you

  7. 佛陀的伟大圣弟子

    Great Disciples of the Buddha

  8. 那是隆尼的女弟子。

    That's Lonnie washington's girl.

  9. 师徒弟子, 亦复如是。

    This is also true with teachersdisciples.

  10. 师徒弟子,亦复如是。

    This is also true with teachersdisciples.

  11. 一位弟子请求一个法名。

    A disciple asked for a Dharma name.

  12. 智者让这个弟子等一会儿。

    The sage asked this disciple to wait.

  13. 佛陀和他的十大弟子

    The Buddha and His Ten Principal Disciple

  14. 不是的。但是他是你的弟子。

    Not that. But he is your apprentice.

  15. 弟子少则三身,多则十一身。

    These followers number three at least and 11 at most.

  16. 他可以看出他弟子们的心思。

    He could read the thoughts of his disciples.

  17. 这个权门弟子经常仗势欺人。

    This man, who is from a family of an influential official, often takes advantage of his family to bully people.

  18. 这个权门弟子经常仗势欺人。

    This man, who is from a family of an influential official, often takes advantage of his family to bully people.

  19. 佛像居中心, 两侧侍立弟子。

    The Buddha statues are usually set in the center, surrounded by followers on two sides.

  20. 他是康有为的再传弟子。

    He was a disciple of Kang youwei's disciple.

  21. 迦叶佛时,彼等为我弟子。

    They were my disciples during the time of Kasyapa Buddha.

  22. 章太炎和他弟子们的手迹

    The handwriting of Zhang Taiyang and his disciples

  23. 为什麽佛弟子自己灭了佛呢?

    Why did Buddha's disciple kill Buddha dharma?

  24. 谢谢弟子茶桶空行的打字。

    Thanks to disciple Detong Dakini for typing it.

  25. 佛门寺的弟子们皆是受益者。

    Buddha Gate disciples have been the beneficiaries.

  26. 随园女弟子诗歌的价值评判

    The Value Evaluation of Suiyuan Women Disciples Poems

  27. 胡安国隐居衡山时期的弟子们

    The Followers of Hu Anguo in His Recluse Life in Heng Shan

  28. 一名弟子向他抱怨妻子小气。

    One of adherents complained of the stinginess of his wife.

  29. 弟子愿回向所有功德给所有众生。

    Disciple wishes to dedicate all merits to all sentient beings.

  30. 耶律尊者的弟子天眼锐利。

    Yelu Arhat's disciples had sharp heaven eyes.


  1. 问:弟子拼音怎么拼?弟子的读音是什么?弟子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弟子的读音是dìzǐ,弟子翻译成英文是 disciple

  2. 问:弟子丸拼音怎么拼?弟子丸的读音是什么?弟子丸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弟子丸的读音是Dìziwán,弟子丸翻译成英文是 Deshimaru

  3. 问:弟子屈拼音怎么拼?弟子屈的读音是什么?弟子屈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弟子屈的读音是dìzǐqū,弟子屈翻译成英文是 Teshikaga

  4. 问:弟子规拼音怎么拼?弟子规的读音是什么?弟子规翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弟子规的读音是,弟子规翻译成英文是 Ti Tzu Kui

  5. 问:弟子不必不如师拼音怎么拼?弟子不必不如师的读音是什么?弟子不必不如师翻译成英文是什么?

    答:弟子不必不如师的读音是Dìzǐ búbì bùrú shī。,弟子不必不如师翻译成英文是 Disciples are not necessarily inferior to teac...


