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物件:物~。产~。赠~。战利~。等级,种类:~名。~类。~色。~位。性质:~质。~行(xíng )。~节(指人的品行节操)。人~。体察出好坏、优劣等:~评。~第(品评优劣而定其等级)。~味(品尝)。指吹弄乐器:~箫。姓。……
汉语拼音:jiǔ pǐn
No man may purchase alcohol without written consent from his wife in Pennsylvania.
在美国宾夕法尼亚州,没有妻子的书面同意,禁止丈夫购买酒品。Every country has a contextual alcoholic drink. In France it's Pernod. It tastes great within the borders of that country.
每个国家都有与其背景关联的酒品。在法国就是潘诺酒。在这个国家境内品尝的话,美味无比。Kwong, as he presides over displays of the yellow-tinged liquor at the Angkor Rice Wine Workshop, a distillery and souvenir shop he owns.
邝先生说,他在“吴哥窟米酒场坊”主持展示这种淡黄酒品,这家米酒礼品店是他开的。Disadvantages: wine of the types, the only commonly brand, price distribution of varieties and business super almost.
劣势:酒品种类不全,一般只经销部分品牌品种,价格和商超差不多。Have joy, drink the wine surplus zun, Italy China with you experience legend world top wine to taste! !
有酒盈樽,畅饮欢乐,意华传奇与你体验世界顶级酒品!A second set of rules enforcing compulsory ID checks and making sure smaller alcoholic measures are on sale come into effect in October.
另外一批新法规将于今年十月起开始实施,包括身份检查以及酒吧必须保证小包装酒品有售等。An elderly woman surnamed Liu bought a set for her deceased husband.
一位姓刘的老妇人为已故的丈夫买了一套酒品。You might even want to decant a full-bodied white if you feel it's tasting a bit funky or not showing at its best.
你甚至想醒一些大酒体的白葡萄酒,如果这些酒品起来有些霉味或者是没有表现出最佳状态。With its 4, 000 acres of vineyards, Long Island Wine Country is gaining more attention for its wines and its intimate atmosphere.