







汉语拼音:biàn duì






  1. 辩论答对。辨,通“ 辩 ”。

    唐 刘知几 《史通·杂述》:“琐言者,多载当时辨对,流俗嘲謔,俾夫枢机者藉为舌端,谈话者将为口实。”



  1. Xiao's According to Xiao's philosophy, children under 18 are like animals and cannot distinguish right from wrong.


  2. On the Influence of "the Distinction Between Words and Meaning" on Six-Dynasty's Literary Theory


  3. Query and reconstruction of one research cornerstone in academic circles and aesthetic field


  1. 阿波罗当场把他那对不辨雅俗的耳朵变成了一对驴耳朵。

    Apollo promptly transformed his depraved pair of ears into those of an ass.

  2. 本文主要探讨孙中山对杜威知行之辨的批判和继承。

    This paper discusses the critical differentiation between knowledge and practice of Dewey and inheritance.

  3. 是对刑法第217条第218条与第225条关系之辨。

    Another aspect is the argument about the clause217, clause218 and clause225 of the Criminal Law.

  4. 对普通逻辑学教材中几个理论问题辨要

    Distinguish from Some Theoretical Problems in Common Logic

  5. 由于他得机敏和辨才朋友们无法勾结起来, 同他作对。

    His adroitness and eloquence had always prevented his friends from forming any general policy against him.

  6. 由于他的机敏和辨才朋友们无法勾结起来,同他作对。

    His adroitness and eloquence had always prevented his friends from forming any general policy against him.

  7. 其次,依据战国策原文,对其编著者进行简略考辨。

    Then based on The Strategies during the Warring States Period in the original, this paper makes a brief study of its compiler.

  8. 第四部分,主要对该书所征引的材料加以考辨。

    In the fourth part, the thesis examines and distinguishes cited materials in the book.

  9. 本文从历史角度对其饶有兴味的前因后果进行了考辨。

    This article analyses the the ways and wherefores being full of inter.

  10. 第一节便是对演奏法曲的乐队组合形式加以考辨。

    Do in the test and distinguish in playing the form of composition of the orchestra of the law song in section one.

  11. 对辨色、配色很内行。

    A good judge of colors.

  12. 考古发现对辨伪学的冲击

    Impact on False Identification of Archaeology Discovery

  13. 一些人认为很难辨对与错。

    Some people find it difficult to distinguish right from wrong.

  14. 对竹林七贤若干问题的考辨

    A Study of Questions Concerning the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove

  15. 这个镜子可以明辨是非,判断对错。

    This pearl was supposed to be able to distinguish right from wrong.

  16. 较好的辨色能力,通过公司对辨色能力的考核

    Good color differentiate ability, pass the companys color distinguish ability test.

  17. 儒家思想中的夷夏之辨对庾信的影响。

    The impact of Confucianism argument between Yi and Xia on Yuxin.

  18. 论张仲景对黄疸病辨治法的贡献

    Zhang Zhongjing's Contributions to Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases with Jaundice

  19. 高分辨力超声对急性阑尾炎的诊断价值

    Diagnostic Value of High Resolution Ultrasound for Acute Appendicitis

  20. 辨明实际上对他具有影响力得动机是什么。

    Distinguish what motive actually swayed with him.

  21. 辨明实际上对他具有影响力的动机是什么。

    Distinguish what motive actually swayed with him.

  22. 鳜在不同发育阶段对光得反应水平和辨色能力

    Reactivity to Light and Color Discrimination of Mandarin Fish during Different Development Stages

  23. 对一个小孩而言要明辨是非是不容易的。

    It is not easy for a child to tell right from wrong.

  24. 从文艺心理学的角度看宋人对词的体性之辨

    Argument of people of the Song Dynasty on the style and nature of ci as viewed from literary psychology

  25. 下个星期的辨论赛是南开大家对北京大学。

    The debate next week is Nankai University versus Peking University.

  26. 这些知识的集合,正是对艺术品进行辨伪断代的基础。

    The collection of knowledge, is the detection of forgeries of works of art dating to the foundation.

  27. 嵌套模式对渤海湾潮致余流的高分辨率模拟

    High resolution simulation of tidal residual current in Bohai Bay by embedded method

  28. 我可以辨清外面的声音了, 也不再对那些声音有反应。

    I learned to stop reacting to those noises.

  29. 我可以辨清外面得声音了,也不再对那些声音有反应。

    I learned to stop reacting to those noises.

  30. 李国衡教授对股骨头无菌性坏死的辨治体会

    The Experience of Professor Li Guoheng on Syndrome Differentiation and Treatment of Aseptic Necrosis of Femoral Head