


1. 红 [hóng]2. 红 [gōng]红 [hóng]像鲜血的颜色:~色。~叶。~灯。~尘。~包。~烧。~润。~艳艳。~口白牙。~绳系足(旧指男女前生注定的姻缘)。象征顺利或受人宠信:~人。~运。~角(jué)儿(受观众欢迎的演员)。……





汉语拼音:hóng huo








  1. 形容兴旺、热闹、热烈。

    魏巍 《东方》第一部第六章:“时间不长,他已经置买了一辆胶轮大车,一匹大黑骡子,成为 凤凰堡 日子最红火的一家。” 孙犁 《白洋淀纪事·战士》:“他们的肉铺比以前红火多了!” 王汶石 《大木匠》二:“大木匠踏进集市的当儿,集市正红火到顶点。”



  1. The wish father mother is in newly of a year healthy body, the business more do more red fire.

  2. Just as they shared the credit when times were good, they should now share the blame, he said.

  3. But she said her shop, which sells diesel-powered generators, did a strong trade among local factories, most of which make wire fencing.

  4. Budd shook his head doubtfully and walked towards the door to watch the busy shop opposite.

  5. He decided that if he did so, the business would make much higher profits, and the tavern owner would be very pleased.

  6. So our biggest risk is overspending and being overly ambitious when the market is not as hot as you think.

  7. The last two years, the company's business by an ever increasing volume of work is very red fire.

  8. He has his own advertising agency, and is doing very good business, but he is always short of money, and has even tried to borrow from me.

  9. If I were to unload all the water from the Pacific Ocean, and still could not safe the love of fire that I have for you.


  1. 今日生意红火。

    Business is brisk today.

  2. 生意越来越红火。

    The business becomes more and more flourishing.

  3. 目前生意很红火。

    Business is good just now.

  4. 餐饮红火,客房爆满。

    Food is booming, the rooms were full.

  5. 晚会开得很红火。

    The evening party was a great success.

  6. 石榴花越开越红火。

    The pomegranate flowers were more and more flourishing.

  7. 被红火蚁螫刺的症状

    Symptoms of Red fire ant sting

  8. 他们的日子越过越红火。

    Their days are becoming better and better.

  9. 非常红火的新的体育中心

    A flourishing new sports center

  10. 尽量避免跟红火蚁接触。

    Avoid contact with the fire ants.

  11. 电子市场里交易很红火。

    Trade in the electronics market is flourishing.

  12. 那些摊贩的生意很红火。

    The stalls and booths were doing a brisk trade.

  13. 村中红火蚁蚁巢散存。

    The nest of RIFA scattered in the village.

  14. 这家报纸办得正红火。

    The paper seems to be thriving.

  15. 红火蚁的人工饲养方法

    Artificial raising method of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta

  16. 红火蚁防治药剂试验研究

    Controlling effects of medicament on Solenopsis invicta

  17. 红火蚁诱杀药剂筛选试验

    Efficacy of several pesticides to Red imported fire ant

  18. 商贩们的纪念品生意很红火。

    Vendors were doing a brisk trade in souvenirs.

  19. 红火蚁的危害及其防治

    Introduction of Harm of Red Imported Fire Ant to People and Its Control Measures

  20. 深圳会展业为什么这样红火

    Hot Fairs in Shenzhen

  21. 生意红火,还雇了个帮工。

    Business was good enough to hire a helper.

  22. 好得很!生意很红火。你呢?

    Great! Business is booming. How is your business going?

  23. 我国如何应对红火蚁入侵

    What Is the Best Strategy to Against the Invasion of Red Imported Fire Ant in China

  24. 我想你的生意一定很红火。

    I believe you enjoyed a splendid business.

  25. 他决心把这门生意做红火。

    He was determined to make a success of the business.

  26. 她的生意真的迅速红火了起来。

    Her business has really taken off.

  27. 严防危险性害虫红火蚁入侵

    An introduction and strict precautions against red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, for its potential invasion to the mainland of China

  28. 但生意都十分红火,就餐需要预定。

    But business extremely is all prosperous, goes to eat needs to prearrange.

  29. 如今要把生意搞红火不大容易。

    Being successful in business these days takes some doing.

  30. 红火蚁对电力设施的危害及其防治

    Harm of red imported fire ants to power facilities and their control


  1. 问:红火拼音怎么拼?红火的读音是什么?红火翻译成英文是什么?

    答:红火的读音是hónghuo,红火翻译成英文是 flourishing

  2. 问:红火焰拼音怎么拼?红火焰的读音是什么?红火焰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:红火焰的读音是hóng huǒ yàn,红火焰翻译成英文是 red feather

  3. 问:红火蚁拼音怎么拼?红火蚁的读音是什么?红火蚁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:红火蚁的读音是,红火蚁翻译成英文是 Red imported fire ant